Friday, November 04, 2005

YAY ME!!!!

I weighed in today. LOST 3 POUNDS!!! Am at my lowest yet at 38 lbs gone! WOOT!!! I’m starting to get serious about getting to my goal weight before my year anniversary of joining weight watchers. It’s within my grasp! BWA HA HA HA!!!!

14 to go....


Anonymous said...

w00t!! :D Rock on, chica!

Jason said...
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Kay said...

LOL!!! I miss you Teddy! You are fun, must have you out to the house. J and I shitcanned the idea of an openhouse because the last time we tried we invited about 140 people...18 showed...but we had the food for 100 people. We were eating M&M burgers for the whole winter. :)
