Friday, May 27, 2005

Holy COSTCO Batman!!!

So I feel like I just witnessed a train wreck! I just got back from a huge trip with the family to Costco...yes you read right, I took The Boy to a large busy store. I know what your thinking, "She's crazy as a loon." or "What was she smoking!?!". I now feel the same way. Jay and I totally agree that he was a normal 2 year old. Which means of course that most of the trip was hell. He was good in that he stayed in the cart for most of the time. He was cute when he was eating the samples that were offered(rice, chocolate covered strawberries, mango, and two different kinds of juice). Was very polite and clean in the way he shoved them down his throat and made them disappear. When it came time to put the stuff through the cash Jay and I took the boy to the food court area and got a Poutine (By the way, Costco Poutine is by far the best EVER! The cheese is in huge chunks, like, hey we are too lazy to shred this stuff! We are going to give you these giant pieces of cheese on these deep fried potato slices with a gallon of rich dark gravey and there you go! A heaping helping of heart attack!!!) which the boy refused eat, a slice of okay pizza(seemed dry, aka old) which the boy refused to eat, and a diet coke...which the boy drained and had a melt down if anyone tried to take it from them. Holy cow, by the time we got all of the stuff in the car (We didn't do too badly, only about $190 this trip.) and got home I think I am in a state of shock.

My sinus cold is still in full force. When I walked in the door, the first thing, after changing the bum of the boy, was get out the Dristan Nasal Mist. LOVE THAT STUFF!!! It is like a shot-gun blast to the sinuses! I had major pressure, leakage and ear pain. One shot in each side and suddenly I'm a healthy person! Love that stuff. Too bad it's highly addictive or I would use it more then the recommended twice a day.

I am soooooo bummed! The one thing that I totally lusted after tonight was such a bargain. DAMN TAXES making us have to save our money! It was an 18" 14kt white gold rope chain necklace...for only $93!!!! *sigh* maybe next time....(HINT HINT SWEETIE!!!! :D )

Anyway, must go and coralle the boy into his bed. Jay is already unwrapping the computer he is building so I will see in on Monday.

Later 'Gator!


Kay said...

You know I didn't end of having any BGQ yet! I was too afraid after hearing the same stories from everyone. I made it through with a couple doses of Tylenol Sinus Nighttime and Dristan.

HOpe your weekend is going good, c u later! :)


Anonymous said...

The poutine from the fry truck in the Kanata Centrum is pretty friggin' good too. And it's quite the hot-rod...waxed like a show-car, has mag wheels...most chip trucks share their general condition with a 1977 garbage collecter.