Thursday, November 15, 2007
Hey!!! I'm posting!
I suck. I don't blog any more. Life is full. Life is happy.
This is not good bye. This is just, I'm not going to be here much...but I'm sure you all have figured this out already.
Please send me a comment and I'll add you to my profile on Facebook. I'm there more the here.
Too-da-loo! :D
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Sunday...and Sunny!?!
This weekend has been great. J and I finished "Kingdom of Heaven" on Friday night and then played Vanguard until 1:30am. Next day was Ratatouille with The Boy, J and KCh. The adults all loved the movie, but from the level of noise in the theatre the movie didn't hold the kids all that well. During actiony stuff it got quiet but there was enough of the plot that was straight talking that went over their heads so they were bored. There were about 4 families that left early. The Boy wanted to leave within the first half hour, but we made him stay as he has to learn that once you pay the money, you wait for the lights to come back on before you leave again.
KCh took off to the pet store for more Charlie food, we were off to Subway for lunch and then to Food Basics. J had a great time. The place is uber cheap, lots of ethnic stuff you wouldn't see in Loblaws, but I HATE IT! I had a mild to medium panic attack towards the end of the stay. Too many people, aisles too full of crap that hadn't been put away on the shelves, could keep track of J 'cause he was having the time of his life wandering around finding stuff...anyway, I finally said we were done, didn't care if J was or not, parked the cart in the line up to the cash and got the hell out. J popped The Boy out of the cart so we both waited in the car for him to get out of that place. I'm not going back. Not gonna happen. By the time we got home from all of this it was closing in on 4pm. Various gaming with the "F this game" crew, then bed...around midnight! :)
Today will begin with LAUNDRY! Oh thy most hated chore! Weeding the "garden" is also up there. I was going to do a veggie garden this year...time got away from me and it never happened. Now I have a lovely crop of weeds that have to be ripped out before they can seed.
Happy weekend!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Hey, I’m blogging again! YAY!!!
Nothing to report other then I’m so G-D tired I wanna cry. I love gaming with all my friends, why am I always the one who gets tired first??? Wah…L
This week is blessedly open. The only thing on the radar is Ryan’s swimming lessons on Wednesday night. He loves them so much! He is doing really well and loves being in the water. I just wish that when it wasn’t his turn he would hold still and stop wiggling around the way he does. He is right on the edge of the pool and I’m terrified that he will fall in and not grab the edge of the pool. If he grabs the edge of the pool he can pull himself out again but….sigh. Stupid worrying.
We are heading into another heat wave until Wednesday. I’m betting we will all be back downstairs sleeping in the guest room that night. Next year we are going to be buying an A/C unit for the bedroom….or maybe the year after that….It’s not bad during the summer except when we go through two or three days of 28 degrees that feels like 45 with the humidity.
Hmmm…what else to write…don’t know of anything that anyone would care about…Well, most of this blog is stuff that only I care about. So I guess I could write about how much I hate spiders in the corners of the house and there would be nothing you could do about it! HA! :)
Saturday, July 07, 2007
I would love to know how to fix this.
I would love to take back a lot of things that I say in the spur of the moment.
I would love to not feel like this anymore.
Don't ask, won't tell, just needed to vent...and apologize....
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Day off....*happy sigh*
This week is packed. The Boy's swimming lessons start again this Wednesday, Thursday night is dinner at my cousin's place with Gramma J, Friday is renting Epic Movie with KCh, Saturday is picking Melly up in the market and bringing her back here for Melly-in-the-country night. Sunday is far.
My birthday is coming up. sigh. I'm going to be 29 and not happy. One more year in my 20's. On the mythic day I'm going to pull the blinds, shut the doors, and lock myself in my hobby room with a bottle...of water 'cause drinkin' isn't fun anymore now that I get hang-overs. :(
Hmmmm....that last paragraph was pretty depressing. Let's try for some happy!
I'm happy that The Boy is in his program for the summer, for the help with his speech, and for it breaking up the two months of being home with J. For J's sake as well as Ryan's frame of mind.
