Sunday, July 17, 2005

Blerg about MSN...

Okay, so if anyone has tried to talk to me for the past two days on MSN I have not been here. Sorry about this. One of J's computers has been automatically logging me in when it is turned on and I didn't know about it. I came upstairs and was turning off the machines for J last night when I saw about four conversations that people has tried to start with me and it looked like I ignored them. SORRY, wasn't here, didn't know I was logged on, would have replied if I had known. :(

Anyway, quick update. My parents are coming up today because the house inspection is tomorrow. Not only would I have wanted my Dad to be here for it we had a daycare conflict. The boy is home with us all next week because our new provider already had a vacation week booked. I didn't want to put the boy into a back up of our back up for one week and screw up his already tenuous routine. Mom will babysit while Daddy and Poppa go see the new house.

Have I mentioned that we are very excited about this? HOLY COW ARE WE EXCITED!!!! We were at Home Depot, or as we call it Home Despot(the home store run by Hitler), twice this weekend. Picked out the possible flooring for the office, got some paint chips and picked the colors for most of the rooms. J is in kitchen heaven going through appliance reviews and picking out what he is going to have in his kitchen! Also, BIG news for me! Instead of getting a cheap new bed for the guest room downstairs, we are going to buy the matching bed frame of our current furniture and a new mattress for us! WOOT and DOUBLE WOOT!!!! I'm not going to be sleeping in a hole anymore! The guests get to!!! :)

Anyway, must go. Got all the vacuuming and tidying done but I still have to mop before the 'rents get here.

Buh bye! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Home Despot...conquering your home improvement problems.