Friday, October 28, 2005

Ho Hum...

So I'm totally falling behind on posting. J totally predicted this, that the novelty would wear off and this would become ignored. It's not that I don't like posting. I enjoy it, it stretches my writing skills, it keeps people in the loop with what is going on with our life, *sigh*, life is just getting too busy.

So to update. Our house is now complete for the winter! We had the electrician in to finish off all the work in the attic and on the box in the basement. All outlets are now working, all heaters are working and the ceiling fans in all the bedrooms are working. The cool thing is he fixed something we didn't even mention to him! We have a small problem where our fuse box is only 125 when it should be 225…I think the term is Amp or Watts or something. (I is S-M-R-T!!!) When we would run the dishwasher at the same time that the downstairs entertainment unit was on, AND the basement dehumidifier was on it would blow the fuse. After the electrician left it all works fine! LOVE IT! Anyway, we also had the heating guys in to clean and inspect the two gas fireplaces. Everything was fine with them except for the fact that they are about 20 years old. The downstairs one had some fried wiring, but that was easily replaced. J got the last major coat on the kitchen last weekend! It’s now very pretty…except when we took off all the tape it hurt some of the edges. Oh well. He’ll go around with a wee brush and do some touch ups. I think J is going to go around tonight and touch up the ceiling where we did some “opps” when we were painting.

And what are You doing, K, is what I’m sure you are thinking. I’m going to be catching up on the laundry that piled up last week. Want to know why the laundry piled up? The dryer broke last Monday and didn’t get fixed until two days ago. I had to do a couple loads through the dryers at the Laundromat last Saturday. I was up and out of the house by 7:30am and back home with everything dry by 8:30. The boy came in and woke up J with a tap on his forehead. J rolled over and said, “Where’s Mommy?”. The boy didn’t know but then J remembered where I had to go that morning. I came home and cleaned the house, then pretty much put myself to bed. I have had a bit of a sinus cold all week. The boy got it first and then passed it on to me.

I’m hoping to cut my lawn this weekend for the last time. It ran out of gas…surprisingly while we were in NB??? Dad told me that the tank should last me the rest of the summer yet it was empty when we got back home. Oh well, J bought me a little gas can for filling up the mower. I also have the spray the crap out of my yard. It is 90% weeds. I would get on my knees and rip them all out but then I would be left with soil.

The only bright spot right now is my Mom is coming up this weekend to visit! The boy has been asking all week about Nana. J already has the roast in the crock pot, we’re eatin’ good tonight!

Blog ya later!


Friday, October 21, 2005

The hand is much better...

So I got the anticipated "GRR" from my loving hubby. But since he hadn't read it until it had already been up for two days he figured I might as well leave it up. :)

Anyway, the vacation, LOVED IT! The boy was great in the car. He entertained himself, played with the provided toys, napped and was generally in a happy mood right until we were actually in Fredericton. It knocked us on our ass, so we took him to Walmart and spoiled him a little with some toys to thank him. M & K & E are great! We stayed at their place with them. The baby is the cutest thing I have ever seen and is the crying-only-when-hungry type. Big blue eyes and looks just like her daddy with bits of her mommy thrown in. M & K has been building a new house about three lots down from their current one which is next door to K’s parents. GORGEOUS!!! I’m so totally jealous of them getting a new house, of all the loving details that M and his dad have been putting into it. The closets are works of art! Anyway, they should be all moved in and happy with in the next month.

We got to see all of J’s family a couple times each. There was a huge family Thanksgiving dinner on the Monday afternoon. Everyone loved the boy and I can see that J was having a great time interacting with his peeps. I even relaxed enough with the boy to drop him off with my mother-in-law for the day to give him some time with his “Nana” and give me a day off.

The first night we were in Fredericton we got to go hang out with ANGERAH and her ‘rents. They are the best kind of people. I mean, even when my kid’s diaper leaked on their floor and was found by Angerah’s dad in his sock feet, they totally didn’t point and laugh! :D I was totally embarrassed, but I guess it’s like when you bring your new puppy over and he piddles on the floor. Anyway, the boy was great otherwise. He ate a big dinner and was generally cute. Mrs. Angerah made this awesome dessert made from phyllo pastry, pumpkin, and cream cheese…*DROOL* I so totally love them bunches! They took me in for a week of vacation back in April before I started the blog. I had an awesome time and felt like a real part of the family. Can’t wait to see them all again when we go back in the summer.

Anyway, not to say that K is not the best baker I know! When we pulled in the driveway she had this awesome stuff that was crackers covered in butter, chocolate, and nuts. SO addictive! Also there was the two different kinds of cheesecake and random cooking she did while we were with them. Needless to say I gained two pounds over my vacation.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t much of a vacation for J. He had to work the entire time. It was the only way we were going to swing leaving town after buying the house. We went out most evenings to see friends of his from days gone by. R & B were great, old friends of J’s from Art College. We went and saw their new house and the boy was introduced to air hockey. He has major talent with it! He scored on J once!

Anyway, to wrap it up, vacation equals good. I have been running on the treadmill every night since we got home. I've lost the two pounds I gained plus two more besides. One more to go and I’m back to where I started and will start making progress on losing the last 15.

Good night to my Public! :D


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Keep your shirt on Teddy...

I'm typing through the extreme pain I'm feeling only 'cause I love you teddy! I horribly injured my hand doing...hmm...let's just say that only my husband knows how. Anyway, typing hurts, holding it hurts, breathing hurts it. I don't get that's sort of like my pulse is going through my hand and causing pain. Anyway, I don't want this post to start sounding like "Given Eyes to See" from a link in Wyrd's blog so I'll leave it at that. I'm hoping to do the massive post this weekend when the owie is gone.

Bye for now,


ps - I give it exactly one hour from posting before J forces me to take this post down so read this while you can! :D

Saturday, October 15, 2005


We got back home at 6pm. So tired of the car it isn't even funny. The boy was AWESOME both ways and got presents in Fredericton for doing so well in the car. Anyway, will do a massive tell all about the wonderful vacation we had.

Buh Bye


Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Tick Tock...

Going on vacation in three days! Can’t wait! We are going to New Brunswick to see J’s family and the many friends we have there. I know we’re going to be doing the Farmer’s Market with ANGERAH tm!!! Can’t wait to see her!

Work is going okay this week. It still has it’s stressful times now that we are two instead of four, but I think we are starting to get the hang of it. The office finally has been cleaned up with the extra desks and offices taken down and away.

The boy is wonderful! He is finally figuring out this whole talking thing! I’ve heard him say “Puh pul how” for Purple House, “Take” for cake, and “Fwy” for Fly. It’s soo much fun!!!

Anyway, will blog when I’m down there more then likely.

Buh Bye!