I'm happy that I have a happy, healthy, little boy that is currently pretending to be a frog and hopping behind me in my hobby room shouting at the top of his lungs, "RIBBIT!!!".
I'm happy that I have friend's who care about me and a husband who loves me...most of the time! :)
I'm happy that it's only 21 degrees out with little humidity. So comfy in the house right now.
I'm happy that I'm going to be going to Costco with KCh later today because a) Car ride, b) chillin' with KCh, c) gonna get a HUGE flat of bottled water as our house is dry.
That's all for now, what are you happy about?
Monday, July 02, 2007
Fantastic Weekend!
-playing with Ryan
-more gaming
-trip to the Market and Capital Hill
-Ryan going to a Little Ray's Reptiles birthday party
-trips to the grocery store
-walks around town to get the mail and do the river walk
-more gaming
-forcing Alphabet BINGO on the guys :)
-lots of pictures
-wet towel fights
-did I mention gaming?
-walkie talkie hide n' seek
-curry night Jason style
-fire in the chiminea on the deck
-early mornings no matter how late we stayed up the night before
-discovering Bri watches Grey's too! YAY!
-fireworks on Canada Day
-YouTube fun
-drinking, learning baseball quarters, War, and Trouble
-hang over of doom and determining that I'm now too old to drink since I can't hold my liquor
-one last game of AOM
-The boys packing up and heading home.I'm so glad I booked tomorrow off. I'm going to recover. :) Hope you guys had as good a time as we did.
Ciao for now
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Work is great! The boss is on vacation for the next three weeks!
J and I are still hooked into Vanguard. Not as hard as we used to be...or should I say, I'M not as hooked into it. I'm liking taking nights off from it to watch tv or do laundry...or God forbid, READ.
I'm looking forward to my week of vacation in Cobourg. The boy and I are going there while J goes east to visit his family. J and I decided to do this vacation separately just because he is going to have to work the entire time he is there. The last time we did this it was hell on the Boy and I so I said we weren't doing it again. The next time we all go as a family it's going to be a REAL vacation!
Time to go gorge on spaghetti! :D
Blog ya later!
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
I'm going to do something totally weird and play a game of Worms World party.
Blog ya later!
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Hey! I'm Blogging!!! :)
Not so new stuff is that J and I are still playing Vanguard. Am up to level 30 and we’ve taken a break from leveling while we wait for one of out static group to level a new character. Harvesting has pretty much been all that we’ve been doing…and making lots of gold from the stuff that we have been harvesting! The weird thing about this game is I’m only playing it to spend time with the husband, I wouldn’t have gotten into it otherwise. BUT, I’m now to the point where I’m having fun! It’s mostly due to hanging out with fun friend’s while we do boring stuff. J has a friend who he has known for 8 years from previous games like this. He and his brother are playing with us most nights. Very funny guys and they make grinding on trees and blood howlers fun! They are driving up from Massachusetts to visit for the July 1st weekend. MASSIVE LAN PARTY!!!! Incidentally, they just adopted a kitten last night. I don’t know how but J talking them into naming him “Potato”.
The Boy is good. I took a day off last week to do Field Trip day with his class. It was to the Museum of Nature for the morning, and then to Andrew Haydon Park for the afternoon. It was fun, in an “Oh my God do I really want to do this again” kind of way. I was given my boy and another little boy for the day, while other parents were given three kids each. SO glad that The Boy’s teacher was so kind to me. It was hard getting them herded from one place to the next, and saying things like, “Stay together, Don’t RUN!” and, “We’re looking, not TOUCHING” a billion times was fun as well. By the end of the day I had a migraine so bad that I was considering making J walk to the school to drive us home. I toughed it out, got in the door, took three advil liquigels, and was in bed for three hours. The headache didn’t go away for two days after. So hurty. I’m taking bottles of pills everywhere I go now so I don’t let these get out of control again.
J’s mom was with us for two weeks, and just went home yesterday.
I’m on Facebook….ALOT! I love it! It’s fun to see daily updates of what is going on with a large cross-section of people. Email me if you want to hook up there.
