Sunday, February 18, 2007


I guess this is my "End of Vacation Wrap-up Post". I have had a fantastic week! The Boy and I have had many moments where I know he has liked having me home with him and Daddy. Besides our outing on Tuesday, I went on impulse and stuffed him in the car on Friday afternoon and took him to the Hershey's Chocolate Factory in Smith Falls. He had a blast while I was a pack mule. They didn't have any spare wheel chairs and I didn't want to dig the stroller out of the frozen shed so I carried him on my back through the whole tour and through the gift shop. I was fun and it got us both out of the house.
Last night was the BEST! I went to a euchre tournament/party with the Pierce's and had a blast! It was a retro themed night so I was a flower child with my tie-died shirt and wild makeup. I was randomly drawn to the main table...and didn't really leave there until near the end of the night. I WON THE TOP PRIZE! I had amazing luck with the cards and the partners. Yvonne and I are planning on doing the same thing in July at their house, with J cooking of course.

Back to work tomorrow....:(

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