Sunday, April 30, 2006

Blog Hijack

Hi, it's the husband. I've h4x0r3d the wife's site to show that like most self-respecting people, I don't listen to her dance music. /shudder

Create your own Music List @ HotFreeLayouts!

YAAAAWN!!!!! *Head cracking in half like the "Reach" cartoon guy...*

Holy CRAP am I tired. The Boy has caught a cold on top of still having two weeks left in the cast. He is being dosed with cold medication as well as having Vic’s vaporub on his chest. He is back to being up 5-6 times a night due to not being able to breathe. Otherwise he is happy. We have taken him for a walk in the wheel chair every night for the past 4 days. I am in the middle of YARD WARS with the dandelion population in the back yard, so he has been coming out on a blanket next to me. He “helps” me by wanting to use the weeder tool and points out the next weed to get. By the time I just dumped the last bucket o’ pulled weeds I have a 90% full full-sized garbage can. The depressing thing is that I have only gotten started. The friggin’ yard is overrun with weeds. I will be fighting them all summer just to make sure next year is not a total loss. I have had many people recommend that I just re-till the whole yard and start from scratch, but even if there are weeds The Boy can play back there. If it is all dirt he cannot play there. Once again laundry has suffered in favour of my playing in the yard. To my husband and his grumpy face about having wrinkly shirts, to him I say, “TOUGH BEANS!!!”. To any of you who have the link to my sweetie’s food blog, go check it out. He just did a posting about stuffed peppers that he did on the BBQ! VERY YUMMY!!!!

We just had the bomb drop about taxes again. FSKING TAXES!!! Every year because J is a contract worker we feel like we are punished for making money! J made more money then we thought this past year so we ended up owing another thousand. A nice little present! :(

Oh well. Let’s focus on the positives that are happening. The boy is out of prison in two weeks (from Tuesday), we have an air conditioner, we have a house, we are all healthy (I’m talking about cancer and nasty stuff like that. Cold’s don’t count.), and most of all no matter how many crappy things get thrown at us I will always have my Sweetie! :)

Here is a pic from our recent trip to Fulton’s Sugarbush with my team.

Saturday, April 29, 2006


The boy glommed onto this stuffed montrosity when he was 8 months old. If you could only see the rotting, patched, sewn-up Frankenstein he is today! :)

Found this on Raevyn's site! Found it totally fun!

adopt your own virtual pet!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

I GOT A NAP!!!! :D

Awesome weekend with the folks. Once again they were wonderful and helped J and I out a lot with caring for the Boy. Who, by the way, is still getting up in the night, but not as much as he used to. It’s also for different reasons, too. He used to wake up screaming in pain 5 times a night. Last night kinda went like this:

11:30pm Wah! WAH! = Mommy, I have to toot. Please flip me and twist me until the gas has worked itself out. *FFFRRT*

12:30pm WAH! WAH! WAH! = Mommy, I have to go pee. I’m not going to tell you that though until the front of you feels very warm and you put me down. Then I will water the mattress and pillows until you jam the urinal jug in front of my wang to catch several more gallons of liquid. I will then fall asleep on your shoulder as Daddy changes the bedding and gets new pillows.

4:30am – waaaaaaaAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! = Mommy, I am cold, please add to the sheets on top of me. I then will drift back to sleep with no other issue.

7:30am – “Mommy? MOMMY? MOMMY? MOMMYMOMMYMOMMYMOMMY! = I am ready to get up now. Get your lazy butt out of bed and take me to my computer and TV. Don’t forget the chocolate milk for breakfast. By the way, “I like you Mommy!”

I am hoping for maybe one less waking tonight as I’m starting back to normal hours at work. Eight to four baby! I am going to feel like a massive rotting pile of compost!

The wonderful part of the weekend was Mom and Dad did something hugely nice for J and I. They bought us an air conditioner. Or loaned us…basically they put it on their Sears card until we feel we can pay them back. Since we know J’s job is going to be maybe disappearing in the next 6 months we have really tightened our belts. The plans to replace the two windows, to put in A/C units, were canned due to cost ($2300 for them both). The windows we have currently will not fit standard A/C units, as they are almost 30 years old. The one that Mom and Dad got us is a “portable” unit that is not mounted in the window. It sits in the office like a large dehumidifier with tubes going out the window. Dad put a large piece of plywood in the space and cut a hole so it is all nice and tight. It should cool most of the house, but even if it doesn’t get up to the bedrooms at least J will be able to work the summer in the front office of fiery-heat.

