Friday, September 30, 2005

Serenity spoilers...

This movie rocked my world. It was everything I had hoped it would be and so much more. I can't describe the heartbreak this movie gave me....

My Sweetie and Me...

I have the bestest husband in the whole world! He's taking me out to dinner and a movie tonight. We're going to be seeing Serenity with three other people but he and I are going to have dinner just the two of us. HE'S SOOOO SWEET!!!!!

Lonestar's here we come!


Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Sweat, Sweat, Sweat, *GASP*

I worked out on my treadmill tonight for the first time in about 6 months. Throughout the summer, even on the high humidity days, I would walk outside. Granted I would do this at 9:30-10pm so it was as cool as possible, but still, I worked out tramping through my streets. I had totally forgotten how awesome it is to be running in place and be able to get off at anytime!!! I mean, on my outdoor walk there are some pretty huge hills that you can't avoid. Once you start up them, you can't lower the incline and wimp out. You grit your teeth and get your butt to the top! On the treadmill you can get off when you want, you can run at anytime because you aren’t waiting for a big hill to be over, basically, you can wimp out whenever you want! :) The only thing that I have to say I find unpleasant about running on the treadmill is that there isn't a breeze to dry you off. I was literally DRIPPING by the time I was done my half hour. Note to self: bring the fan downstairs before I run again.

Anyway, Jason and I have discovered the true extent of the powers of my memory. I am a numbers machine. I have my bank card, social security, health card, every phone number of our friends locked in my brain. I am the calendar in the way that I know everyone’s birthday and anniversary…most times. This helps tons in the way that Jason has be reminded of his own mother’s birthday by me. The problem is I can’t remember having conversations 10 minutes after I have them. Jason will ask me to do something or tell me about something and 15 minutes later I will tell him he never told me that. Please insert the horrible grinding noise that is his teeth after I tell him that. In case you are wondering, yes, this does happen to me at work as well. In the case of work I have a steno pad that I’m constantly writing on so that I have back notes on my days to cover my ass. Of course I have outstanding long term memory. If I drive someplace once I can always find my way there again. I can remember conversations from 6 months ago word for word. Stupid stuff like that. I’m a champ at Trivial Pursuit! This is the weird thing that happened tonight, J and I figured out the exact perfect window where my memory stops and restarts in super accurate mode. At almost one month past the time that the event happens, I get it all back. In this case, one month ago today we moved all our stuff out of the old apartment and trucked it here. A day or two before that we got a tax bill for the new house and I shoved it, for “safe” keeping, in the file cabinet. Do you think I could remember that for the past month? I have torn this place apart looking for it! The due date on the bill I could remember, the amount we owed I could remember, do you think I could remember where I put the damn thing? I finally remembered tonight, with perfect clarity, the location and reasoning behind where I put it. Therefore, I walk through life with a month-long black void behind me. Dear God I hope I never have to go to court to be a witness….

Nighty, Night!


Sunday, September 25, 2005

GREAT weekend!

This has been the best weekend since we moved into the house. Friday night was CARNAGE NIGHT! For those of you who have never done Weight Watchers:

"Carnage Night is the night directly after weigh-in. The night that is the farthest away from the next weigh-in so what you eat that night you don't count. You just gorge"

We did the KFC variety bucket with the boneless buffalo wings. *DROOL* After I got that out of my system Saturday was awesome for keeping points and staying on plan. Yes, I know I haven't mentioned the WW's points for the last several months. That's because I haven't really been keeping track of my points and haven't really been exerecising all that much with the house stuff going on. Big surprise that I hit a huge plateau in my weight loss. I'm happy to say that this past week I was doing points and exercising. I LOST TWO POUNDS!!! So, I'm now only 15 pounds away from my goal weight. I'm totally pumped to get them off and have been really focused about it....for the past two days. We will see how this coming week goes. Then there is going to be the week in New Brunswick...anyway, I'm going to do as best I can.

