Saturday, November 11, 2006


I't 7am on Saturday morning and it's dark, raining, and the house is freezing. I'm awake and posting because I was woken with a massive nightmare that I was just fired from the comfortable job that I currently call home. Frickin' dreams! I can't remember the last time I SLEPT IN on a weekend. Sure I don't have to go to work, but waking up on your own at the exact time that your alarm is supposed to go off is no fun either. Especially when your body wakes up and is ALERT! No slipping back to sleep for me. Just laying in the bed listening to my husband breath his normal sleep patterns. Makes we want to hit him so he can enjoy my misery too!

...except that he would probably just grumble at me and then GO BACK TO SLEEP!!! ARG!!!

Might as well go shower and start by washing the walls in the hall down. I have a lot of patch and fill work before we can even prime.

Went and visited the new baby last night! I wish I could take her home this weekend! :( BLARG! Oh well, it is for The Boy's birthday.

Ciao for now!

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