So I have to capture this day while I still have the adreniline coursing through my system. Please forgive all typo's, run-on sentences and grammer errors. Too tired to fucking care yet too wound to stop typing!!! :P
Day started at 2:38 in the morning with the boy waking up screaming his head off. Understandable, because he had crapped his pants before falling asleep. This of course meant that it was extremely painful and uncomfortable at 2:38 in the morning. Changed his bum, gave him big hugs and cuddles, sang him the "sunshine" song and then crawled back into bed for another three hours of sleep. Great morning! Was up before everyone, as usual, had my shower and got ready to go before either of my men woke up. I knew the munchkin was going to be grumpy so I cut up a bag full of strawberries, his favourite, for his breakfast and had them ready at the change table. GOOD PLAN MOMMY! He was VERY happy to see them and helped keep a good mood on him all the way to day care. Jay came with us today to work out of Kanata for a change. BONUS! Got to have a 2 point breakfast with my sweetie (english muffin, no butter, and an egg white with 1 tbsp of ketchup) and then the honey took me out to lunch at Bombay Marsala. OH GOD THE CURRY!!!!! I deliberately only had a turkey bite for the whole morning to save points for lunch, which we figure ended up being around 30. Had the deep fried onion balls, butter chicken, ground beef type of curry, and curried veggies!!! SO YUMMY!!!! Anyway, that was it for food for the day. Didn't have dinner except some of Ryan's strawberries/milk/wee bit of ice cream smoothie. Jay went off to install the computer he built over the weekend and left me with the monster. I emptied the dishwasher and loaded it again, cleaned kitchen to shining, striped the bed and washed the sheets and mattress cover, folded three loads of laundry, tidied up the monster's room, swept the living room, made the boy dinner, and got started on the new Nora Roberts, Black Rose. Jay came home at this point and made a pot of coffee and we tried out the new Vanilla Caramel creamer. OH HOLY HELL THE YUMMY!
ANYWAY, here is the fun part. My RIO Forge DIED!!! Wouldn't start, nothing. Jay plugged in the USB cable and it was able to connect but it looked like it was going to have to be flashed...or some such techno babble. Ended up letting Jay fiddle with it for about a half and hour before taking HIS MP3 player and going on my run. This is now 10:30 at night and am so crusty eyed it's horrible. But, I ate my heart out at lunch so the guilt was riding me. I HAD THE BEST RUN OF MY LIFE!!! I ran 3/4 of the entire route that I usually take in four separate bouts of running!!! I was so high when I got back I wanted to put my head through a brick wall or, start doing back flips! What I ended up doing was stretching in front of the intro to Goldmember (Forgot how funny that was!), chugging a bottle of my flavoured water that we got at Costco and making the bed before coming up here.
Okay, it's now 11:43 and am on the crash. Must....go....sleepy.....
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Tee Hee!!!
Check it out! I'm doing HTML stuff! Not that I know a thing about it, or if it didn't work I would know how to fix it...hmmm.....SMRT!!!!!!
Stole this from Tedrow's blog! This is actually pretty close to the last D&D character I played.
Must go have some quality time with my Dungeon Master! ;)
Buh Bye.
Stole this from Tedrow's blog! This is actually pretty close to the last D&D character I played.
Must go have some quality time with my Dungeon Master! ;)
Buh Bye.
I Am A: Chaotic Good Human Ranger Fighter
Chaotic Good characters are independent types with a strong belief in the value of goodness. They have little use for governments and other forces of order, and will generally do their own things, without heed to such groups.
Humans are the 'average' race. They have the shortest life spans, and because of this, they tend to avoid the racial prejudices that other races are known for. They are also very curious and tend to live 'for the moment'.
Primary Class:
Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.
Secondary Class:
Fighters are the warriors. They use weapons to accomplish their goals. This isn't to say that they aren't intelligent, but that they do, in fact, believe that violence is frequently the answer.
Shaundakul is the Chaotic Good god of travel and exploration. He is also known as the Rider of the Winds. His followers are typically rangers, and work to protect the land. They typically wear leather armor, and carry long swords and short bows. Shaundakul's symbol is a white hand with the index finger raised.
Find out What D&D Character Are You?, courtesy of
NeppyMan (e-mail)
Chaotic Good characters are independent types with a strong belief in the value of goodness. They have little use for governments and other forces of order, and will generally do their own things, without heed to such groups.
Humans are the 'average' race. They have the shortest life spans, and because of this, they tend to avoid the racial prejudices that other races are known for. They are also very curious and tend to live 'for the moment'.
Primary Class:
Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.
Secondary Class:
Fighters are the warriors. They use weapons to accomplish their goals. This isn't to say that they aren't intelligent, but that they do, in fact, believe that violence is frequently the answer.
Shaundakul is the Chaotic Good god of travel and exploration. He is also known as the Rider of the Winds. His followers are typically rangers, and work to protect the land. They typically wear leather armor, and carry long swords and short bows. Shaundakul's symbol is a white hand with the index finger raised.
Find out What D&D Character Are You?, courtesy of

It has been done! I have turned Jay over to the dark side!!!!
