Thursday, December 22, 2005


Stayed up too late washing and irradicating the bugs. We've called my mom and told her we won't be coming up until early on Saturday morning. I just can't face getting the house ready and the bags packed in time for going to bed, going to work and then immediately hopping in the car. Will get some sleep and be ready to celebrate with family. Dad and J have a trip planned to their favourite restaurant supply store in Peterborough. New pans for my Honey! I'm just going to be happy that I will see my nephew/brother/sister-in-law.

Anyway, don't know if I will be blogging again before the holiday parents only have dial-up, you wouldn't be sick enough to expect me to deal with that!?! Happy holidays to you all!


Wednesday, December 21, 2005

*Scratch, scratch, scratch*

I'm in hell. I got a call from my daycare provider at about 2:15pm. The Boy has HEAD LICE! I want to shrivel up in a ball of shame. I know we keep our house clean, and I know that we bathe the boy regularly, therefore our heads should be free of bugs. NOPE!!! Damn it all to hell. Right before we go away for the holiday too. Do you think this could have happned before the biggest picture taking event of the year besides the boy's birthday!?! Nope.

Right after I got the Boy home from daycare he was asleep in the car seat. I took the opportunity to search his head myself. Damned if I didn't find 2 little black bugs. Squished them between my fingers. They had been feeding on my sons little head because I got some lovely bloody spurts. Anyway, he woke up at that point so I dragged him and and gave him to J so I could go to the drug store and buy the de-lice-er shampoo. The next hour after that was my son transforming into satan embodied as we shaved his little head, stripped him and I down, got us in the tub where I held him still while J rubbed the shampoo into him. The stuff has to stay on for 10 minutes so I kept him as still as possible. About halfway through he just gave up and rested his head on my shoulder, saying in a sad little voice, "Mommy, out!". We rinsed him off and then the joy of having my husband check me for bugs. Am all clear thank you.

I'm now in the hell of vacuuming, washing or tumbling in the drying anything that could have been in contact with my sons head. I'm about half way through my evening and I have a container of Caramel Cone Explosion Haagen Daz waiting for me when I'm done. Who says ice cream can't make the world better...

Ciao for now.

Monday, December 19, 2005


Friday was a fun drive! After getting up a half hour early, going outside into the thigh deep snow outside my door, then nearly giving myself a coronary shovelling out the driveway, I put-putted down my lane and off to work. This pissed my neighbor off considerable since he had tried to get out of his driveway 20 minutes before I left and was still stuck in the road after I plowed away!!! J giggled his ass off watching him in his pick up, watch me drive away! I LOVE my Neon! This is the picture of me stuck in front of my daycare provider's house. We got about 30 feet from the door before the car wouldn't go any further, so I said the hell with it. I loaded the boy over my shoulder like a sack of stinky potatos and waded to the door. Funnily enough she thought that I was stuck for good and called her boys out to shovel me out. I hit the pedal, reefed the wheel back and forth several times and made it to my original tracks and got out! The snow was so deep on the roads it was shearing over the hood and up my windsheild and I still got to work!

The weekend was fine. Saturday night we were all supposed to go to an open house in the Market, but J had a massive nose bleed about 45 mintues before we were leaving. He was bleeding so badly I was about to get the car to take him to the hospital, but it tapered off. There was so much blood in his sinuses it was leaking out the other nostril! Say it with me now...EEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! Anyway, I insisted J and the boy stay off I went for a lovely evening with Mel and Maria and their friends. It's Mel and I on the couch and Pat working the camera. By the way, that's not tea in that mug! Can't have him looking like the innocent out of the two pics! :)

Sunday, was lying around the house recovering from Saturday night. Did some baking with the boy, see the family blog for those of you who know where it is, and lots of laundry.

4 days until we leave for my Mom and Dad's for Xmas! Can't wait to see the boy's face when he sees the air hockey table!!!

Happy Holidays!


Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Doo dee doo dee dooooo...

Yeah, so there hasn't been that much going on since the car thing. Am back at work, J is feeling better, the boy is back at daycare.

It's colder then heck out here. I have discovered why the windows in my house need replacing. Friggin' cold is seeping in everywhere. Other then that I love my house. It's nice to have a wee yard to do snow angels, a wee hill in the front to slide down on the saucer.

Christmas is coming. I'm having all sorts of revelations about the holiday that celebrates how much credit you can burn for presents. I like the holiday...but am not so hot on the whole Jesus stuff. I was listening to my Nat King Cole carole CD and thought to myself, "Wow, is there ever alot about Christ in these songs!", and then I remembered the whole point about why the day was created. I mean how disconnnected from all that is spiritual do I have to be for me to forget that Xmas is J.C.'s B-day!?! It's making me think alot about what I'm going to teach the boy when he is older. Does that mean that I have come to any decisions? NO! Just makes me sure that I don't want to raise him in the church. But, I don't want to raise him ignorant about the other religions there are out there. I LOVE the word floating around now, "CHRISMAKKAH"!