That’s about it for us. The Boy is done school in three weeks. J and I have an appointment with his teacher for a discussion on his test scores on Thursday. He is going to be going to Sam for the summer one day a week. This should break up his weeks a bit and give him some companionship as well. Although I think that him and Jayden are going to be hanging out A LOT this summer. Little friends are cute!
Blog ya later!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Max is sick... :(
$1862 in repairs needed. I MEAN HOLY F#*^@!!!!!!! We can get $500 taken off and done with another place on our extended warranty but still, HOLY F%$#&^!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Weekend Recap and Beyond...
Lots of yard work was also done. I mowed the lawn, extended the veggie garden by about 6 feet, cultivated the front garden while Mom and The Boy were popping weeds. My hands are still sore and I still can’t make a pinching motion without pain. :(
Party was great, out to the Chupick’s for a potluck meal and watching the Sens beat out New Jersey. Was home by 10:30 and into bed.
J and I are trying to save money right now so we have turned off a lot of our tv stations. We kept the fun zone package for The Boy and the lifestyle package for us as it includes HGTV and Food network. I haven’t really missed anything! It’s like we have had all these channels and been paying for them, but haven’t been watching them! STUPID!
BUSY weekend coming up with little to no Vanguard happening! L Friday night is Melly’s birthday fling with Salsa dancing, Saturday lunch is BBQ with ANGERAH and her room mates, Saturday night is drinkin’ n’ shit with Grisa, ANGERAH and her man, and possibly KCh, Sunday is Mother’s Day so I had better damn well be getting breakfast in bed.
Tomorrow should be fun, first time taking the Max in to an actual Nissan dealership…I mean stealership. We’ll see how much this sets us back.
Blog ya later.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Vanguard KILLED my Blog!
The Boy is now is swimming lessons with his little friend Aiden. They are soooo cute at the pool!
Am heading out to see Melly and eat at Wang’s Noodle Hut. OUR FAV!!!! 5$ dinner and it’s soooooo yummy!
I’m going to try to update this thing more. Only problem is the husband and I are playing Vanguard when ever the boy has gone to bed and we are not too tired. Makes for not a lot of free time to blog.
Cross your fingers and maybe I’ll post again before another 2 months go by.
Ciao for now.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
New Info...
Ciao for now.
In Shock...
I don't know what is going to be happening over the next couple days to week. My Dad was called this evening by his sister to tell us that his mother has had a massive heart attack. The doctors are saying they don't know if she will pull through. She is 85 so I don't know how strong she is for this. Dad left 15 minutes ago is and driving to Chatham where she is being treated. I will be going there as well.
Teddy, this is putting next weekend in the "cancelled" zone for me if this is going the way I think it is going. If I don't make it to the brawl then we will have to plan a night of revelry in the name of St. Patrick with the gang on another weekend! :(
Blog ya when I know more.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Weekend of DOOM!!!
Our friend R's 30th birthday is on Tuesday. None of us knew this until we were woken up at 9:30am by G to invite us all over. It was a blast! KCh., R, Angerah, and I played shooter Snakes and Ladders. Every time you went down a snake you had to do a shot of Polar Bear shooters. The board was a sheet of glass and the men were little shot glasses. Totally FUN! Then after two games of that it was time to try out Dance Dance 2000! That was a hoot, even J hopped up there and did some organized stumbling for us.
Today has been all about the laundry and Vanguard. J and I both bought an account and play on Woefeather. I'm at level 5 and a lesser giant. It's fun but I'm not near the addict that J is. The first night he had his account he was up until 4am...on a week night! :) I enjoy doing the quests more then just randomly killing stuff.
LOL!!! The Boy just randomly called out that he has to clean his room, that he has a "BIG mess"! He has only one more week with the pins in his foot and then two more in the walking cast. I can't wait for this to be over. He has regressed with his toilet training to the point that we have put him back into Pullups. He was doing so many accidents that I was washing his dirty underwear all week to keep up. Oh well, as soon as he is out of the cast he will be back to normal. It happened that way the last time.
