Monday, July 12, 2010

Hey I'm Blogging!

Why am I blogging? Good question. This has been a "dead blog" for a couple years now. I'm now doing a post because my company is trying to regulate my blog usage with a "social media/blogging" document that the entire company has to read and understand. (This response is so me. If you tell me not to do it I'm going to do it!)

Most of it is pretty simple and a lot of common sense that most computer savey people would know. But one of the points really got me thinking. The quote is "avoid using unprofessional online personas.". Why is that my company's business? If I don't refer to them in any way at all, who cares if I have an email address that is ""??? I don't by the way, but if I did, that would be up to me right? It's my reputation and my online persona so wtf!?!


Monday, February 15, 2010


Wow, you know you haven't posted in a while when you have half forgotten how to log into your blog. Hmmmm. I wouldn't call this blog dead. I use it all the time for the links I keep on the right hand side. I like to go back and re-read posts done during the buying of my house. I keep meaning to post stuff. Never do. Hmmmm....mayhap I will come up with a "Life Update" post. Lots of stuff changed in the last year.
