Monday, January 15, 2007

Hi there

OH MY HEART!!!! I just finished shoveling the driveway for the second time this year. The first time didn’t really count as I could have just used a broom and swept it clean. Frickin’ chest pain!

For my public’s enjoyment. A random picture of Cinnamon and ANGERAH.


*TWO HOURS LATER* *Sponge Bob Narrator voice*

STUPID!!! I finally broke and picked up my cute, fuzzy, deadly pet and cuddled her against my neck. I haven’t done this since the first major reaction but I hadn’t had anything major happen since then so I thought that maybe I was becoming accustomed to her.This is what happened after two minutes of petting her against my neck. Please note in the bottom left hand corner the almost perfect foot print in hives! For God’s sake! You can’t see it but my ear is swelling and has hives too. I guess she sniffed at it. *Blogger uploaded the pic on it's side??? What the Hell? turn your head to the left when you look at it.*

I am so sick of this. I have so much love to give a little ball of fur! I mean, why would I nag my husband for 8 months to get her if I didn’t have a ton of love to give! SIGH!

In other news, The Boy’s surgery is on the 24th. We were at CHEO this past Friday and have found out that we are only going to be fixing the left foot. THANK GOODNESS! Him having only one cast on is going to make this ordeal so much easier! The bad news that we found out is that they are going to be doing bone work so there will be pins and it will be eight weeks in casts. We will get through this. It’s going to be a lot harder on J then it will be on me but I know we will get through this.

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