Saturday, February 04, 2006

Great weekend so far

Great weekend so far. Friday night was hanging out at home with the boy while J went out to Grisa’s place to watch a basketball game. I ended up getting in my pj’s early and was in bed almost as soon as the kid was asleep. J woke me up a little when he got to bed late, then the boy had to go pee-pee at 3:30 in the morning. He won’t just go down stairs, do his business, and then go back to bed. He wants the acknowledgement that we know he went so he will call and call until someone answers and says he is a good boy. Only thing is we want to SLEEP!!! Arg. Oh well. We were up pretty early with him and got the laundry started, the floors mopped and vacuumed, and the kitchen cleaned up. After that, we all went out to lunch together at Wendy’s and then off to the Agricultural Museum for a family day out. The boy behaved SO well! He was great at lunch, and he was even better checking out the cows and sheep! He would walk up to each animal in the pen and say, “HI COW! HI SHEEP! HI BULL!”. Too cute showing him this kind of stuff for the first time! I can’t wait to take him to the Metro Toronto Zoo!

After we got back from that I still had the itch to travel. I hopped in the car and went to the dealership to check out the Hyundai Sonata for J. He has been trying to talk this car on our list of possible replacement for the Neon for a long time now. Okay, he wins! GREAT looking car! It’s gonna be interesting to see which one we end up with by June. From there it was to St. L. mall for some track extensions for the boy’s Thomas the Tank engine collection, Bayshore for a book for me, pants for J, and some more spice jars for J.

Tomorrow the plan is for me to work some overtime, then over to L&James’s place for me and James coming to our place. We are calling it SPOUSE SWAP 2006! L and I are going to watch Wedding Crashers and the boys are going to nerd out on the computers.

Ciao for now!

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