This Saturday marked the first day of my husband joining me on the weight watchers diet! WOOHOO!!! I GOT'M HOOKED!
He has been doing really great to. Because he's 6'2" he gets a lot more points them me, but he is still having fun getting aquainted with the points and stuff. Will get him to update on how he is adjusting.
Can't wait for next weekend! Going to Raevyn's for dinner with the family! Should be a brawl!!! :D
Anyway, Jay are I are going to go watch a movie.
Props to da 'Hood, yo.
This Saturday marked the first day of my husband joining me on the weight watchers diet! WOOHOO!!! I GOT'M HOOKED!
He has been doing really great to. Because he's 6'2" he gets a lot more points them me, but he is still having fun getting aquainted with the points and stuff. Will get him to update on how he is adjusting.
Can't wait for next weekend! Going to Raevyn's for dinner with the family! Should be a brawl!!! :D
Anyway, Jay are I are going to go watch a movie.
Props to da 'Hood, yo.
Friday, May 27, 2005
Holy COSTCO Batman!!!
So I feel like I just witnessed a train wreck! I just got back from a huge trip with the family to Costco...yes you read right, I took The Boy to a large busy store. I know what your thinking, "She's crazy as a loon." or "What was she smoking!?!". I now feel the same way. Jay and I totally agree that he was a normal 2 year old. Which means of course that most of the trip was hell. He was good in that he stayed in the cart for most of the time. He was cute when he was eating the samples that were offered(rice, chocolate covered strawberries, mango, and two different kinds of juice). Was very polite and clean in the way he shoved them down his throat and made them disappear. When it came time to put the stuff through the cash Jay and I took the boy to the food court area and got a Poutine (By the way, Costco Poutine is by far the best EVER! The cheese is in huge chunks, like, hey we are too lazy to shred this stuff! We are going to give you these giant pieces of cheese on these deep fried potato slices with a gallon of rich dark gravey and there you go! A heaping helping of heart attack!!!) which the boy refused eat, a slice of okay pizza(seemed dry, aka old) which the boy refused to eat, and a diet coke...which the boy drained and had a melt down if anyone tried to take it from them. Holy cow, by the time we got all of the stuff in the car (We didn't do too badly, only about $190 this trip.) and got home I think I am in a state of shock.
My sinus cold is still in full force. When I walked in the door, the first thing, after changing the bum of the boy, was get out the Dristan Nasal Mist. LOVE THAT STUFF!!! It is like a shot-gun blast to the sinuses! I had major pressure, leakage and ear pain. One shot in each side and suddenly I'm a healthy person! Love that stuff. Too bad it's highly addictive or I would use it more then the recommended twice a day.
I am soooooo bummed! The one thing that I totally lusted after tonight was such a bargain. DAMN TAXES making us have to save our money! It was an 18" 14kt white gold rope chain necklace...for only $93!!!! *sigh* maybe next time....(HINT HINT SWEETIE!!!! :D )
Anyway, must go and coralle the boy into his bed. Jay is already unwrapping the computer he is building so I will see in on Monday.
Later 'Gator!
My sinus cold is still in full force. When I walked in the door, the first thing, after changing the bum of the boy, was get out the Dristan Nasal Mist. LOVE THAT STUFF!!! It is like a shot-gun blast to the sinuses! I had major pressure, leakage and ear pain. One shot in each side and suddenly I'm a healthy person! Love that stuff. Too bad it's highly addictive or I would use it more then the recommended twice a day.
I am soooooo bummed! The one thing that I totally lusted after tonight was such a bargain. DAMN TAXES making us have to save our money! It was an 18" 14kt white gold rope chain necklace...for only $93!!!! *sigh* maybe next time....(HINT HINT SWEETIE!!!! :D )
Anyway, must go and coralle the boy into his bed. Jay is already unwrapping the computer he is building so I will see in on Monday.
Later 'Gator!
YAAAAAYYYY!!! The weekend is here again! It is going to be sooooo nice to relax. Jay is going to be building a computer all weekend so he will keep himself busy. Ryan and I might try a couple of road trips…
Anyway, the boy has done it again. The poor little guy had a touch of the croup and passed it to me in the form of a sinus cold. I really, REALLY hate sinus colds now. It’s the “I can’t breathe, so I can’t eat easily, or taste anything, or sleep comfortably” kind of deal. Jay is dosing me with some Nyquil for the first time ever tonight because I’m sick of not sleeping.
I’m going to be doing my gardening this weekend. YAR I’M NOT SUGAR I WON’T MELT! I don’t care if it rains, I want to get my herbs planted. My sweet sweet husband went to the Home Hardware and picked up my second planter.
If I’m a little disjointed it’s because DUFFMAN CAN NOT BREATHE, OH YEAH!
Must work, will blog over the weekend.
Later ‘Gator!
Anyway, the boy has done it again. The poor little guy had a touch of the croup and passed it to me in the form of a sinus cold. I really, REALLY hate sinus colds now. It’s the “I can’t breathe, so I can’t eat easily, or taste anything, or sleep comfortably” kind of deal. Jay is dosing me with some Nyquil for the first time ever tonight because I’m sick of not sleeping.
