Thursday, May 12, 2005

Holy BABY!

Holy shit did I have a weird night. So, I’m out at the M&G with Jodes, Teddy, Julia, and the crew. I’m having a great time joking around, hanging out. Then I check my phone just to see what time it is and there is a text from the husband telling me to call home. I call and find out that I sorta friend is in labor and is calling to see if I can come over and babysit the youngest boy in case they have to go to the hospital. I’m more then a little weirded out but she is a human being in need so I can’t say no. Anyway, left the pavilion, drove 1/2 hour to Almonte and packed my bag, then drove ½ hour to Stittsville to their house. Got in there at 10:15pm and got myself in my pj’s thinking I’ll get some sleep ‘cause this is going to take a while. The next thing I know Tim is asking me if I could video tape. Sure thing! :) So now I’m in the middle of the action! She is in the inflated kiddie pool full of warm water, sucking nitrous oxide through a mask at the peak of contractions and pushing. And there I am. First the tape wasn’t working and I had to take it out and figure out that there is a switch that says to record or not on the tape. Then the battery dies and I’m in the kitchen trying to figure out how the hell to get the first one out and replacement in. I get it all fixed and the camera on for the last two pushes. Baby comes out and up on her chest. There is a tense minute while they get her breathing. It didn’t happen right away. Anyway, sweet little girl born at 11:16pm, 7 lbs 4 oz. LOTS of black hair on her little head. Anyway, since everything was fine and they weren’t going anywhere after all, I put on my shoes, packed up my stuff and drove home in my Pooh Bear Pj’s. So……TIRED!!!

So this is the weird part. I’m driving home and just above the road is this beautiful crescent moon. I had just watched a new life be brought into the world and I think I was a little bit in shock. But I swear to God I had a spiritual moment in the car last night. I felt like there was another presence there with me and I was comforted by it/her/him. Once again, weird. (This is where Jay is rolling his eyes at me. Yes I know you are Sweetie! I know all and see all.)

Anyway, I need to find a good book on Paganism. Just to get the ground rules/beliefs and such. Sorta like Wicca for Dummies. Anyway, I want to put my head down and cry now. Am too tired to think straight.

Bye for now.


Anonymous said...

There is actually a "Wicca for Dummies" book, but I'm sure I could lend you something much better. Trust me, I've got a good library. :)

Anonymous said...

LOL and here I thought popping in here after over a month and reading this, I was going to be the one to say "hey, talk to Wyrdsister, she's got TONNES of books!!" Heh, shoulda known better :) Gimme a call, grrl! I missed chatting and laughing with you at the M&G this month and would love for you to bring the Hubs and the Boy out to the house for an afternoon! My turn to cook YOU dinner!