Sunday, April 16, 2006

Ultimate Blerg...

Hmmm…it’s been so long since I blogged I don’t know where to begin.  Firstly, major family emergency hit us.  My three year old son broke his right femur playing with another three year old.  This is pretty much why I haven’t had the energy/time to even think about posting.  Mom and Dad were up over the weekend so I’m actually feeling semi-human.  The weekend this happened, two weeks ago, kinda went like this:

  • Saturday: My mom goes into emergency surgery for kidney stones

  • Sunday:  The Boy get’s a spiral break in his femur

  • Monday:  J comes home from CHEO at 10pm, leaving me there with the Boy who is drugged out on Morphine, to find an email in his work account saying that the two year extension he just signed for work has been cancelled and that it now is only for the next three months.

I don’t know what to say.  I’m wrung out on so many levels it is sickening.  The poor bugger is in a body cast from his nipples to his toes on the broken leg and will be in it for he next four weeks (Has been in it for two already.), I’m stressed about us being in debt and a new home owner with job instability looming, and with the poor bugger being in the body cast hasn’t slept the night through in two weeks.  I miss sleep on sooooo many levels.  

Anyway, if you don’t hear from me for a little while yet you now know the details.  Will post when I can.

Ciao for now.

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