Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Weekend of Awesome!

It was such a great weekend! J and I were on the road by 6pm to head for the folks. The drive was very good, in that the traffic was not heavy and there were no delays. I was excited to fill up the gas tank at 99.9! But then on the drive home we pass a station that had 94.7. Oh well, it's all in the perspective right? I did the Farmer's Market on Saturday morning with my Mom. There wasn't as many people as last year but she still did well with her sales. It was fun just sitting with her and catching up on stuff. Hearing the latest about everything going on in the 'Burg. Got to see my brother and nephew. My monster and the mini-monster had a blast together! They got along great and behaved very well. We are all planning on driving down to see my Gramma at New Years. She will be turning 90 and I haven't seen her in about 7 years due to the huge drive to get there and J not having vacation time. As long as the weather is good we should have a great trip.

Work is going well. I didn't expect to like having the office to myself as much as I am. On the two days that I have help it's nice to have someone keeping me company, but the days that I'm alone are great in that I let my inner hermit rock out. :)

My monster tried out Hip Hop classes this month. The first class was great, the second he didn't really want to go, the third it was out and out rebellion about going so I cancelled the whole thing and am getting my money back. He has fun while he is there and moving, but overall I'm going to to keep him in it just to fight with him every week about getting him out the door. Cash back on to the line of credit too so J is happy.

My boy is going to be 6 years old in a month and a half. It's very odd when I take the time to think about it. He used to be this lump that peed and cried and had to be rocked ENDLESSLY. Now he is running out the door saying, "Bye Mom! I'm gonna go to So-and-so's to play!". I miss the age of three. He was protected in house, he was toilet trained, he could play and interact with other kids and his own toys without help, could feed himself and had opinions on what foods he liked. AND he slept through the night! There are ton's of great things about his age, but I miss my munchkin. It's hard to use that word on him now that he is as tall as my collar bone! He is also doing well in school. We have had a couple 5/5 with spelling tests and his math homework comes back with great marks. As far as I can tell he really likes school, except first thing in the morning when it's time to get out of bed! :P

Blog ya later!

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