Sunday, May 29, 2005


It has been done! I have turned Jay over to the dark side!!!!

This Saturday marked the first day of my husband joining me on the weight watchers diet! WOOHOO!!! I GOT'M HOOKED!

He has been doing really great to. Because he's 6'2" he gets a lot more points them me, but he is still having fun getting aquainted with the points and stuff. Will get him to update on how he is adjusting.

Can't wait for next weekend! Going to Raevyn's for dinner with the family! Should be a brawl!!! :D

Anyway, Jay are I are going to go watch a movie.

Props to da 'Hood, yo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL a brawl??? okay, I'll give you that, especially if we set the kids loose in the yard while we hang out in the kitchen, heh. Can't wait to see you!!!