Anyway, so tired. Must go to bed and sleep tonight. J and I stayed up late fighting and playing so I was exhausted today. Who knew pinchy fights could be so fun!

Peace out, yo Mamma, and all that jazz,


Friday, December 09, 2005

We wish you a merry BLERGmas...

I thought I was having a really great day. I got up this morning and got the boy dressed and sent him out the door to daycare with Daddy. Daddy had an eye appointment so I got to stay home instead of driving the boy in and then driving back home to dive into bed to get better. Surprisingly, I didn’t go back to bed today. I got the disgusting kitchen sparkling, vacummed and mopped the whole house, tidied the whole house, and did four loads of laundry. This is on top of shoveling the driveway after J and the boy left. I’m feeling much better then yesterday except for the fact that I’m having issues catching my breath. I’ll be mid sentence and have to stop and take a couple deep breaths to chase away the “Dizzies”. ANYWAY, Marshy and I had to go to Toy’s R Us tonight to pick up some Thomas the Tank engine stuff for our boys for Xmas so we set off at about 4:30. We got to the St. Laurent Shopping Center and got to it. We walked out the doors at about 7:30…to find that the battery in the car was DEAD. Bless CAA and their wonderful service, they had a guy to the car in 20 minutes. He gave my car a boost so off Marshy and I went to the Canadian Tire in Kanata to get a new battery. Turns out that not only is my battery dead, so is the alternator and we are stuck in Kanata with no way home. Luckily one of the mechanics took customer service to the next level and drove Marshy and I home. Marshy will drive us back in tomorrow to pick up the fixed Neon and to pay the $450 bill. BLERG! Merry #%*@! Christmas! Why do these things happen at inopportune times?

Oh well, the only thing that I’m truly thankful about is that it happened to Marshy and I and not when it was the boy and I on our way into work.

Ciao for now,


Thursday, December 08, 2005

I likes the Jocks! :)

Viktor Krum
You go for the 'strong, silent type'. All
masculine, ready to protect you in a heartbeat,
all this guy needs is a girl to bring him out
of his shy shell. Some things don't need to be
spoken to be understood!

Who is your Harry Potter love match? (for girls)
brought to you by Quizilla

Still Schick...

I have lost most of this week due to a nasty cold that turned into a sinus/chest infection. I went to the clinic this morning and got myself a perscription so I should be on the mend by Saturday. J and The Boy are both feeling mostly like normal.

I'm having such a sweet craving right now! J has promised me chocolate chip brownies to help me out. YAY!!! My Sweetie is well again so he is cooking again!!!

Anyway, must go back to bed.

blog ya later!


Sunday, December 04, 2005

We're Schick! :(

So this past week has been hell. Monkey was diagnosed with Bronchitus on Tuesday and was home ever since. I had to take two days off because J was sick with his "cold" so badly he wasn't up to taking care of the boy. He had him for 1 and a half days after that before I had to come home Friday afternoon to take care of them again. I tried to get the giant butthead to the Dr. on Thursday night but the place was packed. I didn't want to spend upwards of two hours sitting so we went home. I finally kicked him out of bed and into the car on Saturday morning. Shock of shocks...he has bronchitus too. And here is the best part. I'm starting to get sick now too. ARG! My ears are all under pressure and the nose is running with a tickly throat. *SIGH*

The only good news it that The Boy has been on his antibiotics since Tuesday so he is more the on the mend. He will be at daycare on Monday so I won't have to come home to take care of everyone again. Whether or not I'm going to have to come home because I'm sick is going to be another story.

We all went to see the CPR Holiday Train last night! Pretty fun for The Boy. BIG CHOO CHOO!!!! The Moffats' sucked balls, and Wayne Rondstadt sang "Christmas in the Valley". All in all not the brightest thing to do to J, considering he had just been taking his perscription since that morning....Oh well! :) At least we all went out as a family and did one of the Christmas things that was on this weekend.

I had a massage booked yesterday that rocked my world! FULL BODY RUB DOWN!!! Felt OH SO GOOD! :)

Anyway, must go. The boy is screaming to use the computer to play Elmo.

Ciao for now!


Thursday, December 01, 2005

What the Hell!?!


You are an elf. An elf is like a
human but much fairer and pure. Elves are
usually tall, with pointed ears, and resemble
humans very closely, but elves are usually much
more beautiful. Elves are a distant race. They
prefer to keep to themselves, because often,
many of them feel that their race is superior
to humans. Elves symbolize wisdom, prudence,
love, and hope. They are very merry and happy.
They are forever young and delight in music.
They are natural artists as well.

