Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Cheap, Cheap, Cheap

So the story of my long weekend. Where to begin…

I left work, took the boy home, had dinner, and then drove to the market to Mel’s place. From her place went to meet up with Jodel at the Tulip Festival for the Shawn Desman concert. FUN! VERY FUN! The concert was awesome, and had a great time. After that however was when it went downhill. Wait, scratch that, the next morning was when it went down hill. I was horribly, publicly, drunk. When I say drunk I mean, I was held up to get home. But here is the funny part. IT WAS ON ONLY FOUR DRINKS!!! What the hell!?! We started at the Blue Cactus where two martini’s were imbibed. From there we were still feeling good so we went on to the Lesbian bar beside the Bare Fax. Had a great time there! Got hit on by this lovely black woman in the bathroom, and then there was the dancing to the awesome music. I had two Smirnoff’s while there. And that was it for me. By the time we got to Zaks for snack I was being overly polite to everyone to appear in some way sober. There was an incident with me, a cigarette, and three police officers, but we won’t get into that. By the time I was “helped” home (carried) and fell into bed (the couch), and tried to sleep (passed out after dealing with a bad case of the spins for a half an hour), it was about 3:30 in the morning. That means we were all up by 8am and ready to try to get to the Domus sidewalk sale. I was rough. Felt fine when I woke up, but by the time we had walked to get breakfast (one croissant) and shop, I was just about ready to cry I was so nauseous. Once again, FOUR DRINKS! Mel and Col took pity on me at that point and took me back to the apartment to try to sleep off a bit of the poison. It helped a lot. It got me well enough to be safe on the roads to get home to Almonte. This of course meant me having to cancel on fun that night with Ted, Jules, and Jodel. :( Was not happy about that, but believe me, you did not want me there! Will try to reschedule something soon, or maybe it will be at the next M&G.

And so the moral of this story is: Mommy is never drinking more then one ever again!!!

After that is was a general haze of recovery. The rest of Saturday was spent flat on my back, moaning occasionally. Sunday I was feeling a little bit better so I was able to get out for my run. Monday I walked twice. Took a movie back to the store on the other end of town with The Boy in the stroller and then did my jog that night.

Must go, my eyes feel like two piss holes in a snowbank. Need to get some sleep tonight.



Anonymous said...

Poor Kay, what a time! As you know, I've had problems with "the morning after the night before." ;) I'm so happy to hear that you've recovered!! Love you loads!

Kay said...

Hey Wyrd!

I totally understood what happened to you after that "Wild Bill" night! I felt okay when I got up but got worse very quickly. Oh well, by the way, could you minus the money off the licence money you're sending and pick me up a couple tie-dyed shirts at the farmers market? Let me know what you think. Also, I finally found a good box to ship your bowl! It should be in the mail my tomorrow! WOOHOO!!! :)

Love you loads back!


ps - Yes, will bring you there the next time Teddy! Just keep shouting at the top your lungs "I DIG THE BITCH-ES!!!!!". It will make you very popular! :D

Anonymous said...

Good Gods, I know that feeling. I have just recently (since H's birth) developed a rather high tolerance for alcohol (except for beer; will tell you that story another time, heh), but I remember when two or three drinks would have me right 'round the pipe!

And hey, check out the comments box where you were today...I responded to your post! Hugs!!