Thursday, December 07, 2006

Double Whammie SIGH!

I am so retarded about posting! I have soooooo much to cover. Here we go with bullet form again.

- The boy's birthday went off without a hitch. He is now officially 4. He also now tells e
veryone he meets, "I'm (insert name here), and I'm FOUR!"
- I have discovered, much to my chagrin, that I'm horribly allergic to Cinnamon. I break out into hives within minutes of her touching my skin. Raised white lumps or welts on a painfully itchy red background. We have switched her bedding to CareFresh from pine/aspen to see if it's the tree oils that is doing it. I also gave her a bath tonight to get any remaining oils and deposits off of her. Will give a couple days and see what the deal is. Am not totally happy about this. A) I love her to death and being denied touching/petting her is actually a bit painful. B) For 50 liters of pine bedding it's $6.99, for 41 liters of CareFresh it's $27.99. Granted it lasts twice as long and I have Cinnamon trained to pee in her litter pan so I just change that out instead of the whole cage, but STILL! :( and C) I get to watch J giving her tons of love, when he was the one who didn't really want a pet. I love my Sweetie for doing this for me. He takes her out during a basketball game and she just snuggles with him for about 45 minutes. She's not much into the game though. - The Husband He is keeping her people friendly by interacting with her, but I just wish it were me. :(

Photos are during traumatization of the bath and after, looking much more poofy then usual! :)
- Can't wait for Xmas. All present shopping is done now. I just have a ton to wrap.

- Our new winter tires should be here tomorrow so next week there won't be any more threat of death from me skiding off the road in SHITTY SHITTY SHITTY All-Season tires. Don't get me wrong. The Neon did great with All-Seasons. The Max we can't get in the driveway if there is an inch of (*@*! snow or ice on it! :(

Hold on, silly wife. You're comparing last years brand-new all-season tires on the light, small Neon to the 50% worn rain-tires on the heavy Maxima. It'll spin wheels much more easily trying to pull up the incline of the driveway for both reasons. Also, horsepower. The Max has 255 and the Neon had whatever a beagle with arthritis measures up as, so the Max will spin more easily because it wants to run. - The know-it-all husband


- Am freaking because The Boy's feet surgery is scheduled for January 24th. This is the one to straighten them out. Nothing to do with his leg. We are looking at at least 6 - 8 weeks in casts depending on if they break bones and put in pins or not. yay. Another hospital stay before the age of 5.

Must go to bed and get some sleep. I'm so tired of the grind of life and work. Get up, go to work, do a job that nobody respects except those who are directly effected. I think it's about that time of year for the annual morale boost of the profit sharing plan! :P

Blog ya later.

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