I’m going to be doing my gardening this weekend. YAR I’M NOT SUGAR I WON’T MELT! I don’t care if it rains, I want to get my herbs planted. My sweet sweet husband went to the Home Hardware and picked up my second planter.
If I’m a little disjointed it’s because DUFFMAN CAN NOT BREATHE, OH YEAH!
Must work, will blog over the weekend.
Later ‘Gator!
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Cheap, Cheap, Cheap
So the story of my long weekend. Where to begin…
I left work, took the boy home, had dinner, and then drove to the market to Mel’s place. From her place went to meet up with Jodel at the Tulip Festival for the Shawn Desman concert. FUN! VERY FUN! The concert was awesome, and had a great time. After that however was when it went downhill. Wait, scratch that, the next morning was when it went down hill. I was horribly, publicly, drunk. When I say drunk I mean, I was held up to get home. But here is the funny part. IT WAS ON ONLY FOUR DRINKS!!! What the hell!?! We started at the Blue Cactus where two martini’s were imbibed. From there we were still feeling good so we went on to the Lesbian bar beside the Bare Fax. Had a great time there! Got hit on by this lovely black woman in the bathroom, and then there was the dancing to the awesome music. I had two Smirnoff’s while there. And that was it for me. By the time we got to Zaks for snack I was being overly polite to everyone to appear in some way sober. There was an incident with me, a cigarette, and three police officers, but we won’t get into that. By the time I was “helped” home (carried) and fell into bed (the couch), and tried to sleep (passed out after dealing with a bad case of the spins for a half an hour), it was about 3:30 in the morning. That means we were all up by 8am and ready to try to get to the Domus sidewalk sale. I was rough. Felt fine when I woke up, but by the time we had walked to get breakfast (one croissant) and shop, I was just about ready to cry I was so nauseous. Once again, FOUR DRINKS! Mel and Col took pity on me at that point and took me back to the apartment to try to sleep off a bit of the poison. It helped a lot. It got me well enough to be safe on the roads to get home to Almonte. This of course meant me having to cancel on fun that night with Ted, Jules, and Jodel. :( Was not happy about that, but believe me, you did not want me there! Will try to reschedule something soon, or maybe it will be at the next M&G.
And so the moral of this story is: Mommy is never drinking more then one ever again!!!
After that is was a general haze of recovery. The rest of Saturday was spent flat on my back, moaning occasionally. Sunday I was feeling a little bit better so I was able to get out for my run. Monday I walked twice. Took a movie back to the store on the other end of town with The Boy in the stroller and then did my jog that night.
Must go, my eyes feel like two piss holes in a snowbank. Need to get some sleep tonight.
I left work, took the boy home, had dinner, and then drove to the market to Mel’s place. From her place went to meet up with Jodel at the Tulip Festival for the Shawn Desman concert. FUN! VERY FUN! The concert was awesome, and had a great time. After that however was when it went downhill. Wait, scratch that, the next morning was when it went down hill. I was horribly, publicly, drunk. When I say drunk I mean, I was held up to get home. But here is the funny part. IT WAS ON ONLY FOUR DRINKS!!! What the hell!?! We started at the Blue Cactus where two martini’s were imbibed. From there we were still feeling good so we went on to the Lesbian bar beside the Bare Fax. Had a great time there! Got hit on by this lovely black woman in the bathroom, and then there was the dancing to the awesome music. I had two Smirnoff’s while there. And that was it for me. By the time we got to Zaks for snack I was being overly polite to everyone to appear in some way sober. There was an incident with me, a cigarette, and three police officers, but we won’t get into that. By the time I was “helped” home (carried) and fell into bed (the couch), and tried to sleep (passed out after dealing with a bad case of the spins for a half an hour), it was about 3:30 in the morning. That means we were all up by 8am and ready to try to get to the Domus sidewalk sale. I was rough. Felt fine when I woke up, but by the time we had walked to get breakfast (one croissant) and shop, I was just about ready to cry I was so nauseous. Once again, FOUR DRINKS! Mel and Col took pity on me at that point and took me back to the apartment to try to sleep off a bit of the poison. It helped a lot. It got me well enough to be safe on the roads to get home to Almonte. This of course meant me having to cancel on fun that night with Ted, Jules, and Jodel. :( Was not happy about that, but believe me, you did not want me there! Will try to reschedule something soon, or maybe it will be at the next M&G.
And so the moral of this story is: Mommy is never drinking more then one ever again!!!
After that is was a general haze of recovery. The rest of Saturday was spent flat on my back, moaning occasionally. Sunday I was feeling a little bit better so I was able to get out for my run. Monday I walked twice. Took a movie back to the store on the other end of town with The Boy in the stroller and then did my jog that night.
Must go, my eyes feel like two piss holes in a snowbank. Need to get some sleep tonight.
Friday, May 20, 2005
Unconscious Mutterings Stolen from Teddy!
