Saturday, April 30, 2005

I'm a ROCK STAR!!!

So today is the day! At 11am I go to the Hair Salon and am getting some..streaking done! I am so looking forward to this. I have been dealing with a little bit of depression about life for the past week or so. I'm 26, I'm a wife/mother and I file for a living. I feel like I am the most boring individual possible so I'm going to try a radical change to my appearance to see if I can pick myself up. Am thinking of florescent red with some black streaks. Anyway, will talk it over with the color specialist before we start.

For all my pagan friends out there, this story is for you.

My mother. My mother is a teeny, tiny bit conservative. So when I mentioned that I was going to be doing this for something fun my mom's immediate question was, "Is it those pagan's talking you into this? Is that why you want to do this???". So my mom now thinks because I went out one night and hung out with some awesome people who have different beliefs I am immediately placed in the, "OH MY GOD SHE JOINED A CULT!" catagory. Gotta love the old school crowd! :(

Must go, Jay is sleeping in after a night out with G and the boy is running around my chair like I'm a friggin' may pole.

Will blog ya later with the results of my personally chosen self expression. Should be able to get some pics up through Jay's server to link to.

Wish me luck!

Cult member #233

Friday, April 29, 2005


Well thank goodness this week is over! One long not so productive week. My job seems to have dried up a little bit since the new Oracle business system came into place. I used to file tons of paper all the time. I think I got one pile the entire week. Hmmm....maybe it's time to brush up the old resume...

Anyway, weighed in today and I maintained from last week with a grand total of 20.5 pounds lost since the end of January. Am really happy that I'm keeping the weight off even though I'm not following the diet to the letter. We'll see how next week goes.

Anyway, must go tidy the house. Uncle K-Warrior-Princess and R are coming over tonight while Jay is with G for Basketball playoff watching.

Almost time to get the take-out from ANGELS'S KITCHEN!!! Miss you Ange!


ps - Hey Rae, you excited about the house??? :)

Monday, April 25, 2005

Adreneline Overload!

Holy Crap I am feeling good right now! I just got back from a run/walk that started at 10 o' clock at night. It was breezy, crisp, clear and it felt so good to be healthy and active and WOW I FEEL GOOD!!!

Had a pretty great day too. Work was usual, but I got to go to pottery tonight and make one of my "soccar balls" (will figure out how to get a picture out there somehow...), which can be ordered to be made for you, and hung out with the girls. Got home and had some quality time with the husband, then felt awake so I hit the streets.

There is something so peaceful about being out at night. There is this huge, full, orange moon hanging above the horizon, the stars are shimmering and I just feel so at peace with myself. It's like the quiet of the world calms the little insecurities that race through your head all day. All that is left to hear is the silence of your soul and you steal the time to bask in that brief moment of completeness.

Hmm...maybe Jay used more red wine in the french onion soup then I thought!?!

Anyway, has everyone tried the new Aquafina flavoured water? You can get it in orange and raspberry, both are quite yummy. It is a really easy way to get your daily water in you if you don't like the taste of plain water. I was dying for a bottle about 3/4 of the way through my walk so I got home, grabbed the money and splurged! :)

Someone PLEASE tell me that you're watching Grey's Anatomy!!! This past episode was SO GOOD!!! If you have not been watching up til this point, START! :)

Anyway, it is now way past my bed time, all the wonderful adreneline that has been carrying me until this point is draining and I am


Sunday, April 24, 2005


So my weekend is going great.

Jay and the boy and I had company on Saturday afternoon. Gave a little party for my pottery group. Jay made smoked salmon pin-wheels with snow goat cheese/cream cheese filling with a red onion/shallot center. Also, the same cheese filling on a blue corn totilla chip with a spicy avacado relish. NUMMY!

Friday we had a mild stress moment. It was bedtime and in the middle of putting the boy in his cave he started saying over and over, "UNNY!". This means get my bunny woman, am not going to settle down without it. Picture the next 45 minutes of me tearing the house apart looking for the ragged, tattered, half bald blue bunny. I'm near freaking out at this point. Of all the things to lose, my son's security bunny is not it. In desperation I call our day care provider in the hopes that the boy had left him there...HE HAD! ARG! So now that we know the Unny is safe it is now about fooling the boy into thinking that, "No, you don't need him that much! Try out on e of the other hundred or so stuffed animals you have in here.". So I got him settled with a cat, dog, and the bunny that got rejected.

Saturday morning - 6am

Scene: Mommy and Daddy sleeping

Action: The boy runs into the room and immediately starts asking, "Unny? Mommy, Unny?"

Reaction: Mommy on the road to Kanata to pick up the Unny from day care.

After I got back from that road trip it was all about the cleaning the house for the party. In case you guys haven't figured it out yet, am not the biggest fan of cleaning. It is a necessary evil. Anyway, got a ton of the once a month stuff done. Like individual spills get cleaned up on site. The whole house gets mopped (it's all hard wood) about once a month. This is where I go down to the bed rooms and into the hall under the laundry baskets sort of thing. Anyway, the place is looking pretty spic and span if I do say so myself.

Today is the Aunt/Uncle Cousin/Cousin-in-law on my Dad's side coming over for dinner. Since it is Sunday, this is the new rule, I am doing the cooking. Going to make spinach and feta stuffed chicken breasts. Since moving in with the chef I have let my cooking skills get very rusty. My thought is that eventually I would like the boy to have a night to cook so that means that Mommy has to cook one night a week. *sigh* I'm not bad at it, just out of practise.