Which mythical creature resides in your soul? (11 Results + Pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

Update galore!

Okay, quite a bit has happened in the last couple of weeks, which is why I haven’t been posting, too busy to sit down. Here goes:

The Boy had his birthday last weekend. Small party with my Mom, Dad, Aunt Peg, and Kate that was great! Made a cake, had the presents, and the best part was we did it at lunch time so just did sandwiches and salad. Very simple and the boy had a blast.

The boy and my J are both sick. I had to take two days off to take care of the boy with bronchitis because J was too sick himself to take care of him and work at the same time. I took our monster to his Dr. on Tuesday, got his prescription, have him on his puffer twice a day, and motrin for his fever. Anyway, he is back to eating today so I’m guessing he is on the mend. J on the other hand is going to the Dr. tonight if I have to hog tie him and throw him out of a moving vehicle in front of the emergency room.

I have a massage booked at The Spa on Saturday. I checked my insurance and I have something like $200 left to be used up by the end of December for Massage Therapy. I’m going to be one relaxed Mommy!

We picked up an air hockey table for the boy for Xmas! His eyes are going to pop out of his head! He played with one while he was in NB so we figured it would be a great “WOW factor” present.

I went to Lone Star’s last night with the Boy’s daycare provider and all the other Moms that have children with her. Lots of fun and salsa was had by all.

We are going to be going to Mom and Dad’s for Xmas. Can’t wait to see My brother’s little boy!

Anyway, ciao for now.



Sunday, November 20, 2005

Novemberfest Party...

Work party, Congress Centre, lots of a blast, got to dance my wedding song with my Sweetie. Gonna sleep like a pile of stink now.


Thursday, November 17, 2005

Venti Chai Eggnog Latte

OH MY GOD!!! I miss Angerah! I was having such an “I miss you” moment, MyFriendAngerah. I went to Starbucks today and got an Eggnog CHAI Latte! Soooo kicked my ass. Then as I was walking toward my car, it’s snowing on me and it made me think of the first time I had chai, with Angerah, during my vacation in New Brunswick. I miss my friend. :(

Anyway, the mental health day really helped. I stayed in my Pj’s until about 9:30, played a game of Age of Mythology, and pretty much acted like a slug. I had a shower, cleaned up the kitchen, got to the DMV and updated my address on my licence, went onto Main St. Almonte and shopped. Came home, made a poison sandwich for J (He is half ill and I didn’t know it so the hot peppers and horseradish gave him much pain.), went into Wal-mart and got myself new earrings, took the car to Mr. Lube for an oil change, picked up computer parts for J, picked up my kid and went home. It’s really snowing hard here so I had a blast showing the Boy how to use the crazy carpet on our hill!

Must go eat some dinner. I’m going to go to the library tonight and get my card set up. I’ve lived here for 4 years and still don’t have a library card here.

Ciao for now.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I miss the sun...

I have been feeling so depressed the past two days. It's like an extra 20 pounds was added to a bag across my shoulders, I look in the mirror and I see the 20 on my hips, I try to get work done and the effort is so immense...I just want to go to bed for a week. I'm taking Thursday off work to have a recharge day. Am going to hang around in my PJ's and watch movies in the recliner. No cleaning, no laundry...well...maybe a little laundry. ANYWAY, it's going to be a day to just chill in my house. Mornings have been a bitch. I've been running late both mornings now, J is annoyed at me 'cause then I force him out of bed early to help me get the boy ready to go, I get to work feeling totally stressed before I even start dealing with customers. BLARG!!!!

I'm guessing everyone feels like this during daylight savings time. The lack of sunlight draining all ambition to do anything from your body.

Ever since J discovered his foodie blog he has been unstoppable. I've been getting amazing meals every night whether I want them or not! LOVE IT!!! I got an amazing soup for dinner. Scrum-diddly-umtious!

Must go. Am going to tuck myself either into bed or my hobbyroom chair. Time for some me time.

Blog ya later!


Monday, November 14, 2005

FAB Weekend!

What a great weekend! T&L came up for the weekend. J took the opportunity to “Chef-it-up” the entire time. He had snacks ready when they arrived, gourmet breakfast lunch and dinner. He is blogging now with me at:

His is just for showing his foodie leanings. Lots of pictures of what he makes, most of them pics he took, some stolen from the net.

L and I went shopping for about 5 hours on Saturday. We both got outfits for our company parties and L even got a major deal on her stuff. T stayed home with J and the boy. A lot of Xbox happened and playing with our monster.

This week is going to go by quickly. J and I have a babysitter booked for Saturday night and my company’s Xmas party. I have a pretty new dress, a hair appointment, and my Sweetie is going to be wearing a suit and tie!!! HOLY COW! We are going to get a few dances in too!!! YIPPEE!!!!! I love nights out with my Sweetie!