By Kay
1. Grandma::Bitter-Mean-Crusty-Lump of Old - if anyone has ever heard me speak about my Dad's mom, you are well aware of this...:)
2. Pet::Tamagochi
3. Desolate::401...highway between London, ON and Windsor, ON
4. Backspace::often
5. Common ground::grass
6. Storm::lightening
7. Dark::ness
8. Water bottle::weight watchers...I keep one at work to chug all frickin' day
9. Training::boring
10. dot coms::Mark Cuban - owner of the Dallas Mavericks basketball team
By Jodel
1. Grandma::old
2. Pet::sam
3. Desolate::alone
4. Backspace::keyboard
5. Common ground::marriage
6. Storm::exciting
7. Dark::scary
8. Water bottle::drink
9. Training::learning
10. dot coms::information
1. Grandma::Bitter-Mean-Crusty-Lump of Old - if anyone has ever heard me speak about my Dad's mom, you are well aware of this...:)
2. Pet::Tamagochi
3. Desolate::401...highway between London, ON and Windsor, ON
4. Backspace::often
5. Common ground::grass
6. Storm::lightening
7. Dark::ness
8. Water bottle::weight watchers...I keep one at work to chug all frickin' day
9. Training::boring
10. dot coms::Mark Cuban - owner of the Dallas Mavericks basketball team
By Jodel
1. Grandma::old
2. Pet::sam
3. Desolate::alone
4. Backspace::keyboard
5. Common ground::marriage
6. Storm::exciting
7. Dark::scary
8. Water bottle::drink
9. Training::learning
10. dot coms::information
Monday, May 16, 2005
Weekend fun!
What a great weekend! It all started on Friday night when I stayed home. REST! Oh yeah, gotta love it. Went for my walk/run and then was in bed early. Woke up pretty early, just in time to nag my husband to take the family in to the mall. By the time we packed the 2 year old, mother-in-law and us in the car it was about 10:30. I started thinking to myself, “Damn I wish we had gotten out of the house sooner, the boy’s nap is going to be all screwed up.” He ended up having a little sleep in the car on the way into town. Got to Carlingwood and then started on the practice of learning patience. The kid rode the escalator about four times to the third floor and down again. Fine, this entertained him while Mother-In-Law and I browsed. Of course when it was time to go there was the “NO-O-O-O-O!!!” which was accompanied with jumping up and down and tears. No problem, it was actually kinda funny, especially when my 6’2”, husband started jumping up and down behind him. Just about peed myself! Anyway, finally got everyone out to the mall. The boy was, overall, a good boy. I made a Mommy mistake in not bringing the umbrella stroller (For those non-parents, it’s one of those flimsy strollers that fold up into a bundle of sticks and wheels. Very convenient for traveling.) and the boy got tired so he ended up being carried for that last hour we were there. Not a bad time overall. Am going to try to take him out with me more. He has to learn how to behave in public and if he never goes there how is he going to learn?
Anyway, that was only the first half of the day. Second half was me waking up from a nap at 5pm, getting dressed up , and hitting the market with my good buddy Mel. We had a huge chat in her condo, then walked through the market looking for a place to have a drink and a snack. We walked into five different places and walked back out again. We just couldn’t find a place that tickled our fancy. Ended up at the Blue Cactus Grill in the bar area right at the window. Over the next hour and a half we played that age old game of “FASHION CRIME!”. Basically, we just tore down the people that walked by. It got better with the rain started and everyone was soaked and complaining about it. Tried two new drinks, the Apple Pie Martini ( had it once be for at Alice Fazooli’s in Kanata but this one was AWESOME!!!), and a Ready to Go Martini (This one was smeh. Had vanilla vodka, kalua, something else and a shot of espresso. The silly thing even had coffee beans floating in it!). Anyway, was feeling the buzz so no driving home. Slept on the couch after watching ANCHOR MAN with Will Ferrel and getting pizza. By the way Anchor Man is the best. Could watch it a million times just to hear Brick say, “I DON’T KNOW WHY WE’RE YELLING!!!”
Sunday was blah. Hung out at home, had a mild argument with the husband, did laundry, and vacuumed the house. Jay’s mom followed behind me with the mop.
Pottery class tonight. Am going to build another soccer ball. It will be the third one and the last of the ordered ones. I can start doing mugs again and maybe design a new project or two.
Later ‘Gator
Anyway, that was only the first half of the day. Second half was me waking up from a nap at 5pm, getting dressed up , and hitting the market with my good buddy Mel. We had a huge chat in her condo, then walked through the market looking for a place to have a drink and a snack. We walked into five different places and walked back out again. We just couldn’t find a place that tickled our fancy. Ended up at the Blue Cactus Grill in the bar area right at the window. Over the next hour and a half we played that age old game of “FASHION CRIME!”. Basically, we just tore down the people that walked by. It got better with the rain started and everyone was soaked and complaining about it. Tried two new drinks, the Apple Pie Martini ( had it once be for at Alice Fazooli’s in Kanata but this one was AWESOME!!!), and a Ready to Go Martini (This one was smeh. Had vanilla vodka, kalua, something else and a shot of espresso. The silly thing even had coffee beans floating in it!). Anyway, was feeling the buzz so no driving home. Slept on the couch after watching ANCHOR MAN with Will Ferrel and getting pizza. By the way Anchor Man is the best. Could watch it a million times just to hear Brick say, “I DON’T KNOW WHY WE’RE YELLING!!!”
