Sunday, April 24, 2005


So my weekend is going great.

Jay and the boy and I had company on Saturday afternoon. Gave a little party for my pottery group. Jay made smoked salmon pin-wheels with snow goat cheese/cream cheese filling with a red onion/shallot center. Also, the same cheese filling on a blue corn totilla chip with a spicy avacado relish. NUMMY!

Friday we had a mild stress moment. It was bedtime and in the middle of putting the boy in his cave he started saying over and over, "UNNY!". This means get my bunny woman, am not going to settle down without it. Picture the next 45 minutes of me tearing the house apart looking for the ragged, tattered, half bald blue bunny. I'm near freaking out at this point. Of all the things to lose, my son's security bunny is not it. In desperation I call our day care provider in the hopes that the boy had left him there...HE HAD! ARG! So now that we know the Unny is safe it is now about fooling the boy into thinking that, "No, you don't need him that much! Try out on e of the other hundred or so stuffed animals you have in here.". So I got him settled with a cat, dog, and the bunny that got rejected.

Saturday morning - 6am

Scene: Mommy and Daddy sleeping

Action: The boy runs into the room and immediately starts asking, "Unny? Mommy, Unny?"

Reaction: Mommy on the road to Kanata to pick up the Unny from day care.

After I got back from that road trip it was all about the cleaning the house for the party. In case you guys haven't figured it out yet, am not the biggest fan of cleaning. It is a necessary evil. Anyway, got a ton of the once a month stuff done. Like individual spills get cleaned up on site. The whole house gets mopped (it's all hard wood) about once a month. This is where I go down to the bed rooms and into the hall under the laundry baskets sort of thing. Anyway, the place is looking pretty spic and span if I do say so myself.

Today is the Aunt/Uncle Cousin/Cousin-in-law on my Dad's side coming over for dinner. Since it is Sunday, this is the new rule, I am doing the cooking. Going to make spinach and feta stuffed chicken breasts. Since moving in with the chef I have let my cooking skills get very rusty. My thought is that eventually I would like the boy to have a night to cook so that means that Mommy has to cook one night a week. *sigh* I'm not bad at it, just out of practise.

Anyway, Must go get the boy dressed for the day and help J with brunch.

Blog ya later!

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