Monday, September 18, 2006

Oh what a week...

It is time for the mother of all posts. I have been busy out of my skull for the past week and a bit. There has been something on every night and it’s all been an emotional wringer…well, maybe not all of it. Anyway, The Boy got off to school no problems. We had the interview at the school with his teacher Ms. E. I cried. We got him all packed with his massive backpack that he can barely lift. I cried. We all got up, dressed and walked to his bus pick up spot. It was all smiles and I even got him getting onto the bus on video. After he drove away I cried…and cried…and got in the car to go to work…and cried. Pretty much watched the clock all day until I got the MSN that he was home with Daddy. He likes school very much…and then we got the call home from the teacher. Apparently, besides a listening problem where he wait’s for the second time and a time-out before doing what is asked, he likes to poke the other children when he is feeling bored and wants to start playing. I love the new level of stress and anxiety that him being at school brings me. Besides the fact that he is now at home fulltime and we aren’t paying for daycare anymore, I know that school is good for him. His counting is up to 13, and he can almost spell his name. He gets all the letters in there he just doesn’t get them in the right order.The Black Eyed Peas concert was AWESOME!!! Fourth row left and TONS of fun! I loved the Swollen Members, although I was sad that Moka Only wasn’t there with them anymore. Beside Prevail, insert heavy breathing here, his singing was my favourite part of the group. Rhianna was a slutty marionette who could only shove out her tits and ass. Singing!?! Whatever quality there is in her voice is totally overshadowed by the tarty look.

I got soooooo much of the concert on video! My favourite was Fergie doing a cover of Gun’s ‘N Roses, Sweet Child of Mine.We had a great weekend at home with friends. Friday I picked up Mel from her place in the Market and hit the road for home. Got majorly drunk on Butter Shots and eventually passed out in The Boy’s bed. He had gotten up to go pee and wanted to watch his shows so I had to pick him up to put him back in bed. He was quite sad about this so I gave in and laid down with him for a “little bit”. J poked me awake enough to stumble to bed an hour later. No hangover to speak of. Had to go to the bathroom at 5am and was a bit dizzy but no headache or stomach problems. Had toast with Mel and then packed the entire family into the car to take Mel home. We had an awesome time in the market with J shopping for veggies, The Boy trying maple sugar candy for the first time, and accidentally participating in the Nissan Versa Road Trip. Basically think amazing race only across Canada, challenges in every major city and the person with the most points gets a new car at the end of it. Two of them were selling Beavertails on the street and The Boy was interested so we wandered over. Only thing is once we got closer I couldn’t see any signs of the beavertail hut, the two kids were holding pre-made tails, and the large group of people following them made me think they were street kids trying to make money. Basically, got there, The Boy started hugging one of their stuffed toy beavers, I got a weird vibe and ended up saying, “We had just come to say Hi.”, then hurrying the boy away from them. About 20 feet away another kid comes up to me and gets me to sign a waiver for the footage shot to be used on the show!?! I don’t know, I found the site:

…and now wish we had bought a beavertail to support the team!  Oh well, next time don’t look like hitch-hikers and you’ll sell more! The two that The Boy and I denied were Kayun and Christopher.Went to a party for an old co-worker of J’s on Saturday night, did a ton of laundry on Sunday morning, cut my lawn, used the whipper-snipper, went in to do two hours of over-time, got home to do more laundry, clean the house, and finally watched the second episode of House that I had missed on Tuesday night because Jeff and his German FiancĂ© were over for dinner. Then, because we had just bought a chiminea on MAJOR sale I had to have a fire…that started at ten and couldn’t get out until almost midnight. Insert major busy day at work here!

SIGH!! It’s now 8pm and I have cleaned the kitchen, baked a dozen banana muffins, packed the boy’s lunch, packed my lunch, and put the boy through his bed time routine.

I’M TIRED!!!!!!

Must get some rest. I’m going to a municipal meeting tomorrow night about the drainage in the area. I don’t know if it applies to me or not but if I attend I’ll meet some of my neighbors.



Anonymous said...

What?! That twat who wets her pants gets a posting, but no Melly shots ???? Wuz up w/dat?

sign me,
blue lips :(

Kay said...

Can it Bi-atch! Or else the Blue-Lip pic get's posted for the world at large! *Dr. Evil Laugh"

Why you talking that smack on my turf!?! You want's me to come over there and lay it down for yah????