Ciao for now!


Friday, November 11, 2005

YAY ME!!!!

I lost 1.5 lbs this week! I missed getting my 40 lbs lost star by half a pound. Oh well, will get it next week. My weight is now officially in the 140’s. LOVE IT!

I lost last night completely. I was drugged again for when they put the new bridge in my mouth. I got home, stripped down, fell into bed and was out for 12 hours. I feel VERY good today! Anyway, must go and get ready for T&L who are coming up for the weekend. Should be fun!


Monday, November 07, 2005

WAAAAAAH!!!!! :(

I just got off the treadmill. My knee just blew, or popped, or tore, or it just hurts! STUPID! I shouldn't have run tonight. It would be my third night in a row and I have not been doing that much all at once in a while. I should have worked up to it gradually and now that I ignored my common sense I'm going to be stuck just walking. CRAP!!! I want to get my 40 lbs lost star this week! :(

Anyway, will let you know how I do at weigh in on Friday.



Sunday, November 06, 2005

1, 2, 3, 4....

MAJOR breakthrough this evening with the boy! He has this thing about counting. He will touch each part of the picture and very seriously say, "Two, nine, two, nine..." and so on. Tonight I got him to say, "On, two, free, oh-ah"!!! YAAAAY! I taught my baby math...God help him.

Did anyone else watch Gray's Anatomy tonight? ROCKED!!! I don't know why but I'm rooting for Alex to pass his test now. They are so going to leave it as a season finale cliff hanger, but I'm still hooked.

J is sick...and grumpy...but still my handsome Sweetie! :) I love you even though you are Grum-Blor right now Honey! :D I'm going to go make you a cup of tea to make you feel better now.

Good night my public...all three of you!


Saturday, November 05, 2005

Halloween and Meringues...

This is my monkey at Halloween! He did great, was pulling on my hand and saying, "Mommy, AIGHT!" to get me to rush to the next house with lights. He knew those were the houses with the candy. We got the cool knight costume from Wal-mart for $14! I am such a Walmart mom!

I can bake, I can bake, I can bake, I can bake, I can bake, I CAN BAKE *Dora the explorer, "The Map Song"*

I had a success after the third attempt at making meringues. They are weight watcher friendly but a real pain to make. The bowl and beaters go in the freezer, the egg whites have to be room temperature, you add the sugar one tablespoon at a time...its hard, but I did it!!! The batch I made I added cocoa powder and almond extract, yummy!

This weekend has been going great. J and I had a snuggle last night in front of a basketball game, I went down to the market today with KC to approve Kenny's engagement ring, got a new Eddie Bauer shirt that was on major clearance sale for $11, and now my Sweetie is in the next room making homemade spaghetti sauce for dinner! I also cleaned the house this morning and got two loads of laundry done. I ROCK!!! Tomorrow there is going to be a ton of loafing and playing with the boy. Acutally we had a good time this afternoon with him. We took him to the park and let him run around on the slides and jungle gym. He is now saying new words everyday. The latest include, "bumble bee", *"pick", "vroom", and "milk".

Anyway, gotta go fold some of the aforementioned laundry.

Caio for now!


* "Pick" comes from every time he goes pee-pee on the potty he gets to "pick" a piece of candy from his Halloween stash. He has been driving J and I batshit by peeing every ten minutes and acting like its the best day of his life then expecting candy. We have had to deny him a couple time due to lack of quantity. Three drops doth not merit reward! :)

Friday, November 04, 2005

YAY ME!!!!

I weighed in today. LOST 3 POUNDS!!! Am at my lowest yet at 38 lbs gone! WOOT!!! I’m starting to get serious about getting to my goal weight before my year anniversary of joining weight watchers. It’s within my grasp! BWA HA HA HA!!!!

14 to go....

Thursday, November 03, 2005

DOO dee DOO dee DOO!!!

Another week has come and gone. I have had a few bumps in the road. I lost yesterday completely. I was sedated for my dentist appointment to keep me calm while they froze me up. This of course meant that I dozed in the car on the way home, J had to drive me, and then didn’t wake up until dinner time. I still feel like crap today.

We are having some success with potty training the boy! After I was at work I got a message from J telling me that The Boy had come running in to the office shouting, “PEE PEE DADDY!!! PEE PEE!!!”. He grabbed J by the hand and took him to the bathroom to show him that he had stripped down and gone on his own in the potty! SO PROUD OF HIM!!! Of course he has the incentive that he gets a piece of Halloween candy every time he does it.

Halloween was really fun! The Boy was a medieval knight! Complete with chain mail hood and coat of arms! He really got into trick or treating this year. He was pulling on my hand trying to get me to faster to the next house. Can’t wait for next year!

