Monday, August 28, 2006

He Speaks!

Ever since The Boy started building his vocabulary he has been pretty funny. Here are some examples from this weekend.

Riding in the car, Mom spontaneously burst into…

“On top of spaghe-TTIIIIIII!”

The Boy, “Top…Skeddie!”

“All covered in CHEEEEEEEEESE!!!”

The Boy, “All…CHEEEEEEESE!!!”


The Boy, “……*pause*….WHERE????”

Or how about tonight at my cousin’s for dinner with the family…

The Boy, “Me want juice.”

Cousin, “What’s the magic words?”

The Boy, “Me want JUICE!?!”

I just about coughed up a lung I was laughing so hard from these ones!

Sunday, August 27, 2006


Does anyone else remember this stuff??? I saw the info-mercial and just about fell out of my chair!!! Check this out!

Posting going slowly...again. I don't know what it is. It seems like I don't post for three days and then there is so much that has happened that I don't want to catch up. I'll bullet some major or minor events in the past couple weeks.

- Had my first yard sale with Marshy this weekend. I made 45 bucks and was quite happy to get rid of a ton of crap out of my basement.

- Have been doing some overtime so am quite tired...did four today, hopefully won't be doing any this week 'cause we are leaving for my folks place for the long weekend come Friday.

- The Boy is sick. The cold started on Wednesday night with running nose and congestion. Graduated to bubbly chest and nasty cough on Saturday morning. No fever so we know it's a virus, but this kiboshes us going to dinner with my family tomorrow night. My 83-year-old Gramma is going to be there and I don't want to become known in the family as the bringer of DEATH!

- My garden is still producing! We have the last of the yellow beans coming off the vines and the green beans are just starting.

- The Max is going into the "Shop" tomorrow. There is a rattle under the car every time we go over a bump and it won't catch 90% of the time on the first turn of the key. Today's record was 7 attempts before the son-of-a-gun caught. Good thing we bought a three year waranty on this sucker.

- Grey's Anatomy starts in less then a month! YAY!!!

- The Boy starts school in two weeks...*faint*.

- J and I, instead of laying back and watching a movie last night, reorganized the kitchen cabinets...And we both agreed we had more fun then if we had relaxed. Someone help us...we have lost any sign of "The Spark"!!! :D

- My Mom and Dad were up a week ago. They made us go out for dinner while they babysat! LOVE THEM! We went to the Vietnam Palace on Sumerset. WONDERFUL MEAL! GREAT SERVICE! And while we were gone my Dad did two separate fixes on our toilet, replaced out kitchen faucett, and sprayed out my bee's nest in my shed. Mom hemmed my jeans, washed my kitchen and office floor and kept the monster out of trouble. I LOVE MY FAMILY!!!

Here are random pics that have been taken in the last couple weeks to round out this post:


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Happy, Happy...!

Pretty awesome anniversary overall considering I didn’t really want to celebrate it…and I did two hours overtime tonight!

I get home at 7pm and my sweetie has a stir-fry almost done, flowers and an awesome card! Had dinner and even got a candle-lit dance on the deck to our wedding dance song. I love my HONEY!!!! Three years and counting…

Saturday, August 12, 2006


I hardly ever do these, THANKS ALOT ANGERAH!!! :(

5 things in my refrigerator:
1. Leftover Shrimp Vindaloo
2. Leftover roaster potato's, onions, and squash
3. 5 different kinds of mustard
4. PC Horseradish Mayo - MY FAV!!!
5. Left over roasted Swiss Chard

5 things in my closet: - Hmmm will use basement storage closet...
1. Deep freeze
2. Christmas decorations
3. Boxed up pottery pieces
4. Baby toys to go in the garage sale that I will eventually have
5. Three different Keyboards of J's

5 things in my purse:
1. Wallet
2. Weight Watcher's Dining Out Guide
3. Swiss Army Knife
4. Loonie/Two-nie Holder
5. Lip Gloss

5 things in my car:
1. Gas
2. Maps of Ontario, Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, and New Brunswick
3. Cell Phone Charger
4. Burned CD's including: Audioslave, Alterbridge, Three Days Grace (the new one), Sean Paul, Three Day's Grace (the old one), and Pink

5. Sun Glasses

5 things on my desk: - Work Desk
1. Family Pictures
2. Computer
3. USB Cable for my Zire22
4. Dirty Plate

Saturday, August 05, 2006

YAY Weekend!!!

Great weekend so far! Last night was hanging out with the family, a group trip to Price Chopper for mega dealz on the groceries. Picked up a bunch of snacks for The Boy’s lunch bag. I even got a load of laundry through. The weirdest thing happened though. My left foot hurt like a son-of-a-gun for the entire afternoon and into the evening! I resorted to J’s advice of soaking the whole thing in a bucket of ice water. This did a good job of making my foot really, really, REALLY COLD…but not much else. I went to bed with the pain. I even woke up to MAJOR pain and was limping horribly for the first half hour or so. Then it went away!?! I don’t get it. It’s only the tiniest bit sore, nothing else. Weird.