Sunday was blah. Hung out at home, had a mild argument with the husband, did laundry, and vacuumed the house. Jay’s mom followed behind me with the mop.
Pottery class tonight. Am going to build another soccer ball. It will be the third one and the last of the ordered ones. I can start doing mugs again and maybe design a new project or two.
Later ‘Gator
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Something that smells...Memy?
1. Android::Data
2. Revenge::Smeh
3. Knight::Heath Ledger
4. Stranded::Tom Hanks
5. Weakness::Me for chocolate
6. Greed::Weed…what the hell!?! I can’t think of a word so I’m rhyming now???
7. Walter::Richardson..crush in high school
8. Dense::Lead
9. Sheep::Sex…I know…I need therapy
10. Propane::BBQ!
Okay so I'm having a "warm" moment. Can't help it, my office mate is discussing a "moment" with her spanish husband on the stairs. Pedro! Whoose Blud BOOILS with de PAASH-Y-ON!!!
*sigh* I miss my husband. Haven't really spent any time with him in three days. :( Oh well, the weekend starts tomorrow night.
Buh Bye.
2. Revenge::Smeh
3. Knight::Heath Ledger
4. Stranded::Tom Hanks
5. Weakness::Me for chocolate
6. Greed::Weed…what the hell!?! I can’t think of a word so I’m rhyming now???
7. Walter::Richardson..crush in high school
8. Dense::Lead
9. Sheep::Sex…I know…I need therapy
10. Propane::BBQ!
Okay so I'm having a "warm" moment. Can't help it, my office mate is discussing a "moment" with her spanish husband on the stairs. Pedro! Whoose Blud BOOILS with de PAASH-Y-ON!!!
*sigh* I miss my husband. Haven't really spent any time with him in three days. :( Oh well, the weekend starts tomorrow night.
Buh Bye.
Holy BABY!
Holy shit did I have a weird night. So, I’m out at the M&G with Jodes, Teddy, Julia, and the crew. I’m having a great time joking around, hanging out. Then I check my phone just to see what time it is and there is a text from the husband telling me to call home. I call and find out that I sorta friend is in labor and is calling to see if I can come over and babysit the youngest boy in case they have to go to the hospital. I’m more then a little weirded out but she is a human being in need so I can’t say no. Anyway, left the pavilion, drove 1/2 hour to Almonte and packed my bag, then drove ½ hour to Stittsville to their house. Got in there at 10:15pm and got myself in my pj’s thinking I’ll get some sleep ‘cause this is going to take a while. The next thing I know Tim is asking me if I could video tape. Sure thing! :) So now I’m in the middle of the action! She is in the inflated kiddie pool full of warm water, sucking nitrous oxide through a mask at the peak of contractions and pushing. And there I am. First the tape wasn’t working and I had to take it out and figure out that there is a switch that says to record or not on the tape. Then the battery dies and I’m in the kitchen trying to figure out how the hell to get the first one out and replacement in. I get it all fixed and the camera on for the last two pushes. Baby comes out and up on her chest. There is a tense minute while they get her breathing. It didn’t happen right away. Anyway, sweet little girl born at 11:16pm, 7 lbs 4 oz. LOTS of black hair on her little head. Anyway, since everything was fine and they weren’t going anywhere after all, I put on my shoes, packed up my stuff and drove home in my Pooh Bear Pj’s. So……TIRED!!!
So this is the weird part. I’m driving home and just above the road is this beautiful crescent moon. I had just watched a new life be brought into the world and I think I was a little bit in shock. But I swear to God I had a spiritual moment in the car last night. I felt like there was another presence there with me and I was comforted by it/her/him. Once again, weird. (This is where Jay is rolling his eyes at me. Yes I know you are Sweetie! I know all and see all.)
Anyway, I need to find a good book on Paganism. Just to get the ground rules/beliefs and such. Sorta like Wicca for Dummies. Anyway, I want to put my head down and cry now. Am too tired to think straight.
Bye for now.
So this is the weird part. I’m driving home and just above the road is this beautiful crescent moon. I had just watched a new life be brought into the world and I think I was a little bit in shock. But I swear to God I had a spiritual moment in the car last night. I felt like there was another presence there with me and I was comforted by it/her/him. Once again, weird. (This is where Jay is rolling his eyes at me. Yes I know you are Sweetie! I know all and see all.)
Anyway, I need to find a good book on Paganism. Just to get the ground rules/beliefs and such. Sorta like Wicca for Dummies. Anyway, I want to put my head down and cry now. Am too tired to think straight.
Bye for now.
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
So I had a relatively weird day yesterday. I wore a floor length skirt with a short sleeved sweater that hasn’t seen the light of day in four years. Got to work and was just brushing my hand against my hip and what do I find, A HOLE! It’s like three inches long! I rush out to our grandmotherly receptionist and get her sewing kit. So there I am, in the bathroom, in my underwear, sewing my skirt. Not a big whoop. I get back to the office and start showing off my handiwork when my other hand brushes my hip and I find ANOTHER HOLE!. So back in the bathroom I go. What’s the deal??? It was only worn maybe a total of 6 times before it went into the closet. So mad. On the lighter side of things, I talked Jay into letting me go buy a couple new skirts to replace that one!