HUGE thanks goes out to my parents!

Anyway, it’s about 10pm. Must go try to get some sleep before the first call from the slave-driver happens.


Friday, April 21, 2006


YAY!!! It finally happened! The Boy slept through the night for the first time in almost 3 weeks!!! WOOHOOOOOOO!!!! He fell asleep about 10pm and didn’t make a peep until I had to wake him up at 6:45 to get ready to leave the house! He is actually really mobile now too. On his good leg and hands he crawls around his floor, looks at his books, throws around the little Easter rubber ball he got in his Easter basket, and generally burns some energy. He is even trying to fight with us again by crawling on top of us. Only thing is it REALLY hurts, the fibre-glass is really rough and we have to keep the sharp edges covered in tape to protect us and The Boy. He is also regressing with his potty training. Pee-pee is fine but he keeps pooping in his wheel-chair. We keep a towel under him all the time to keep it as sanitary as possible but JEEZ! He knows where to go, he knows we will take him on command, he just doesn’t want to. ARG!!!

I can’t wait for this weekend. We are going to a team building activity at Fulton’s Sugar Bush tomorrow with my work and taking The Boy. Mom and Dad are also coming up for the weekend to give us a break as well. Should be awesome!

Blog ya later.

Monday, April 17, 2006


Just a quick note about the awesome stuff my Dad and I got done around the house while J cooked and Mom kept The Boy entertained.  Dad and I got started with me pruning back the garden of winter-die-off stuff and trimming the permanent bushes.  Dad raked the lawn and ripped out the four cedar trees that I hated.  In the place of the trees we dug a little veggie’s garden that I’ll plant some time this week before Mom and Dad get back this Friday.  We did a run to the dump with the last of the junk in the shed that the previous owners had left, the cedar trees, and the folding deck chairs that we have had for the past three years that have gotten a little too thread-bare.  On the way back from the dump we stopped at Home Hardware and dropped $80 on top soil, grass seed, a new steel rake, sandbox toys for when The Boy is popped out of his prison, silicon and aluminum nails for the siding patch we have to put on the house, and patterned/textured sticker that is for the bathroom window.  The sticker for the window let’s in daylight without letting the neighbors see us in the shower, and only for $5!

While Dad raked the lawn of satch, my dad’s word for the dead grass left after winter, I got on my hand’s and knee’s for the next hour and a half and ripped dandelions with my brand new weeder tool.  OH MY GOD did my back hurt when I was done!  The whole thing just made me more mad at the previous owners!  The friggin’ weeds had roots the length and thickness of large carrots!  They had been there for YEARS!!!  On the other hand if they had maintained the place I don’t think we would have gotten it for the price we did…

Anyway, we also filled in the wholes in the lawn around the yard with the top soil, seeded the bare patches, ripped the grass out of the bottom of my fence, and picked rocks out of my garden.  I had to take a nap at some point, The Boy had been up every hour the night before, so Dad did the patch on the siding on the side of the house while I zonked.

Mom was AWESOME! She cleaned my house and finished my laundry while I was doing the yard work with Dad!!!  It’s so nice to come in from working hard to find the4 bathrooms sparkling!

Must go.  J is going to be starting work soon.  He needs the computer.

Ciao for now.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Ultimate Blerg...

Hmmm…it’s been so long since I blogged I don’t know where to begin.  Firstly, major family emergency hit us.  My three year old son broke his right femur playing with another three year old.  This is pretty much why I haven’t had the energy/time to even think about posting.  Mom and Dad were up over the weekend so I’m actually feeling semi-human.  The weekend this happened, two weeks ago, kinda went like this:

  • Saturday: My mom goes into emergency surgery for kidney stones

  • Sunday:  The Boy get’s a spiral break in his femur

  • Monday:  J comes home from CHEO at 10pm, leaving me there with the Boy who is drugged out on Morphine, to find an email in his work account saying that the two year extension he just signed for work has been cancelled and that it now is only for the next three months.

I don’t know what to say.  I’m wrung out on so many levels it is sickening.  The poor bugger is in a body cast from his nipples to his toes on the broken leg and will be in it for he next four weeks (Has been in it for two already.), I’m stressed about us being in debt and a new home owner with job instability looming, and with the poor bugger being in the body cast hasn’t slept the night through in two weeks.  I miss sleep on sooooo many levels.  

Anyway, if you don’t hear from me for a little while yet you now know the details.  Will post when I can.

Ciao for now.