Anyway, this should be a calm weekend. Nobody coming over, no plans to be had.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Ho Hum...

So I'm totally falling behind on posting. J totally predicted this, that the novelty would wear off and this would become ignored. It's not that I don't like posting. I enjoy it, it stretches my writing skills, it keeps people in the loop with what is going on with our life, *sigh*, life is just getting too busy.

So to update. Our house is now complete for the winter! We had the electrician in to finish off all the work in the attic and on the box in the basement. All outlets are now working, all heaters are working and the ceiling fans in all the bedrooms are working. The cool thing is he fixed something we didn't even mention to him! We have a small problem where our fuse box is only 125 when it should be 225…I think the term is Amp or Watts or something. (I is S-M-R-T!!!) When we would run the dishwasher at the same time that the downstairs entertainment unit was on, AND the basement dehumidifier was on it would blow the fuse. After the electrician left it all works fine! LOVE IT! Anyway, we also had the heating guys in to clean and inspect the two gas fireplaces. Everything was fine with them except for the fact that they are about 20 years old. The downstairs one had some fried wiring, but that was easily replaced. J got the last major coat on the kitchen last weekend! It’s now very pretty…except when we took off all the tape it hurt some of the edges. Oh well. He’ll go around with a wee brush and do some touch ups. I think J is going to go around tonight and touch up the ceiling where we did some “opps” when we were painting.

And what are You doing, K, is what I’m sure you are thinking. I’m going to be catching up on the laundry that piled up last week. Want to know why the laundry piled up? The dryer broke last Monday and didn’t get fixed until two days ago. I had to do a couple loads through the dryers at the Laundromat last Saturday. I was up and out of the house by 7:30am and back home with everything dry by 8:30. The boy came in and woke up J with a tap on his forehead. J rolled over and said, “Where’s Mommy?”. The boy didn’t know but then J remembered where I had to go that morning. I came home and cleaned the house, then pretty much put myself to bed. I have had a bit of a sinus cold all week. The boy got it first and then passed it on to me.

I’m hoping to cut my lawn this weekend for the last time. It ran out of gas…surprisingly while we were in NB??? Dad told me that the tank should last me the rest of the summer yet it was empty when we got back home. Oh well, J bought me a little gas can for filling up the mower. I also have the spray the crap out of my yard. It is 90% weeds. I would get on my knees and rip them all out but then I would be left with soil.

The only bright spot right now is my Mom is coming up this weekend to visit! The boy has been asking all week about Nana. J already has the roast in the crock pot, we’re eatin’ good tonight!

Blog ya later!


Friday, October 21, 2005

The hand is much better...

So I got the anticipated "GRR" from my loving hubby. But since he hadn't read it until it had already been up for two days he figured I might as well leave it up. :)

Anyway, the vacation, LOVED IT! The boy was great in the car. He entertained himself, played with the provided toys, napped and was generally in a happy mood right until we were actually in Fredericton. It knocked us on our ass, so we took him to Walmart and spoiled him a little with some toys to thank him. M & K & E are great! We stayed at their place with them. The baby is the cutest thing I have ever seen and is the crying-only-when-hungry type. Big blue eyes and looks just like her daddy with bits of her mommy thrown in. M & K has been building a new house about three lots down from their current one which is next door to K’s parents. GORGEOUS!!! I’m so totally jealous of them getting a new house, of all the loving details that M and his dad have been putting into it. The closets are works of art! Anyway, they should be all moved in and happy with in the next month.

We got to see all of J’s family a couple times each. There was a huge family Thanksgiving dinner on the Monday afternoon. Everyone loved the boy and I can see that J was having a great time interacting with his peeps. I even relaxed enough with the boy to drop him off with my mother-in-law for the day to give him some time with his “Nana” and give me a day off.

The first night we were in Fredericton we got to go hang out with ANGERAH and her ‘rents. They are the best kind of people. I mean, even when my kid’s diaper leaked on their floor and was found by Angerah’s dad in his sock feet, they totally didn’t point and laugh! :D I was totally embarrassed, but I guess it’s like when you bring your new puppy over and he piddles on the floor. Anyway, the boy was great otherwise. He ate a big dinner and was generally cute. Mrs. Angerah made this awesome dessert made from phyllo pastry, pumpkin, and cream cheese…*DROOL* I so totally love them bunches! They took me in for a week of vacation back in April before I started the blog. I had an awesome time and felt like a real part of the family. Can’t wait to see them all again when we go back in the summer.

Anyway, not to say that K is not the best baker I know! When we pulled in the driveway she had this awesome stuff that was crackers covered in butter, chocolate, and nuts. SO addictive! Also there was the two different kinds of cheesecake and random cooking she did while we were with them. Needless to say I gained two pounds over my vacation.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t much of a vacation for J. He had to work the entire time. It was the only way we were going to swing leaving town after buying the house. We went out most evenings to see friends of his from days gone by. R & B were great, old friends of J’s from Art College. We went and saw their new house and the boy was introduced to air hockey. He has major talent with it! He scored on J once!

