Sunday, July 24, 2005

New Bedding...


I had a blast this morning! I was going to Sears at the Carlingwood mall to look at shower curtains and ended up getting an entire bedset!

Got there way too early, the parking lot was half empty and I thought to myself I was going to be waiting a while to get into any stores. On my way in I saw this HUGE lineup for Sears. Turns out not only was it Super Sat/Sunday sales but for the first three hundred people through the doors, you got a $20 off coupon! I ended up getting the Aegean Comforter Set , the link is to a different catalogue then Sears but it is the same one. (The whole reason I'm getting brand new bedding is our current bed is going in the basement guest room so our old comforter set is going down there as well. We are getting this bed for the master bedroom.) I got the queen size comforter, the sheet set with pillow cases, and the decorative shams that look like they have the envelope flap. I also replaced all four pillows and got a mattress cover for the guest bed. Now here is the best part, THE DEAL!!!! So in total it came to about $470. If I hadn't gone in today I would have missed the sale and the coupon. If I hadn't gotten the savings it would have come to a grand total of $709 with taxes. CAN YOU IMAGINE!!! My mother somewhere is feeling proud of me and she doesn't know why! :) I'm going to be painting the walls the colour of lavender from the comforter. SO excited about my new bedroom! I think I have a bathroom set with shower curtain pinned down, but I'm still not sure if it is too girly for's got butterflies all over it...hmmm....

Anyway, for other house stuff, J gets to go visit the house AGAIN tomorrow to measure the space for the dishwasher. I'm soooo jealous! I've only been in our house twice! :(

Much love to everyone,


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