Friday, May 05, 2006

Sigh...Double Sigh...

I am so tired of having a broken son. He pooped on the carpet again. The first time he did it in his room and it nearly stopped my heart. It was everywhere!!! On all his blankets, on him, rubbed into the floor…ARG!!!

This time though it was MY CARPET! My extra-thick-pile-more-expensive-then-the-rest-of-the-house-for-my-bedoom
-PURE-WHITE-CARPET!!!! He pooped in his diaper, then said to himself, “Well, that’s done.” Then took it off! I didn’t see this, J told me about it when he called me. Thank GOD the carpet cleaners were already out in our neck of the woods yesterday. If they hadn’t been it would have been next Thursday before they could have come out. Everything is cleaned up. They even gave the spot in the Boy’s room another shot ‘cause there was a micro bit of a stain left. So that’s $120 in on week for carpet cleaning. I mean hey, it’s not like J and I are under some financial stress right now…Oh wait, WE ARE!!! * smacking forehead with palm*

Other then that we are doing fine. KCh. came out to the house two nights ago so the Boy could meet his new puppy, Charlie.

OH MY GOD is this thing CUTE!!!!! The boy has totally fallen in love with her. The next morning the first words out of his mouth was, “Go see puppy?”. I am totally hungering for a pet right now, but it is so not the right time for the expense. And NO BLACKFISH DOESN’T COUNT!!! He’s in a bowl for crying out loud! Charlie is also completely imprinted on KCh.! The way you see her in the picture is how she is 90% of the time, on his feet!

Eleven more sleeps to go 'til no more broken boy.

Blog ya later.


Anonymous said...

Awwwwww!!! Charlie is sooooo cuuuuuuute!! *earsplitting squeal* How old is she?

And when does the boy get out of his plaster prison? The sooner the better by the sounds of it. ((HUGS))

Kay said...

Charlie is only 7 weeks old. Very chubby/clumsy light brown chocolate lab. LOVE HER!!! Yeah, I guess I like KCh too! :)

11 more sleeps til he is out....