Anyway, to wrap it up, vacation equals good. I have been running on the treadmill every night since we got home. I've lost the two pounds I gained plus two more besides. One more to go and I’m back to where I started and will start making progress on losing the last 15.

Good night to my Public! :D


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Keep your shirt on Teddy...

I'm typing through the extreme pain I'm feeling only 'cause I love you teddy! I horribly injured my hand doing...hmm...let's just say that only my husband knows how. Anyway, typing hurts, holding it hurts, breathing hurts it. I don't get that's sort of like my pulse is going through my hand and causing pain. Anyway, I don't want this post to start sounding like "Given Eyes to See" from a link in Wyrd's blog so I'll leave it at that. I'm hoping to do the massive post this weekend when the owie is gone.

Bye for now,


ps - I give it exactly one hour from posting before J forces me to take this post down so read this while you can! :D

Saturday, October 15, 2005


We got back home at 6pm. So tired of the car it isn't even funny. The boy was AWESOME both ways and got presents in Fredericton for doing so well in the car. Anyway, will do a massive tell all about the wonderful vacation we had.

Buh Bye


Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Tick Tock...

Going on vacation in three days! Can’t wait! We are going to New Brunswick to see J’s family and the many friends we have there. I know we’re going to be doing the Farmer’s Market with ANGERAH tm!!! Can’t wait to see her!

Work is going okay this week. It still has it’s stressful times now that we are two instead of four, but I think we are starting to get the hang of it. The office finally has been cleaned up with the extra desks and offices taken down and away.

The boy is wonderful! He is finally figuring out this whole talking thing! I’ve heard him say “Puh pul how” for Purple House, “Take” for cake, and “Fwy” for Fly. It’s soo much fun!!!

Anyway, will blog when I’m down there more then likely.

Buh Bye!


Friday, September 30, 2005

Serenity spoilers...

This movie rocked my world. It was everything I had hoped it would be and so much more. I can't describe the heartbreak this movie gave me....

My Sweetie and Me...

I have the bestest husband in the whole world! He's taking me out to dinner and a movie tonight. We're going to be seeing Serenity with three other people but he and I are going to have dinner just the two of us. HE'S SOOOO SWEET!!!!!

Lonestar's here we come!


Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Sweat, Sweat, Sweat, *GASP*

I worked out on my treadmill tonight for the first time in about 6 months. Throughout the summer, even on the high humidity days, I would walk outside. Granted I would do this at 9:30-10pm so it was as cool as possible, but still, I worked out tramping through my streets. I had totally forgotten how awesome it is to be running in place and be able to get off at anytime!!! I mean, on my outdoor walk there are some pretty huge hills that you can't avoid. Once you start up them, you can't lower the incline and wimp out. You grit your teeth and get your butt to the top! On the treadmill you can get off when you want, you can run at anytime because you aren’t waiting for a big hill to be over, basically, you can wimp out whenever you want! :) The only thing that I have to say I find unpleasant about running on the treadmill is that there isn't a breeze to dry you off. I was literally DRIPPING by the time I was done my half hour. Note to self: bring the fan downstairs before I run again.

Anyway, Jason and I have discovered the true extent of the powers of my memory. I am a numbers machine. I have my bank card, social security, health card, every phone number of our friends locked in my brain. I am the calendar in the way that I know everyone’s birthday and anniversary…most times. This helps tons in the way that Jason has be reminded of his own mother’s birthday by me. The problem is I can’t remember having conversations 10 minutes after I have them. Jason will ask me to do something or tell me about something and 15 minutes later I will tell him he never told me that. Please insert the horrible grinding noise that is his teeth after I tell him that. In case you are wondering, yes, this does happen to me at work as well. In the case of work I have a steno pad that I’m constantly writing on so that I have back notes on my days to cover my ass. Of course I have outstanding long term memory. If I drive someplace once I can always find my way there again. I can remember conversations from 6 months ago word for word. Stupid stuff like that. I’m a champ at Trivial Pursuit! This is the weird thing that happened tonight, J and I figured out the exact perfect window where my memory stops and restarts in super accurate mode. At almost one month past the time that the event happens, I get it all back. In this case, one month ago today we moved all our stuff out of the old apartment and trucked it here. A day or two before that we got a tax bill for the new house and I shoved it, for “safe” keeping, in the file cabinet. Do you think I could remember that for the past month? I have torn this place apart looking for it! The due date on the bill I could remember, the amount we owed I could remember, do you think I could remember where I put the damn thing? I finally remembered tonight, with perfect clarity, the location and reasoning behind where I put it. Therefore, I walk through life with a month-long black void behind me. Dear God I hope I never have to go to court to be a witness….