Blog ya later!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
The Boy is in the office with Daddy. When he starts hearing me retching he asks Daddy, "What she eat for dinner!?!" and a few minutes later after a particularly loud HURG, "That not good!". I was in plenty of pain for most of the night and felt like someone had beaten me with a stick when I woke up the next day. Advil has taken away the worst of it and I was able to have a light breakfast and keep it so I'm assuming it was a 24 hour bug. Anyway, will try this whole getting back to work thing tomorrow.
Ciao for now.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Last night was the BEST! I went to a euchre tournament/party with the Pierce's and had a blast! It was a retro themed night so I was a flower child with my tie-died shirt and wild makeup. I was randomly drawn to the main table...and didn't really leave there until near the end of the night. I WON THE TOP PRIZE! I had amazing luck with the cards and the partners. Yvonne and I are planning on doing the same thing in July at their house, with J cooking of course.
Back to work tomorrow....:(
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Aaaaaahhhhh! :D
Monday was hanging around the house, Tuesday I took The Boy out of the house to go visit his class mates and deliver Valentine's to them all. I even got to help with his class doing a craft. After he started getting tired he and I went to Sam's to say hi to all the kids and let Sam give him some hugs. Then to the grocery store, dollar store for a treat, then home. Lots of running around and by the time we were home I was spent. The treat that he picked out was a new one, POP ROCKS! I told him that he might not like them and that they Anyway, after the first demo by Mommy he now has a new favorite and begs to go back to the dollar store to get more. I'm thinking that one package a week or less should be fine. Don't want him totally high on sugar.
That brings me to my latest conundrum. How do you get your 4 year old proper nutrition in the way that you get him to eat as much of his dinner as possible before you let him have dessert? I have serious issues about this because it's implanting the mentality that you have to clean your plate all the time which can lead to obesity. I'm thinking the only way to do this is to do away with ALL treats and then establish "Dessert" that is a healthy, yet yummy, choice like yogurt, fruit, small bowl of ice cream, etc. On the other hand we have been doing things so far that he has to have most of his dinner, half to three quarters, before he can have a treat. Treats can mean a Popsicle, bowl of ice cream, strawberries, a hard candy, ju-jubs, three Pocky sticks, whatever we have in the house sort of thing. He is doing really well with his eating new things...if we deny him anything except a small bit of water about two hours before dinner is scheduled. He eats beef with broccoli stir fry, schezuan stir fry, roast chicken, roast beef, LOVES cooked broccoli, carrots, mashed potatoes....hmmm. The more I think about it the more I realize he does eat a lot of veggies and good-for-him things....hmmm....perhaps I'll think more on this before we do any sweeping changes.
Can't wait for Gray's Anatomy tonight! Not just for the episode but that fact that KCh and ANGERAH is coming over to watch it at my house. I love dishing the action during commercials! Tomorrow is Movie Night at KCh's house with his 52" tv, Saturday night I'm out with the Pierce's at a Euchre Tournament, Sunday is crying and whining about not wanting to go back to work. :)
We had something interesting happen with the GP's. We are pretty sure Cinnamon went into Estrus. The girls wouldn't settle down for almost two days. Constant arguing and rumble-strutting/humping. I was ready to separate them and even had the smaller cage ready to go, but today they are back to peaceful co-existence. The book says that estrus can last 17-20 days but that ovulation is 24-48 hours. I guess that was what that was? Who knows, I'm just happy that they are getting along again. Spice is a really good influence on Cinnamon. She is willing to try any of the veggies that I have put on the floor during outside time. As soon as she gets to chowing down Cinnamon gets jealous and starts eating it too! So far we have had major success with carrots, strawberries, and today's new one, Broccoli. I read the book to find out whether or not green/yellow beans are okay for them. The books says they are okay while the internet says they are poison. Hmmmm....we'll leave them out just on the outside chance. Anyway, here is the latest awesome pic of the two of them.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
- mother board that has been sitting on a shelf waiting for a CPU for about a year got a new kick-butt CPU
- that combo ended up in Athens (All computers in our house are named after major European cities to help with the network.)
