Monday, July 10, 2006

Say WHAT!?!

Once again another template. I got bored with the old one faster then the last time so here is another stab at as much originality that I can get from pre-chosen template choices.

I had a pisser of a day. I had my introduction to what may be complete incompetence at my son’s school board. Just to be clear, I have nothing against teachers, (Love you Lori!), I have something against outright incompetence with regard to registering students. I heard about this wonderful program being given by my son’s school at his open house. Basically it’s an introduction to the formalized routine of school. It’s also really good for kids that are still not speaking clearly. After speaking with the Principal she recommended The Boy be enrolled and that it should help him and lot. I called two weeks later, spoke to the same Principal, gave her all of The Boy’s information and was told the registration packages would be in during the next couple weeks. Time went by to the point that I realized last week that the program was starting in two weeks and I hadn’t heard anything from the school about the program. After playing phone-tag with the school and the program runners for three days I come to find out that The Boy is not registered for the program. Not only that but the program is full and he now is locked out.

I am now officially PISSED OFF!

I call the Superintendent of our district and leave a very polite message about the fact that I’m irate. The Principal has screwed up and that I want to know why my son is being denied this program when it’s not his fault and what are they going to do about it. About three hours later I have the Principal calling me, telling me that she doesn’t understand how this could happen and that she is so careful with these details. I’m sorry but if she were that careful this wouldn’t have happened to us.
She then asks, “So your really keen on having The Boy in the class.”

“Well yeah, you recommended it to him and said it was designed for kids like him!?!” I replied.

“Ooooooooookay, I’ll call the program runners and see what we can do.”

I have yet to hear back from her and if I don’t hear back from her before noon tomorrow I’m going to be putting another call through to her and then the Superintendent again. I hate to say it but they have created “One of THOSE Parents”. Meaning I’m going to be their worst nightmare for the next 8 years that The Boy is at that school. I’m never going to assume they have their act together or that they know what they are doing.

Can’t wait to see how this turns out…..

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