Nighty, Night!


Sunday, September 25, 2005

GREAT weekend!

This has been the best weekend since we moved into the house. Friday night was CARNAGE NIGHT! For those of you who have never done Weight Watchers:

"Carnage Night is the night directly after weigh-in. The night that is the farthest away from the next weigh-in so what you eat that night you don't count. You just gorge"

We did the KFC variety bucket with the boneless buffalo wings. *DROOL* After I got that out of my system Saturday was awesome for keeping points and staying on plan. Yes, I know I haven't mentioned the WW's points for the last several months. That's because I haven't really been keeping track of my points and haven't really been exerecising all that much with the house stuff going on. Big surprise that I hit a huge plateau in my weight loss. I'm happy to say that this past week I was doing points and exercising. I LOST TWO POUNDS!!! So, I'm now only 15 pounds away from my goal weight. I'm totally pumped to get them off and have been really focused about it....for the past two days. We will see how this coming week goes. Then there is going to be the week in New Brunswick...anyway, I'm going to do as best I can.

Saturday was totally kick-ass! I cleaned my whole house! Now, if any of you really know me you know that cleaning is the true bane of my existance. I HATE IT.....or at least I did until I owned floor I was vacuuming? Weird! I got totally into scrubbing everything! J came home from fixing someone's network and was shocked how good the place looked! Also, got all the laundry done and out on my clothesline. LOVE THE CLOTHES LINE! Today is going to be all about sitting on my ass and doing fun things only!

K.C. is coming over tonight to start the marathon "Firefly" watching leading up to the release of "Serenity" on Friday. We have the babysitter booked and are going to do a date night and go see it on opening night! WOOT!!!! Also, to make this day even more perfect, my Sweetie is making Butter Chicken for dinner!

*sigh* So this is what happy is like!



Friday, September 23, 2005


First day of Autumn means NEW TEMPLATE!!!! Can you tell I just discovered all my settings in my blog again? :)

Let me know what you think! I still have some playing to do....



So I just put "word verification" for commenting on this blog. Please let me know if it is too annoying. I'll just tell you to fack off at that point 'cause I'm tired of the spam! :)



Thursday, September 22, 2005

*zzz* blerg *zzz*

So want to blog.

Too tired to blog.

So want to blog....

J and I rotated out our guest room. Mom-in-law/Aunt-in-law out on Wednesday morning, my Dad in by Wednesday at Lunch. Lots of house work being done. Trim on all rooms now, transition pieces on the laminate, lockable door knob on Master bedroom (not what you think...okay a little bit of what you think. ;) I needed a new knob that was round so that I could use the baby knob locks so that the boy couldn't get in the room and play with our stuff without us being aware of it.), new out door light that isn't motion sensor, new locks on the side door, NEW LINEN CLOSET SHELVING!!!!, MB closet doors hung, new front door closet, etc. Also we have had our friend the electrician in and install ceiling lights in the hobby room and the boy's room, fix all the outdoor outlets so that they work now, hang two out of three ceiling fans, fix all the illegal wiring that the yahoo's who had the house before us put in. He is great! We are getting the buddy rate so it's not breaking the bank. We are scheduled for the eaves troughing next week (Kennel's Seamless Eaves Troughing out of Arnprior have been AWESOME!!! I SO recommend them if you are looking.) And I have to book the fireplace guys in to clean and inspect the gas fireplaces. Once all that is done we are FINISHED for the winter! Can't wait! We will have 6 months to dig out of debt before we have to start replacing the windows and front door in the spring. LOVE MY HOUSE!!!! So pretty, so organized (ar at least it will be soon!). Anyway, must go sleepy. so....sleepy.....


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Major Update

So let's do this in point form 'cause there is alot.

-friend Kenn is getting soon as I work with Jubilee to get the ring custom made for him! It's sooo fun, it's going to be dragon's claws holding a black pearl.

-I successfully enacted a "sting" on my other work mates. I ws tired of the boss calling me and and telling me that the girls had tattled that I had been on the internet at work. So, when I had been busting my ass all day and saw that they were screwing around I sent a little email to the boss saying to come to the office. That is was about that conversation we had had about people in glass houses should not throw stones. She came right on time and caught one on the phone with her girlfriend and the other two watching music videos over the net. VERY SWEET!

-Layoffs happened at work. 68 people gone including people forced to retire. Also including two out of the four people in my office. All that is left now is Marshy and I. SO HAPPY! Bitch is gone! BITCH IS GONE!!!! After she got told she was laid off, she stormed into the office and started going on about how she guessed she was not one of the favourites! Pleasent, that's all I have to say.