- Athens Mother board and CPU went into Berlin.
- Berlin's Motherboard and CPU went into my new/old baby, re-christened, Dublin.
This is when things started getting a little crazy.
- The power supply that we though was good, wasn't.
- New power supply bought.
- The video card was a dud.
- Cue digging another video card out of the pile.
- Mommy decides that she hates the behemoth monitor that would have gone into her cute little pink hobby room so talks Daddy into letting her get from Costco this morning a brand new "17 Acer monitor for $179! YAY WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! (I LOVE IT!)
- Computer is now formated, booted with Windows XP, and is getting all the programs I want on it.
- Cue Daddy having to buy a wireless network booster so that I can watch my Torrented TV upstairs.
- Cue Daddy adding to the order a set of speakers and sub woofer so that I can hear said TV.
This "free" computer is ending up costing us a bit of a chunk! :(
Oh well, I'm VERY VERY VERY happy being able to have my own little PC. It is at the point in our family that J would be on one with The Boy on the other in the office. We now officially have one PC per person living in our house. We are geeks.
My vacation is going great! I slept in to 8am, Mom and Dad are up for the weekend so we all got up and got moving. Mom and I went to Costco first thing because we needed TP and a few other essentials, (This is the part where I called J on the cell and talked him into the monitor. Did I mention that this is also going to be my birthday present so if I whine about not getting anything in July slap me.), Mom was AWESOME and bought J and I a present! She bought us a Costco Memebership!!!! YAY!!!!! Out to Carleton Place for the dealz at Price Chopper, then back home to eat some lunch. This afternoon I took advantage of Mom and Dad being here and had a nap for an hour and a half. I have been so worn out lately. I could go to bed now and be happy!
Anyway, I'm going to go see if I can get a game of Sequence going with the folk. Tomorrow they head for home and I have a Movie night booked with KCh.
Blog ya later!
Thursday, February 08, 2007
ANGERAH and Teddy made me do it! :)
2. When’s the next time you will have sex?This weekend…my parents will be in the house afterall! ;)
3. What’s a word that rhymes with “DUCK”?Muck
4. Favorite planet? Saturn, as I LOVE RINGS!!!!
>5.Who is the 4th person on your missed call list?What missed call list? Is that a feature? Oh, on my cell it’s the Hubby.
6. What is your favorite ring on your phone?William Tell Oviture
7. What shirt are you wearing?Eddie Bauer, Purple, full length sleeve, “V” neck.
8. What were you doing 20 minutes ago?Eating lunch and gossiping with the work mates
9. Name the brand of shoes you’re currently wearing?Hmmm….Payless
10. Bright or Dark RoomBright
11. What do you think about the person who posted this survey?They are both awesome/neat-o/peachy-keen!!!
12. If you’re in a room with two beds, which one do you sleep in?The one close to the window, in case of fire.
13. What were you doing at exactly midnight last night?I was in the comforting arms of Morpheus
14. What was your last message you received ?Follow up from my director of Taxation about a screw up by our offsite storage provider.
15. How do you like your eggs?scrambled or without the yolks with sautéed onions and red peppers
16. What’s a word/phrase that you say a lot?Yuppers
17. Who told you he/she loved you last?Son
18. Last furry thing you touched?Cinnamon as she was the last Guinea Pig I put in her cage.
19. How many drugs have you done in the last three days?1 – Advil Liqui-caps!
20. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed?Zero – get with the dgitial!
21. Favorite age you have been so far?28
22. Your worst enemy?The head secretary at work. She makes my life hell and treats me like shit when she can get away with it.
23. What wallpaper do you have on your desktop?A pic of our Guinea Pigs!
24. What was the last thing you said to someone?..Thank you
25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly?Million bucks
26. Do you like someone?Lots of people
27. The last song you listened to?Keshia Chante – U2
28. If the last person you spoke to was getting shot, what would you do?Duck the arterial spray
29. If you could punch 1 person in the face, who would it be?see question 22
30. What is the closest object to your left foot?My sock, in my shoe, next to my computer tower.
I’m also going to be my honey’s Dish Bish for a week! This will give him the break that I know he needs but can’t have as we can’t afford for him to randomly stop working for a week. Maybe I’ll even try cooking a time or two! …maybe not….
