Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Sweat, Sweat, Sweat, *GASP*

I worked out on my treadmill tonight for the first time in about 6 months. Throughout the summer, even on the high humidity days, I would walk outside. Granted I would do this at 9:30-10pm so it was as cool as possible, but still, I worked out tramping through my streets. I had totally forgotten how awesome it is to be running in place and be able to get off at anytime!!! I mean, on my outdoor walk there are some pretty huge hills that you can't avoid. Once you start up them, you can't lower the incline and wimp out. You grit your teeth and get your butt to the top! On the treadmill you can get off when you want, you can run at anytime because you aren’t waiting for a big hill to be over, basically, you can wimp out whenever you want! :) The only thing that I have to say I find unpleasant about running on the treadmill is that there isn't a breeze to dry you off. I was literally DRIPPING by the time I was done my half hour. Note to self: bring the fan downstairs before I run again.

Anyway, Jason and I have discovered the true extent of the powers of my memory. I am a numbers machine. I have my bank card, social security, health card, every phone number of our friends locked in my brain. I am the calendar in the way that I know everyone’s birthday and anniversary…most times. This helps tons in the way that Jason has be reminded of his own mother’s birthday by me. The problem is I can’t remember having conversations 10 minutes after I have them. Jason will ask me to do something or tell me about something and 15 minutes later I will tell him he never told me that. Please insert the horrible grinding noise that is his teeth after I tell him that. In case you are wondering, yes, this does happen to me at work as well. In the case of work I have a steno pad that I’m constantly writing on so that I have back notes on my days to cover my ass. Of course I have outstanding long term memory. If I drive someplace once I can always find my way there again. I can remember conversations from 6 months ago word for word. Stupid stuff like that. I’m a champ at Trivial Pursuit! This is the weird thing that happened tonight, J and I figured out the exact perfect window where my memory stops and restarts in super accurate mode. At almost one month past the time that the event happens, I get it all back. In this case, one month ago today we moved all our stuff out of the old apartment and trucked it here. A day or two before that we got a tax bill for the new house and I shoved it, for “safe” keeping, in the file cabinet. Do you think I could remember that for the past month? I have torn this place apart looking for it! The due date on the bill I could remember, the amount we owed I could remember, do you think I could remember where I put the damn thing? I finally remembered tonight, with perfect clarity, the location and reasoning behind where I put it. Therefore, I walk through life with a month-long black void behind me. Dear God I hope I never have to go to court to be a witness….

Nighty, Night!



Anonymous said...

It's a shame that "30 day black void" won't fit on a license plate. :/

Anonymous said...

Actually, we just decided that "30 Day Black Void" is a pretty awesome goth-metal band name. They can tour with Type-O Negative. :D

Anonymous said...

LOL!! :D