Saturday was totally kick-ass! I cleaned my whole house! Now, if any of you really know me you know that cleaning is the true bane of my existance. I HATE IT.....or at least I did until I owned floor I was vacuuming? Weird! I got totally into scrubbing everything! J came home from fixing someone's network and was shocked how good the place looked! Also, got all the laundry done and out on my clothesline. LOVE THE CLOTHES LINE! Today is going to be all about sitting on my ass and doing fun things only!

K.C. is coming over tonight to start the marathon "Firefly" watching leading up to the release of "Serenity" on Friday. We have the babysitter booked and are going to do a date night and go see it on opening night! WOOT!!!! Also, to make this day even more perfect, my Sweetie is making Butter Chicken for dinner!

*sigh* So this is what happy is like!



Friday, September 23, 2005


First day of Autumn means NEW TEMPLATE!!!! Can you tell I just discovered all my settings in my blog again? :)

Let me know what you think! I still have some playing to do....



So I just put "word verification" for commenting on this blog. Please let me know if it is too annoying. I'll just tell you to fack off at that point 'cause I'm tired of the spam! :)



Thursday, September 22, 2005

*zzz* blerg *zzz*

So want to blog.

Too tired to blog.

So want to blog....

J and I rotated out our guest room. Mom-in-law/Aunt-in-law out on Wednesday morning, my Dad in by Wednesday at Lunch. Lots of house work being done. Trim on all rooms now, transition pieces on the laminate, lockable door knob on Master bedroom (not what you think...okay a little bit of what you think. ;) I needed a new knob that was round so that I could use the baby knob locks so that the boy couldn't get in the room and play with our stuff without us being aware of it.), new out door light that isn't motion sensor, new locks on the side door, NEW LINEN CLOSET SHELVING!!!!, MB closet doors hung, new front door closet, etc. Also we have had our friend the electrician in and install ceiling lights in the hobby room and the boy's room, fix all the outdoor outlets so that they work now, hang two out of three ceiling fans, fix all the illegal wiring that the yahoo's who had the house before us put in. He is great! We are getting the buddy rate so it's not breaking the bank. We are scheduled for the eaves troughing next week (Kennel's Seamless Eaves Troughing out of Arnprior have been AWESOME!!! I SO recommend them if you are looking.) And I have to book the fireplace guys in to clean and inspect the gas fireplaces. Once all that is done we are FINISHED for the winter! Can't wait! We will have 6 months to dig out of debt before we have to start replacing the windows and front door in the spring. LOVE MY HOUSE!!!! So pretty, so organized (ar at least it will be soon!). Anyway, must go sleepy. so....sleepy.....


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Major Update

So let's do this in point form 'cause there is alot.

-friend Kenn is getting soon as I work with Jubilee to get the ring custom made for him! It's sooo fun, it's going to be dragon's claws holding a black pearl.

-I successfully enacted a "sting" on my other work mates. I ws tired of the boss calling me and and telling me that the girls had tattled that I had been on the internet at work. So, when I had been busting my ass all day and saw that they were screwing around I sent a little email to the boss saying to come to the office. That is was about that conversation we had had about people in glass houses should not throw stones. She came right on time and caught one on the phone with her girlfriend and the other two watching music videos over the net. VERY SWEET!

-Layoffs happened at work. 68 people gone including people forced to retire. Also including two out of the four people in my office. All that is left now is Marshy and I. SO HAPPY! Bitch is gone! BITCH IS GONE!!!! After she got told she was laid off, she stormed into the office and started going on about how she guessed she was not one of the favourites! Pleasent, that's all I have to say.

-Mother-in-law and Aunt-in-law are showing up tomorrow and are staying for 4 days. Should be fun

-Can't wait for this weekend. Work is really horrid right now because morale is in the dumps. Oh well, give it two weeks and it will be like it never happened.

bye for now,


Friday, September 09, 2005

J is going to HELL too!!!

He is going to the same level of hell as me. He just has different scores then me!

