Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Blarg on me...

Yes, I have been extremely tardy in updating. Will do it in point form to catch you all up.

- Digital camera broke. ME SAD! Pretty much started the tailspin of not wanting to update.

- Went on Antibiotics on the Friday before the last post. It did nothing. I got steadily sicker for the rest of that week until I ended up in Emerg on the Monday night at 10:30pm. This is the Monday of my one week of vacation. Turns out the walk-in clinic gave me such a low dose for my meds that I might as well have been taking Tic Tacs to get me better. At this point I’m diagnosed with Sinusitis and Bronchitis and am put on heavy duty meds and a puffer. Am happy to say that other then a barking cough that flares up when I laugh I’m pretty much better.

- My vacation was AWESOME! I wandered the house, watched some movies, my parents came up in the Tuesday night and stayed until Friday morning…at which point J and I packed the car and brought the boy to Cobourg to stay at my parents house with the air conditioning. Got home Sunday afternoon and was back to work yesterday. While Dad was up he dug the stump out of my garden that I couldn't move, ripped out the tilted ground spike for the clothes-line and replanted it with a bag of cement (and leveled it), put my baseboard back up in the basement (we had a foundation leak scare, turns out we assume it was The Boy spilling alot of water 'cause there was no evidence of leakage that we could find.), took a massive load of stuff to the dump in his truck, changed the hall light and installed at garbage bag holder in the down stairs bathroom. He kept telling me that if he ran out of work he was going home early so I kept finding him stuff to do. I LOVE MY DADDY!!!!

- My birthday was on the Wednesday last week. It was really awesome! I went to the Spa, had a hot-stone pedicure and hot-stone massage, got taco’s for dinner and instead of a birthday cake had birthday Key Lime Pie!!! YAY!!!! No presents…Except that J went out with the Boy and bought us a new digital camera!!!! It was a Centrios that was on sale…turned out the lenses sucked and we took it back to get a Canon Powershot A430. Basically our old camera except half the price and newer. LOVE IT!!!!

- I harvested my first home-grown yellow beans from my garden!!! YAY!!! They were yummers!

-My first message after being away for a week was the *^%(*& Early Years people calling to say there had been a cancellation and did I want The Boy to sign up…for that day!!! The idiots called my work number instead of my home. We were down at my parents house on the Sunday and could have driven up Mom’s car the day before! Instead Mom has to drive it up yesterday afternoon and we buy her a train ticket to get her home that night! ARG!

- The Boy had an awesome first day of pre-school! According to J he went right up to a little boy and introduced himself. Then they went off and played! All was well when he got picked up too. I just had to go to Walmart last night on the run to get indoor shoes, a lunch bag, Tupperware containers that The Boy could open, and some juice boxes.

- Work is kinda hellish right now. No Marshy as she is starting her two weeks of vacation this week. Busy, and yet liking it. Just not liking being rushed to complete important tasks.

- Went to Linda and James place for a swim and dinner tonight. They were nice enough to invite us over to their house with central air during the heat wave. The boy were great and J got some great pictures. Also some wonderful videos…of his feet and the pavement. He made the classic Newbie mistake of pressing the button to turn it on when he thought he was turning it off and missed all of the shots of The Boy learning to swim. HA HA HA!!! YOU’RE NOT PERFECT HONEY!!! YOU MADE A MISTAKE!!! HA!

Anyway, am hoping that once the heat breaks I’ll be more into sitting in front of the computer to do some more posting.

Ciao for Now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay, an update! And the picture of the boy is soooooooo cuuuuuuuute!! :D I miss you all terribly, and can't wait to see you in the Fall. Congrats to the boy liking school!