Anyway, Must go get the boy dressed for the day and help J with brunch.

Blog ya later!

Thursday, April 21, 2005


Ugh, am home. The boy was very sick last night. Had big burning fever and major boogers so no sleepy for me. Am going to go collapse in a pile of my own drool.


Tuesday, April 19, 2005


So remember when I said I would write again when something momentus happened? Yeah, forget that. I'm just going to write when ever I get the urge and there is nothing you can do to stop me. :D

WW points: umm...who cares. Next week is another fresh start...yadda yadda.

So anyway, was in a training session with work today: Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

So the whole day was like doing group therapy with HR and managers in the room with you. Can you say with me, "UNCOMFORTABLE!". They would ask questions like, "What made your worst manager bad? or What made your best manager great?". Normally, questions like these would be okay except that my office in the past year went through hell getting rid of the manager from abyss. The whole office mutinied and went to HR as a group to tell them how abusive it was. They didn't believe us and tried to get us to talk to her one on one. In a nutshell, it was a year with an out-of-company mediator and lots of stress and stuff before she was canned on March 25. (We had the year anniversary last month and had a mini celebration for the "retirement" of the Big G.) Anyway, I didn't want to talk about that to anyone.

The general message that I got out of the day was:

A - something stressful happens - (get fired, get yelled at, get dumped, cut off in traffic, whatever)
C - knee-jerk reaction is get angry or depressed

This is where to stop and re-examine why I got angry, as in go to "B".

B - I was treated badly by my teachers who told me I wasn't smart enough to go to university which has given me a poor self-esteem so obviously I deserved to get fired because I'm a worthless employee.

THESE ARE EXAMPLES! Don't start caring and getting concerned about me now! :)

Anyway, it is a tool to learn to look beyond the knee jerk and look to where the reaction is coming from. Hey...I think I learned something today...COOL!

Hey MyFriendA tm!!! What the hell is going on with Corry St.?!? I caught a bit of an episode where I saw dude telling chicky that he sold her and todd's house out from under them and she said something about getting back from a funeral!?! Who's funeral!?! GAH! Now I'm going to have to start watching on a regular basis just to keep up. This of course means I hate you.

Does anyone else watch "Grey's Anatomy" on Sunday nights? I am now an official fan and will give blood for the next three episodes to contribute to the realism.

Anyway, just got back from a big walk with the new Rio Forge MP3 player. Love that little thing! Am sweaty and must go shower. Will see if I can talk my husband into scrubbing my back. Wish me luck! ;)

Much love to the blogger world!

Blessed be! (That's for all my pagan new friends!)

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Back from the boonies...

Hello there,

So the weekend away went great. Jay and I had a bad night with the boy on Thursday night so we decided to drive up on Saturday instead of Friday night. Got to see the return of Vince Carter to the Air Canada Center(ACC)...unfortunately also got to see the 'Raps get beaten by Vince and the Nets. Sucks when you are a fan and you watch your team lose to a lazy mamma's boy.

Anyway, one of the reasons we went down to see my parents this weekend in particular was my brother was not going to be working so we could see him and his son, too. My mom went to a lot of trouble to get a huge turkey dinner on the table for lunch. Bro had called earlier to say that his wife was going to be able to make it too, so it was going to be a bonus to see everyone. So no surprise that they found a way to screw with it, they were an hour late. We had said the-heck-with-them and started eating about 15 minutes before they finally came in the door. I got to hug my nephew, see him for the first time in about 4 months. Ryan woke up from his nap and then it was all about being outside and chasing the boys. So not a hour later they pack up and leave! They came they ate, they had done their duty. So as of now, I'm not going to go to the special effort of co-ordinating the weekend anymore. What is the point. Bah.

Other then that, I got a happy little sinus cold that had me in bed on Saturday night at 8:30.

Hmm...this is making the weekend sound like it sucked! It didn't, really. Ryan was a good boy, took him on big walks and made the best out of the fact that my parents have a yard. Went into town to see one of my best friends, Craphead (name from college, don't ask!). Went shopping at Walmart with her and bought the boy a new pair of running shoes in size 10. He is only 2 1/2 for cryin' out loud! And generally tried to relax as much as someone who can't breathe through their nose can.

Gotta go do some more laundry. Never did finished folding it all on Friday. I know, it's starting to sound like Jay is right and I'm lazy....well...I was just....screw you too! :)

Will write when something momentus happens.


Thursday, April 14, 2005

Where to begin...

WW points for the day: 42...damn J and her Smarties!!!

I'm a young wife and mother. I'm a potter. I'm a rabid/apathetic Toronto Raptors fan. I'm...lazy. At least that's what my husband Jay says. Oh well, he loves me anyway. My only ambition for this site is that it is half as good as my girlfriend A's.

Just polished off a big bowl of szechwan chicken that my amateur chef husband whipped up. Am going to go downstairs and fold/finish about 8 loads of laundry. We, the husband, 2 year old, and I, are off to my parents for the weekend. Going to see my brother and his 1 year old, though his wife won't be there because she is working midnights.

Tune in next week for whatever is about to be regurgitated from the back of my brain.

Later, 'Gator!

I'm Ready for My Close-Up!!!

It begins....!