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Moderate
Level 2 (Lustful)High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Very High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Very High
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Extreme
Level 7 (Violent)High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test

I'm going straight to HELL!!!

LMAO!!!! I love it!!!! Thanks Ange, for the awesome quiz!!! :D

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful)Very High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Moderate
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Very High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very High
Level 7 (Violent)High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Very High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)High

Take the Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno Test

Thursday, September 08, 2005


Tonight J and I had some fun priming the kitchen with the tinted primer. And before my Assclown husband comments on here. Yes honey, you did start out before me and finished long after I did.

LAV YOO!!!!! :D

Anyway, our first real house guest is coming this weekend. We want the kitchen completed so J can be Uber Chef in his pretty place of cooking. Must go beddy. So sleepy....


Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Okay. I just had a creeped out moment. For the past several months I have been taking whatever is in my brain or what is going on in my life and writing it down here. Didn't matter about what it was, just writing it down got it out of my head and made the load lighter, if you get my meaning.

Kudos to ANGERAH for showing me this cool medium for expressing one's self.


So, I look in my comments section tonight just to see if Angerah, Raevyn, or Teddy had said anything. Or, if my hubby had something particularly smartass to say about what I had written. That's when I see it. Someone has commented who I have no clue who they are. Thus I am weirded out. I mean I deliberately set this blog to be able to be read by one and all. I guess I just didn't think that anyone out there other then close friends would think to read this. I have only this to say:

"Hello, Geekinblack. You opened my eyes to the fact that the world can, and apparently does, read the stuff that I post here. OH MY GOD! Note to self: must get smartass husband to start editing me before I post stuff."

End of mild freaking out.

So to update on all things Bell related:

Both J and I took a turn at slapping Bell around to reimburse us for the stuff they have put us through for the past two weeks. In a nutshell, it took some yelling and finally getting a wonderful person in Billing to get the money back and a month of free service. I still hate Bell, but since I bundle my landline, internet, cell, and tv through them and get awesome savings, I’ll stay with them for now.

The house is looking great! Mom and Dad were up this past weekend for a marathon of punch-out work. The trim is on two out of the four rooms it was removed from for painting, the broken light switches around the house have been replaced and are working, the bathroom downstairs has a new sink/taps and the caulking has been stripped and redone, the fourth trip to the dump happened that took, among other things, the beat-up white sofa that a friend of ours was nice enough to give us when we first moved in together(the boy has used it for his personal trampoline for the past year), one trip to IKEA for my new book case and a new nightstand for J's side of the bed, and (my favourite) my closet is PERFECT!!! Just in case you all haven’t noticed, I’m pretty shallow. A puddle after a rainstorm is I. The fact that my closet getting an organizer to my specific specifications is the thing I’m most happy about should tell you a lot. I’m sorry but the old one was so totally inefficient that I wanted to rip it out with my bare hands. I kind of did that anyway with the pry bar and J’s cordless drill, but I digress.

I had a fun moment tonight when J realized I'm the man. I was out cutting our lawn for the first time with our new lawn mower and our new GrassHog (Whipper-Snipper), and J was in the house making a lovely pasta sauce from scratch and spaghetti. He pokes his head out and says to me, “You know, I don’t remember when it happened, but I slowly became the bitch.”. I laughed and went back to trimming my wee patch of grass. I loved the yard work! It was so satisfying to look at it all when I was done and see that my half of the yard was prettier then my neighbors!

The Boy update:

The boy went back to Sam today for the whole day for the first time since June. HE IS HAPPY! Is back to normal and is acting like he never left! I couldn’t be happier or more stress free about my son’s daycare!

Work Update:

One of my close co-workers was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s Disease. I have so many emotions about this I can’t even begin to articulate them all. I can’t begin to wonder what he is feeling.

One that happy note, I’m off to bed.

Blog ya later.


Sunday, September 04, 2005


10 days later we have phones and internet. The boy is sick and whining beside me. Will post more later.