PAGAN M&G TONIGHT!!! Woohooo! Can’t wait to see all the fun people I met last time. I’m hoping that Raevyn makes it, not sure with her moving house and all. Will see you there Teddy!
PAGAN M&G TONIGHT!!! Woohooo! Can’t wait to see all the fun people I met last time. I’m hoping that Raevyn makes it, not sure with her moving house and all. Will see you there Teddy!
Monday, May 09, 2005
Monday, Monday...Bah Da..Ba da da da
So another week has started. I AM BUSY! I totally didn’t plan to have this much on this week. Monday night is Pottery class, Tuesday going to a movie with friends, Wednesday is Pagan M&G, Thursday is Survivor night at K’s place (the bastage will have his 55” Sony Vega Trinitron LCD…something-or-other in by then so I’ll be able to count the pores on Ian’s chest…not that I want to.) and then Friday I am home with the Mother-in-law while Current Husband goes out with the boys. Phew! If I don’t blog it’s because I’m trying to keep my sanity.
I’m feeling great today! I was looking through my closet for tomorrow and decided to try on some of my “thin” clothes” from 4 years ago. THEY FIT!!! I’m wearing something today I haven’t worn since I was single! I am a Hottie McHot’nHot! :) Yeah, yeah, am blowing my own horn a little much, but let me have my moment…okay it’s over.
Hey MyFriendA tm! I found an awesome site for Corry Street recaps! I’m reading about all the stuff that is happening now. Now I don’t worry about missing seeing the show and look forward to watching certain episodes!
Anyway, I was a good little housewife this weekend. Made dinner for S. and the boy on Friday, made a batch of WW cookies yesterday, Chewy Chocolate Gingerbread cookies. Only one point a piece, but, as Jay says, “You have had how many today???” *sigh*
Anyway, hope I get back to this sometime this week, but might not.
Buh Bye! :)
I’m feeling great today! I was looking through my closet for tomorrow and decided to try on some of my “thin” clothes” from 4 years ago. THEY FIT!!! I’m wearing something today I haven’t worn since I was single! I am a Hottie McHot’nHot! :) Yeah, yeah, am blowing my own horn a little much, but let me have my moment…okay it’s over.
Hey MyFriendA tm! I found an awesome site for Corry Street recaps! I’m reading about all the stuff that is happening now. Now I don’t worry about missing seeing the show and look forward to watching certain episodes!
Anyway, I was a good little housewife this weekend. Made dinner for S. and the boy on Friday, made a batch of WW cookies yesterday, Chewy Chocolate Gingerbread cookies. Only one point a piece, but, as Jay says, “You have had how many today???” *sigh*
Anyway, hope I get back to this sometime this week, but might not.
Buh Bye! :)
Saturday, May 07, 2005
Lo-o-o-ng Day
Had a ton of stuff going on today. My monther-in-law is staying with us for two weeks so when the boy got up this morning he went up and hung out with her. Yey for Jay and I! We got a little sleep in. Anyway, our big event of the day was we just bought from a friend of ours a 5 year old Sony Vega 32" TV. AWESOME!!!!! Only problem was it weighs a ton and it took three of us to get it out of K's place, the use of another friend's truck, and four of us to get it up to our 2nd floor apartement. All stairs all the way! :( Jay is getting me to pick things up for him 'cause his forearms are just shot. Anyway, should be pretty cool tonight, we are going to watch our first movie on it. I'm thinking it might be Lemony Snicket, but I might shoot that one down, we'll see.
Have to go jogging tonight no matter what. I had a massive blow out with three slices of pizza at lunch today. I don't want to even start counting the points but am going to anyway just to stay in diet. I an so happy with myself with the weight loss. I bought a dress today (Just $17 at Walmart, hey, don't say it! Walmart is cheap, but nice!) and it is only a size large! WOOHOO!!! Haven't been in that in three years! Only 6 pounds to go until I hit my pre-pregnancy weight and then the sky is the limit!
Anyway, hope everyone has a great weekend. Am off to have another glass of water, am PARCHED! :)
Later 'Gator
Have to go jogging tonight no matter what. I had a massive blow out with three slices of pizza at lunch today. I don't want to even start counting the points but am going to anyway just to stay in diet. I an so happy with myself with the weight loss. I bought a dress today (Just $17 at Walmart, hey, don't say it! Walmart is cheap, but nice!) and it is only a size large! WOOHOO!!! Haven't been in that in three years! Only 6 pounds to go until I hit my pre-pregnancy weight and then the sky is the limit!
Anyway, hope everyone has a great weekend. Am off to have another glass of water, am PARCHED! :)
Later 'Gator
Friday, May 06, 2005
Just got back from weigh in! Another 1.5 lbs gone from my ass! WOOHOOO!!!! That brings the grand total to 22 lbs lost. Jay is making something decadent and wonderful for my "Don't Care" night. We're doing garlic mashed potatos, green beans, and french style steaks! That means that Jay will take one of his "Magic Cow Frosting" cubes out of the freezer to deglaze that pan that the steaks fried in! YUMMY! I think the real name of the cubes are Demi Glas. Anyway, 18 kinds of yummy! I love being married to a gourmet! :) Have a good weekend!
ps - Hey Teddy, I lost your email address, could you forward it to me again? Thanks!
ps - Hey Teddy, I lost your email address, could you forward it to me again? Thanks!
