Another fantastic weekend! I drove down to the market and picked up Mel. We got back to Almonte and ordered Chinese food for the first time in about a year. YUMMY!!!! The last time Mel was up we bought the chiminea the day she left. We promised we would have a fire for her the next time she came, so in winter coats, mitts, hats, and blankets we had a wonderful blaze. We bought the fire logs from the grocery store and I have to say they were so much more convenient! I mean we lit the ends and sucker was an inferno for the two and a half hours we could take the cold outside! I didn’t have to poke the fire once! On the other hand the other way is with the free firewood that you can pick up from the truss company outside of town. The fire logs were $3.99 a piece…anyway, it was a fantastic night!

After I drove Mel home on Saturday I popped by KCh’s place on the way home. His dog, Charlie, was “fixed” last Friday and he has been having a hard time keeping her quiet. I took him out to the grocery store to get him some fresh air, he is on call this week too, and then dropped him off and drove home. Saturday night was just hanging out in front of the TV and relaxing. Sunday we were up early and got the Christmas lights finished. I started them on Thursday night to try to beat the weather coming on Saturday. An hour and a half on the roof in the wind we have been having was...interesting? We had to go back to the store to get a different kind of clip to finish and by the time I got back it was too dark to get on top of the ladder. J had to get on the climb up the ladder to install the extra clips to finish the line I wanted. IT LOOKS GREAT!!!! We won't be turning them on until after The Boy's birthday on the 28th of November.

I’ve re-organized the closet full of winter gear, replaced the shower-head in the upstairs bathroom, did five loads of laundry, took all the hard-ware (face plates to the light switches and electrical outlets) off of the hallway to the bedroom and washed all the walls up there. This is all in prep for painting. Next I went down to the bar and stripped it as well. I also popped all the trim off, got the pliers and ripped all the broken nails out of the walls, washed the walls here too, and then got out the putty and filled all the holes. After I help J clear up from an AWESOME dinner of roasted pork shoulder (with carrots, mashed potato’s, vegetarian gravy, and broccoli. See my link to The Food Geek for the future post.), he is going to be priming the bar while I fold laundry. PHEW!!!! I’m glad I was totally lazy yesterday ‘cause I have worked my butt off today!
Blog ya later!