Sunday, December 04, 2005

We're Schick! :(

So this past week has been hell. Monkey was diagnosed with Bronchitus on Tuesday and was home ever since. I had to take two days off because J was sick with his "cold" so badly he wasn't up to taking care of the boy. He had him for 1 and a half days after that before I had to come home Friday afternoon to take care of them again. I tried to get the giant butthead to the Dr. on Thursday night but the place was packed. I didn't want to spend upwards of two hours sitting so we went home. I finally kicked him out of bed and into the car on Saturday morning. Shock of shocks...he has bronchitus too. And here is the best part. I'm starting to get sick now too. ARG! My ears are all under pressure and the nose is running with a tickly throat. *SIGH*

The only good news it that The Boy has been on his antibiotics since Tuesday so he is more the on the mend. He will be at daycare on Monday so I won't have to come home to take care of everyone again. Whether or not I'm going to have to come home because I'm sick is going to be another story.

We all went to see the CPR Holiday Train last night! Pretty fun for The Boy. BIG CHOO CHOO!!!! The Moffats' sucked balls, and Wayne Rondstadt sang "Christmas in the Valley". All in all not the brightest thing to do to J, considering he had just been taking his perscription since that morning....Oh well! :) At least we all went out as a family and did one of the Christmas things that was on this weekend.

I had a massage booked yesterday that rocked my world! FULL BODY RUB DOWN!!! Felt OH SO GOOD! :)

Anyway, must go. The boy is screaming to use the computer to play Elmo.

Ciao for now!


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