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Weigh-in Tomorrow...
So, here I sit, contemplating everything that I ate this past week that was not in the diet. Every M&M, every bite of the coconut cake that our day care provider sent home with us, down to the pizza I had today at lunch. Now most of this stuff would not harm you. In small doses it can be a great treat. For example, a normal sized bag of M&M's is actually only 5 ww points so me having a bag every so often is not huge. On the other hand, when you add up several bags it is bad. Not that I had that many. Have I mentioned that they are my kryptonite? And the bastages just came out with DARK CHOCOLATE ones for the whole Star Wars stuff.
I hate them.
Anyway, this is not the point of my bitch session tonight. It is about what my group leader (weight watchers, not therapy) would call a saboteur. My boss, a co-worker, and I joined the program all at the same time. While I lost steadily and stuck to the program, they both didn't follow in different ways and gained or saw no results. Eventually, they both dropped out and I am still in it. I'm not losing as fast anymore but I think I'm still dropping. So we do a team building exercise at The Putting Edge (black light mini putt) today with a pizza lunch to start. I made sure that they were going to be having salad so that I wouldn't have to abstain. No problem. Made sure that there were going to be diet drinks there so that I wouldn't have to bring my own. No problem. We are driving back from the game and my cars mates stop at Tim Horton's for an Ice Cap and I say, "No, Thank you." Now I have come to the kicker. My boss and her carmates all roll in with a giant box from Nescalero's full of CANNOLI!!! FOR FUCK SAKES!!!! She even says when she comes into the office to tell us about it, "I know some of you are on diets, but just come down and have one.". She started the program with me! She sees that I'm now struggling with the plateau stage and she does THIS! I was so mad, but she is my boss. I had to wait for someone to pick up a file so I got a co-worker to get a cannoli for me. I then went down later and got a cup of the Orangina and said thank you very politely. The pastery was taken home in a zipware and given to my Mother-in-law.
If I don't deserve a friggin' high five from that I don't know what I have to do! :(
Anyway, will see how I do with the weigh in tomorrow. Wish me luck!
ps - Kudos to my current husband who held my hand not a half hour ago and led me away from the M&M's Dark in the Beckers. Love you Sweetie, thanks for supporting me.
I hate them.
Anyway, this is not the point of my bitch session tonight. It is about what my group leader (weight watchers, not therapy) would call a saboteur. My boss, a co-worker, and I joined the program all at the same time. While I lost steadily and stuck to the program, they both didn't follow in different ways and gained or saw no results. Eventually, they both dropped out and I am still in it. I'm not losing as fast anymore but I think I'm still dropping. So we do a team building exercise at The Putting Edge (black light mini putt) today with a pizza lunch to start. I made sure that they were going to be having salad so that I wouldn't have to abstain. No problem. Made sure that there were going to be diet drinks there so that I wouldn't have to bring my own. No problem. We are driving back from the game and my cars mates stop at Tim Horton's for an Ice Cap and I say, "No, Thank you." Now I have come to the kicker. My boss and her carmates all roll in with a giant box from Nescalero's full of CANNOLI!!! FOR FUCK SAKES!!!! She even says when she comes into the office to tell us about it, "I know some of you are on diets, but just come down and have one.". She started the program with me! She sees that I'm now struggling with the plateau stage and she does THIS! I was so mad, but she is my boss. I had to wait for someone to pick up a file so I got a co-worker to get a cannoli for me. I then went down later and got a cup of the Orangina and said thank you very politely. The pastery was taken home in a zipware and given to my Mother-in-law.
If I don't deserve a friggin' high five from that I don't know what I have to do! :(
Anyway, will see how I do with the weigh in tomorrow. Wish me luck!
ps - Kudos to my current husband who held my hand not a half hour ago and led me away from the M&M's Dark in the Beckers. Love you Sweetie, thanks for supporting me.
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
My first stab at Memy Goodness...
Okay so what the hell is "Memy" Goodness? I like the stuff, am going to shoot my own out there but where did the name come from? Anyway, here goes...
What follows is a list of different occupations. You must select at least five of them. Of the five you selected, you are to finish each phrase with what you would do as a member of that profession.
And the list is:
If I could be a scientist... If I could be a farmer...If I could be a musician...
If I could be a doctor...If I could be a painter... If I could be a gardener...
If I could be a missionary... If I could be a chef...If I could be an architect...
If I could be a linguist...If I could be a psychologist... If I could be a librarian...
If I could be an athlete... If I could be a lawyer...If I could be an innkeeper...
If I could be a professor...If I could be a writer... If I could be a backup dancer...
If I could be a llama-rider... If I could be a bonnie pirate...If I could be a midget stripper...
If I could be a proctologist...If I could be a TV-Chat Show host... If I could be an actor...
If I could be a judge... ...If I could be a mob boss... If I could be a backup singer...
