Monday, May 16, 2005

Weekend fun!

What a great weekend! It all started on Friday night when I stayed home. REST! Oh yeah, gotta love it. Went for my walk/run and then was in bed early. Woke up pretty early, just in time to nag my husband to take the family in to the mall. By the time we packed the 2 year old, mother-in-law and us in the car it was about 10:30. I started thinking to myself, “Damn I wish we had gotten out of the house sooner, the boy’s nap is going to be all screwed up.” He ended up having a little sleep in the car on the way into town. Got to Carlingwood and then started on the practice of learning patience. The kid rode the escalator about four times to the third floor and down again. Fine, this entertained him while Mother-In-Law and I browsed. Of course when it was time to go there was the “NO-O-O-O-O!!!” which was accompanied with jumping up and down and tears. No problem, it was actually kinda funny, especially when my 6’2”, husband started jumping up and down behind him. Just about peed myself! Anyway, finally got everyone out to the mall. The boy was, overall, a good boy. I made a Mommy mistake in not bringing the umbrella stroller (For those non-parents, it’s one of those flimsy strollers that fold up into a bundle of sticks and wheels. Very convenient for traveling.) and the boy got tired so he ended up being carried for that last hour we were there. Not a bad time overall. Am going to try to take him out with me more. He has to learn how to behave in public and if he never goes there how is he going to learn?

Anyway, that was only the first half of the day. Second half was me waking up from a nap at 5pm, getting dressed up , and hitting the market with my good buddy Mel. We had a huge chat in her condo, then walked through the market looking for a place to have a drink and a snack. We walked into five different places and walked back out again. We just couldn’t find a place that tickled our fancy. Ended up at the Blue Cactus Grill in the bar area right at the window. Over the next hour and a half we played that age old game of “FASHION CRIME!”. Basically, we just tore down the people that walked by. It got better with the rain started and everyone was soaked and complaining about it. Tried two new drinks, the Apple Pie Martini ( had it once be for at Alice Fazooli’s in Kanata but this one was AWESOME!!!), and a Ready to Go Martini (This one was smeh. Had vanilla vodka, kalua, something else and a shot of espresso. The silly thing even had coffee beans floating in it!). Anyway, was feeling the buzz so no driving home. Slept on the couch after watching ANCHOR MAN with Will Ferrel and getting pizza. By the way Anchor Man is the best. Could watch it a million times just to hear Brick say, “I DON’T KNOW WHY WE’RE YELLING!!!”

Sunday was blah. Hung out at home, had a mild argument with the husband, did laundry, and vacuumed the house. Jay’s mom followed behind me with the mop.

Pottery class tonight. Am going to build another soccer ball. It will be the third one and the last of the ordered ones. I can start doing mugs again and maybe design a new project or two.

Later ‘Gator

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