Saturday, April 30, 2005

I'm a ROCK STAR!!!

So today is the day! At 11am I go to the Hair Salon and am getting some..streaking done! I am so looking forward to this. I have been dealing with a little bit of depression about life for the past week or so. I'm 26, I'm a wife/mother and I file for a living. I feel like I am the most boring individual possible so I'm going to try a radical change to my appearance to see if I can pick myself up. Am thinking of florescent red with some black streaks. Anyway, will talk it over with the color specialist before we start.

For all my pagan friends out there, this story is for you.

My mother. My mother is a teeny, tiny bit conservative. So when I mentioned that I was going to be doing this for something fun my mom's immediate question was, "Is it those pagan's talking you into this? Is that why you want to do this???". So my mom now thinks because I went out one night and hung out with some awesome people who have different beliefs I am immediately placed in the, "OH MY GOD SHE JOINED A CULT!" catagory. Gotta love the old school crowd! :(

Must go, Jay is sleeping in after a night out with G and the boy is running around my chair like I'm a friggin' may pole.

Will blog ya later with the results of my personally chosen self expression. Should be able to get some pics up through Jay's server to link to.

Wish me luck!

Cult member #233

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Actually, I have a friend, PaganGrrl, who's mother is actually scarier than yours when it comes to the conservatism. When PaganGrrl got her hair cut short once, her mother saw it and immediately burst into tears. Her mother, between her tears, asked "Does this mean you're a lesbian?"

No word of a lie. *sigh* :)