We, all three of us, slept in the basement guest room last night. It has been stinkin’ hot all week. Even though last night was very nice we stayed down there ‘cause J and I have been getting ULTIMATE SLEEP down there! It’s like the capsule of sleep! I don’t wake up in the middle of the night and turn over, J, the King of Poor Sleep, has been getting solid nights of sleep since we moved down there. I think it’s the bomb-shelter-like-quality that has been helping. That, and the fact that it’s really nice and cool down there. Anyway, I’m feeling great today.

I got to use my new clothes line for the first time since we got it straightened by my Dad. It’s so much nicer then the old one! Even though the lines go around the four spokes in layers instead of going back and forth in straight lines, I found it to be really nice to stand in one place and just twist the whole thing around and around instead of having to walk back and forth. I know, this shouts of lazy. I know, let me tell you…I’M LAZY!!!! :) I had to take a picture, it's such a beautiful day out! Major blue sky, my grass still looks nice even though I cut it last on Thursday night, even though I hate my back fence with a passion. Oh well, project for next year.

J and I finally watched the last two episodes of BSG before the season finale. We are now waiting for KCh. to come over on Monday to finish it off. CAN’T WAIT!!! I have no real TV addictions right now. J downloaded me the first and second season’s of House so I’m just waiting for the new stuff to come on in the fall. I’m getting him to download me the entire series of Roswell, ‘cause (I admit it) I watched the first two seasons and then lost track of it. I find it funny that Brendan Fehr ended up on CSI:Miami!

Must go, am teaching the Boy how to write his name!

Blog ya later!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Blarg on me...

Yes, I have been extremely tardy in updating. Will do it in point form to catch you all up.

- Digital camera broke. ME SAD! Pretty much started the tailspin of not wanting to update.

- Went on Antibiotics on the Friday before the last post. It did nothing. I got steadily sicker for the rest of that week until I ended up in Emerg on the Monday night at 10:30pm. This is the Monday of my one week of vacation. Turns out the walk-in clinic gave me such a low dose for my meds that I might as well have been taking Tic Tacs to get me better. At this point I’m diagnosed with Sinusitis and Bronchitis and am put on heavy duty meds and a puffer. Am happy to say that other then a barking cough that flares up when I laugh I’m pretty much better.

- My vacation was AWESOME! I wandered the house, watched some movies, my parents came up in the Tuesday night and stayed until Friday morning…at which point J and I packed the car and brought the boy to Cobourg to stay at my parents house with the air conditioning. Got home Sunday afternoon and was back to work yesterday. While Dad was up he dug the stump out of my garden that I couldn't move, ripped out the tilted ground spike for the clothes-line and replanted it with a bag of cement (and leveled it), put my baseboard back up in the basement (we had a foundation leak scare, turns out we assume it was The Boy spilling alot of water 'cause there was no evidence of leakage that we could find.), took a massive load of stuff to the dump in his truck, changed the hall light and installed at garbage bag holder in the down stairs bathroom. He kept telling me that if he ran out of work he was going home early so I kept finding him stuff to do. I LOVE MY DADDY!!!!

- My birthday was on the Wednesday last week. It was really awesome! I went to the Spa, had a hot-stone pedicure and hot-stone massage, got taco’s for dinner and instead of a birthday cake had birthday Key Lime Pie!!! YAY!!!! No presents…Except that J went out with the Boy and bought us a new digital camera!!!! It was a Centrios that was on sale…turned out the lenses sucked and we took it back to get a Canon Powershot A430. Basically our old camera except half the price and newer. LOVE IT!!!!

- I harvested my first home-grown yellow beans from my garden!!! YAY!!! They were yummers!

-My first message after being away for a week was the *^%(*& Early Years people calling to say there had been a cancellation and did I want The Boy to sign up…for that day!!! The idiots called my work number instead of my home. We were down at my parents house on the Sunday and could have driven up Mom’s car the day before! Instead Mom has to drive it up yesterday afternoon and we buy her a train ticket to get her home that night! ARG!

- The Boy had an awesome first day of pre-school! According to J he went right up to a little boy and introduced himself. Then they went off and played! All was well when he got picked up too. I just had to go to Walmart last night on the run to get indoor shoes, a lunch bag, Tupperware containers that The Boy could open, and some juice boxes.

- Work is kinda hellish right now. No Marshy as she is starting her two weeks of vacation this week. Busy, and yet liking it. Just not liking being rushed to complete important tasks.

- Went to Linda and James place for a swim and dinner tonight. They were nice enough to invite us over to their house with central air during the heat wave. The boy were great and J got some great pictures. Also some wonderful videos…of his feet and the pavement. He made the classic Newbie mistake of pressing the button to turn it on when he thought he was turning it off and missed all of the shots of The Boy learning to swim. HA HA HA!!! YOU’RE NOT PERFECT HONEY!!! YOU MADE A MISTAKE!!! HA!

Anyway, am hoping that once the heat breaks I’ll be more into sitting in front of the computer to do some more posting.

Ciao for Now!