Wednesday, October 10, 2007


OMG Somebody give this thing a jolt! Sorry about the non-blogging. Life has gotten so busy lately. It’s not even Vanguard any more. J and I have joined volleyball once a week, The Boy is in Swimming lessons once a week. The new TV season has started…and then when we are not doing all that J and I play Vanguard. Our weekends for October are pretty much booked through. Tigre del Jugo and her hubby Tomathon might be up for much eating and chatting this weekend, the weekend after that will be J and I going to our first pro hockey game. My boss paid for the whole team with their spouses to go to the Sen’s and sit in the “ledge”. Neato restaurant that is in the top level. You get the game and a meal! The day after that I’m taking the boy to Iams Super Dogs. Picture a stadium full of kids with dogs doing tricks to lights and music. My monster is so excited about this that he asks me just about every day how many more sleeps until the “puppy show”.

We are just back from an awesome Thanksgiving with my folks. My brother and his wife were there with my nephew. The Boy and The Nephew played their hearts out and love each other to death. Soooooo CUTE! After the huge turkey meal J got tagged to run with the boys while the rest of us played cards. In case you are not aware, J doesn’t play ANY sort of card games. HA! That will teach him! Once when the boys wandered up stairs to watch the cards I gave them each about 4 stories to get “Uncle J” to read to them! I’m mean! J

In other news, we are getting a new front door installed on the 23rd. I’m excited! The old one is the original and about 30 years old. The frame is completely rotted. Fifteen hundred dollars later Home Depot rides to the rescue.

Anyway, I’m going to try to blog again. No guarantees though. Volleyball is going to be starting two days a week next week so J and I will be switching off for Thursday night. Whoever takes the boy to his swimming lessons will be staying home that night while the other goes to volleyball. This should save on the babysitting money.

1 comment:

Ted MacD said...

YAY! She's alive! ALIVE!


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