Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I miss the sun...

I have been feeling so depressed the past two days. It's like an extra 20 pounds was added to a bag across my shoulders, I look in the mirror and I see the 20 on my hips, I try to get work done and the effort is so immense...I just want to go to bed for a week. I'm taking Thursday off work to have a recharge day. Am going to hang around in my PJ's and watch movies in the recliner. No cleaning, no laundry...well...maybe a little laundry. ANYWAY, it's going to be a day to just chill in my house. Mornings have been a bitch. I've been running late both mornings now, J is annoyed at me 'cause then I force him out of bed early to help me get the boy ready to go, I get to work feeling totally stressed before I even start dealing with customers. BLARG!!!!

I'm guessing everyone feels like this during daylight savings time. The lack of sunlight draining all ambition to do anything from your body.

Ever since J discovered his foodie blog he has been unstoppable. I've been getting amazing meals every night whether I want them or not! LOVE IT!!! I got an amazing soup for dinner. Scrum-diddly-umtious!

Must go. Am going to tuck myself either into bed or my hobbyroom chair. Time for some me time.

Blog ya later!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really know how you feel when it comes to the lack of light. A lot of friends and family seem to be feeling it this year.

Just think, we're less than five weeks away until Yule (the Winter Solstice) then the days start getting longer again! That's one of the things I love about being pagan, you get to celebrate seasonal dates like this. I find it really helps me deal with the lack of light.

Love you loads!