The Spice Girls are getting along much better! When they are out of the cage together they run and play and, as you can see below, they will snuggle when Daddy has them out on his chest during basketball games!
Ciao for now!
Monday, February 05, 2007
Cinnamon and Spice Meet...
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Happy Sunday!
I haven't really done a big description-type post about his time in the hospital...and I don't think I'm going to. It was two days of no sleep and lots of stress so I don't really want to get into it other then to say I'm glad it's done and he did very well considering all he went through. I'm also VERY VERY VERY thankful that my Dad came up and helped with through the thing 'cause J had to work.
Anyway, this week is nothing special except for a vet. appointment for Spice on Monday night, A reiki appointment for me on Wednesday, and Mom and Dad coming for the weekend on Friday. My experiment with reiki I'm very much looking forward to. It's done by Stevie, a mutual friend of Melly's and mine. I'll get to hang out with the both of them on Wednesday so double bonus!
Blog ya later!
Friday, February 02, 2007
Welcome Spice Pollock!
We added to the family this weekend. I have been tossing around in my mind ever since we brought home Cinnamon whether or not she should have a sister. I was in Super Pet in Kanata buying a second litter pan and brush for our piggy when I made the mistake of taking a peek in the animal area. A new litter of Guinea Pigs had arrived last week and there was one with the same pallet of colors as Cinnamon. *INSERT LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT HERE* Upon nagging J though MSN until I finally asked him:
"Do you have any MAJOR objections to Cinnamon getting a friend? I'm the one that is going to be cleaning the cage. All you have to provide is the love."
Thus I went to the store, helped the girl sex the litter and assured myself that Spice was a girl, then we were on our way home.
She is doing the same thing that Cinnamon did her first night, cowering in her Pigaloo and has yet to come out. I know it's going to take her a couple days to settle in so I won't be the emotional mess I was the last time. So it's two weeks in quarantine down in the bar and then we will "introduce" the girls to each other. You have to be careful with this. You don't just plop them in the same cage and let them fight it out. We are doing this in the right way in we have an older GP and a younger one. Dominance will be established pretty much through size so we'll see how well this goes.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Jason and I randomly came across this...and nearly pissed ourselves laughing!
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Hospital Stay
Maybe tomorrow. Am staying home from work another day.
Buh bye.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Soooooo tired....
In other news our local park was vandalized again. I take my 4 year old son over to go down the slide and find this:
I was completely disgusted by this...even though I did giggle for about one second. I had brought the camera to get some fun shots of The Boy playing in the snow and on the equipment. So, no pics of him on the slide, but this pic did get sent to the town on Sunday afternoon. We got a reply first thing Monday morning and before the end of the day someone had been by and rubbed something over it to smear it around and make it illegible. I don't get it. There is a house right across the street from this place! Are you telling me the brats are not drawing their notice??? I would be the neighborhood watch and calling the cops on them! ARG!
Oh well, I'll write again after we are checked out of the hospital on Thursday.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Hi there
*TWO HOURS LATER* *Sponge Bob Narrator voice*
STUPID!!! I finally broke and picked up my cute, fuzzy, deadly pet and cuddled her against my neck. I haven’t done this since the first major reaction but I hadn’t had anything major happen since then so I thought that maybe I was becoming accustomed to her.I am so sick of this. I have so much love to give a little ball of fur! I mean, why would I nag my husband for 8 months to get her if I didn’t have a ton of love to give! SIGH!
In other news, The Boy’s surgery is on the 24th. We were at CHEO this past Friday and have found out that we are only going to be fixing the left foot. THANK GOODNESS! Him having only one cast on is going to make this ordeal so much easier! The bad news that we found out is that they are going to be doing bone work so there will be pins and it will be eight weeks in casts. We will get through this. It’s going to be a lot harder on J then it will be on me but I know we will get through this.