Tuesday, July 24, 2007



Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sunday...and Sunny!?!

It is so weird to be sitting here seeing a bright happy day out my window. It has been half raining here for what seems like a week. It even got COLD last night! Not that I'm complaining, I love it when it's chilly outside. Good sleeping weather.

This weekend has been great. J and I finished "Kingdom of Heaven" on Friday night and then played Vanguard until 1:30am. Next day was Ratatouille with The Boy, J and KCh. The adults all loved the movie, but from the level of noise in the theatre the movie didn't hold the kids all that well. During actiony stuff it got quiet but there was enough of the plot that was straight talking that went over their heads so they were bored. There were about 4 families that left early. The Boy wanted to leave within the first half hour, but we made him stay as he has to learn that once you pay the money, you wait for the lights to come back on before you leave again.

KCh took off to the pet store for more Charlie food, we were off to Subway for lunch and then to Food Basics. J had a great time. The place is uber cheap, lots of ethnic stuff you wouldn't see in Loblaws, but I HATE IT! I had a mild to medium panic attack towards the end of the stay. Too many people, aisles too full of crap that hadn't been put away on the shelves, could keep track of J 'cause he was having the time of his life wandering around finding stuff...anyway, I finally said we were done, didn't care if J was or not, parked the cart in the line up to the cash and got the hell out. J popped The Boy out of the cart so we both waited in the car for him to get out of that place. I'm not going back. Not gonna happen. By the time we got home from all of this it was closing in on 4pm. Various gaming with the "F this game" crew, then bed...around midnight! :)

Today will begin with LAUNDRY! Oh thy most hated chore! Weeding the "garden" is also up there. I was going to do a veggie garden this year...time got away from me and it never happened. Now I have a lovely crop of weeds that have to be ripped out before they can seed.

Happy weekend!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Why won't blogger let me edit the title of the post!?!

Hey, I’m blogging again! YAY!!!

Nothing to report other then I’m so G-D tired I wanna cry. I love gaming with all my friends, why am I always the one who gets tired first??? Wah…L

This week is blessedly open. The only thing on the radar is Ryan’s swimming lessons on Wednesday night. He loves them so much! He is doing really well and loves being in the water. I just wish that when it wasn’t his turn he would hold still and stop wiggling around the way he does. He is right on the edge of the pool and I’m terrified that he will fall in and not grab the edge of the pool. If he grabs the edge of the pool he can pull himself out again but….sigh. Stupid worrying.

We are heading into another heat wave until Wednesday. I’m betting we will all be back downstairs sleeping in the guest room that night. Next year we are going to be buying an A/C unit for the bedroom….or maybe the year after that….It’s not bad during the summer except when we go through two or three days of 28 degrees that feels like 45 with the humidity.

Hmmm…what else to write…don’t know of anything that anyone would care about…Well, most of this blog is stuff that only I care about. So I guess I could write about how much I hate spiders in the corners of the house and there would be nothing you could do about it! HA! :)

Saturday, July 07, 2007


I'm sure everyone has heard the term, "foot in mouth". I seem to live my life through this. Apparently I was gifted with a lack of filter between my brain and my mouth.

I would love to know how to fix this.

I would love to take back a lot of things that I say in the spur of the moment.

I would love to not feel like this anymore.

Don't ask, won't tell, just needed to vent...and apologize....

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Day off....*happy sigh*

Wow, does this feel great! Slept in til 8am, have been up and playing on the computer for most of the morning, playing with a pile of new MP3's, dancing with The Boy, and generally relaxing.

This week is packed. The Boy's swimming lessons start again this Wednesday, Thursday night is dinner at my cousin's place with Gramma J, Friday is renting Epic Movie with KCh, Saturday is picking Melly up in the market and bringing her back here for Melly-in-the-country night. Sunday is free...so far.

My birthday is coming up. sigh. I'm going to be 29 and not happy. One more year in my 20's. On the mythic day I'm going to pull the blinds, shut the doors, and lock myself in my hobby room with a bottle...of water 'cause drinkin' isn't fun anymore now that I get hang-overs. :(

Hmmmm....that last paragraph was pretty depressing. Let's try for some happy!

I'm happy that The Boy is in his program for the summer, for the help with his speech, and for it breaking up the two months of being home with J. For J's sake as well as Ryan's frame of mind.

I'm happy that I have a happy, healthy, little boy that is currently pretending to be a frog and hopping behind me in my hobby room shouting at the top of his lungs, "RIBBIT!!!".

I'm happy that I have friend's who care about me and a husband who loves me...most of the time! :)

I'm happy that it's only 21 degrees out with little humidity. So comfy in the house right now.

I'm happy that I'm going to be going to Costco with KCh later today because a) Car ride, b) chillin' with KCh, c) gonna get a HUGE flat of bottled water as our house is dry.

That's all for now, what are you happy about?

Monday, July 02, 2007

New Template

I think I have done this one before...can't remember.

Let me know what you think.


Fantastic Weekend!

So tired, yet happy! The past weekend was a blast that was packed full. The Connor Brothers made the trip from Lowell, Massachusetts. The abbreviated version is:

-playing with Ryan
-more gaming
-trip to the Market and Capital Hill
-Ryan going to a Little Ray's Reptiles birthday party
-trips to the grocery store
-walks around town to get the mail and do the river walk
-more gaming
-forcing Alphabet BINGO on the guys :)
-lots of pictures
-wet towel fights
-did I mention gaming?
-walkie talkie hide n' seek
-curry night Jason style
-fire in the chiminea on the deck
-early mornings no matter how late we stayed up the night before
-discovering Bri watches Grey's too! YAY!
-fireworks on Canada Day
-YouTube fun
-drinking, learning baseball quarters, War, and Trouble
-hang over of doom and determining that I'm now too old to drink since I can't hold my liquor
-one last game of AOM
-The boys packing up and heading home.I'm so glad I booked tomorrow off. I'm going to recover. :) Hope you guys had as good a time as we did.

Ciao for now