If I could be a CEO... If I could be a movie reviewer...If I could be a monkey's uncle...
If I could be a CSI...If I could be a contortionist... If I could be a TV preacher...
If I could be a farmer...I would stamp my feet and clap my hands and turn around to view my land.
If I could be a painter... My self expressionism would be done through glitter and maccaroni on construction paper.
If I could be a gardener...I would cherish the little lives that I would care for and then harvest their asses mercilessly in the fall! >:)
If I could be a bonnie pirate...YAR! I would be a pirate and would tell the world of our love of cookies! gar.
If I could be a contortionist...I could kiss my own ass goodbye
How's zat?
Buh Bye!
What follows is a list of different occupations. You must select at least five of them. Of the five you selected, you are to finish each phrase with what you would do as a member of that profession.
And the list is:
If I could be a scientist... If I could be a farmer...If I could be a musician...
If I could be a doctor...If I could be a painter... If I could be a gardener...
If I could be a missionary... If I could be a chef...If I could be an architect...
If I could be a linguist...If I could be a psychologist... If I could be a librarian...
If I could be an athlete... If I could be a lawyer...If I could be an innkeeper...
If I could be a professor...If I could be a writer... If I could be a backup dancer...
If I could be a llama-rider... If I could be a bonnie pirate...If I could be a midget stripper...
If I could be a proctologist...If I could be a TV-Chat Show host... If I could be an actor...
If I could be a judge... ...If I could be a mob boss... If I could be a backup singer...
If I could be a CEO... If I could be a movie reviewer...If I could be a monkey's uncle...
If I could be a CSI...If I could be a contortionist... If I could be a TV preacher...
If I could be a farmer...I would stamp my feet and clap my hands and turn around to view my land.
If I could be a painter... My self expressionism would be done through glitter and maccaroni on construction paper.
If I could be a gardener...I would cherish the little lives that I would care for and then harvest their asses mercilessly in the fall! >:)
If I could be a bonnie pirate...YAR! I would be a pirate and would tell the world of our love of cookies! gar.
If I could be a contortionist...I could kiss my own ass goodbye
How's zat?
Buh Bye!
Monday, May 02, 2005
This past weekend was so GREAT! Went out with the gang to dinner at "The Works", and then hit MacArthur Bowl for a couple games of 10 pin. I haven't been out with my husband in so long it felt weird that we were both there. It's always the case of one of us staying home so the other can go out. The boy had a great time with the babysitter. Went to bed okay and ate a good dinner.
Sunday was spring cleaning. Wasn't even planned but the next thing you knew, Jay and I were wrist deep in the spice drawer relabeling and rejarring everything. Next it was the pasta/cooking stuff cupboard, then the linen closet. We topped it all off by moving some of the bedroom furniture around. Our little tv is now on top of my big white wardrobe instead of in the deep windowsill. It had made the room so much bigger and brighter to have both windows not blocked. Of course I ruined it all by staying up too late so that I was crusty all day. Even went to pottery earlier so that I could leave earlier to get my walk in. I'm about to collapse in a puddle right now. Anyway, the main high point of tonight was finally nailing down a price for my Soccar Ball planters. C. and I worked out the supplies, hours of labor and stuff so that we settled on $40 a pop. It's pretty reasonable considering it takes be about 4 hours of work for each one.
Anyway, in case anyone hasn't noticed, this blog is mostly to keep MyFriendA TM in the loop for her extended family here in Almonte. If I ever talk about stuff that you don't know where I'm coming from, comment to me and I will blog a larger explanation.
Nighty Night!
Sunday was spring cleaning. Wasn't even planned but the next thing you knew, Jay and I were wrist deep in the spice drawer relabeling and rejarring everything. Next it was the pasta/cooking stuff cupboard, then the linen closet. We topped it all off by moving some of the bedroom furniture around. Our little tv is now on top of my big white wardrobe instead of in the deep windowsill. It had made the room so much bigger and brighter to have both windows not blocked. Of course I ruined it all by staying up too late so that I was crusty all day. Even went to pottery earlier so that I could leave earlier to get my walk in. I'm about to collapse in a puddle right now. Anyway, the main high point of tonight was finally nailing down a price for my Soccar Ball planters. C. and I worked out the supplies, hours of labor and stuff so that we settled on $40 a pop. It's pretty reasonable considering it takes be about 4 hours of work for each one.
Anyway, in case anyone hasn't noticed, this blog is mostly to keep MyFriendA TM in the loop for her extended family here in Almonte. If I ever talk about stuff that you don't know where I'm coming from, comment to me and I will blog a larger explanation.
Nighty Night!
Sunday, May 01, 2005
So I got my hair done. It is okay. I like it don't get me wrong, but it is not as radical a change as I had hoped. It is really pretty with three different colors now. Blonde, red, and brown. Oh well, will get J to help me get a pic up later.
Everyone had better be tuning in to Grey's Anatomy TONIGHT!!! I want to hear what everyone thinks of it tomorrow.
Nighty night!
Everyone had better be tuning in to Grey's Anatomy TONIGHT!!! I want to hear what everyone thinks of it tomorrow.
Nighty night!
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