-Mother-in-law and Aunt-in-law are showing up tomorrow and are staying for 4 days. Should be fun

-Can't wait for this weekend. Work is really horrid right now because morale is in the dumps. Oh well, give it two weeks and it will be like it never happened.

bye for now,


Friday, September 09, 2005

J is going to HELL too!!!

He is going to the same level of hell as me. He just has different scores then me!

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Moderate
Level 2 (Lustful)High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Very High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Very High
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Extreme
Level 7 (Violent)High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test

I'm going straight to HELL!!!

LMAO!!!! I love it!!!! Thanks Ange, for the awesome quiz!!! :D

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful)Very High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Moderate
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Very High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very High
Level 7 (Violent)High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Very High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)High

Take the Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno Test

Thursday, September 08, 2005


Tonight J and I had some fun priming the kitchen with the tinted primer. And before my Assclown husband comments on here. Yes honey, you did start out before me and finished long after I did.

LAV YOO!!!!! :D

Anyway, our first real house guest is coming this weekend. We want the kitchen completed so J can be Uber Chef in his pretty place of cooking. Must go beddy. So sleepy....


Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Okay. I just had a creeped out moment. For the past several months I have been taking whatever is in my brain or what is going on in my life and writing it down here. Didn't matter about what it was, just writing it down got it out of my head and made the load lighter, if you get my meaning.

Kudos to ANGERAH for showing me this cool medium for expressing one's self.


So, I look in my comments section tonight just to see if Angerah, Raevyn, or Teddy had said anything. Or, if my hubby had something particularly smartass to say about what I had written. That's when I see it. Someone has commented who I have no clue who they are. Thus I am weirded out. I mean I deliberately set this blog to be able to be read by one and all. I guess I just didn't think that anyone out there other then close friends would think to read this. I have only this to say:

"Hello, Geekinblack. You opened my eyes to the fact that the world can, and apparently does, read the stuff that I post here. OH MY GOD! Note to self: must get smartass husband to start editing me before I post stuff."

End of mild freaking out.

So to update on all things Bell related:

Both J and I took a turn at slapping Bell around to reimburse us for the stuff they have put us through for the past two weeks. In a nutshell, it took some yelling and finally getting a wonderful person in Billing to get the money back and a month of free service. I still hate Bell, but since I bundle my landline, internet, cell, and tv through them and get awesome savings, I’ll stay with them for now.

The house is looking great! Mom and Dad were up this past weekend for a marathon of punch-out work. The trim is on two out of the four rooms it was removed from for painting, the broken light switches around the house have been replaced and are working, the bathroom downstairs has a new sink/taps and the caulking has been stripped and redone, the fourth trip to the dump happened that took, among other things, the beat-up white sofa that a friend of ours was nice enough to give us when we first moved in together(the boy has used it for his personal trampoline for the past year), one trip to IKEA for my new book case and a new nightstand for J's side of the bed, and (my favourite) my closet is PERFECT!!! Just in case you all haven’t noticed, I’m pretty shallow. A puddle after a rainstorm is I. The fact that my closet getting an organizer to my specific specifications is the thing I’m most happy about should tell you a lot. I’m sorry but the old one was so totally inefficient that I wanted to rip it out with my bare hands. I kind of did that anyway with the pry bar and J’s cordless drill, but I digress.

I had a fun moment tonight when J realized I'm the man. I was out cutting our lawn for the first time with our new lawn mower and our new GrassHog (Whipper-Snipper), and J was in the house making a lovely pasta sauce from scratch and spaghetti. He pokes his head out and says to me, “You know, I don’t remember when it happened, but I slowly became the bitch.”. I laughed and went back to trimming my wee patch of grass. I loved the yard work! It was so satisfying to look at it all when I was done and see that my half of the yard was prettier then my neighbors!

The Boy update:

The boy went back to Sam today for the whole day for the first time since June. HE IS HAPPY! Is back to normal and is acting like he never left! I couldn’t be happier or more stress free about my son’s daycare!

Work Update:

One of my close co-workers was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s Disease. I have so many emotions about this I can’t even begin to articulate them all. I can’t begin to wonder what he is feeling.

One that happy note, I’m off to bed.

Blog ya later.


Sunday, September 04, 2005


10 days later we have phones and internet. The boy is sick and whining beside me. Will post more later.


Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Still no phone...

I want to call people. I'm cut off. I WANT MY PHONE!

Bell is now telling me after blowing the fifth deadline that a technician will be coming by my house tomorrow morning. Yippee. Let's see what happens this time.

Mom and Dad are coming up this weekend. Dad is going to be putting the trim on the walls, fixing the sink in the downstairs bathroom, and helping me rebuild my closet. Mom is going to have fun with the boy.

I did about 20 runs up and down the stairs at the apartment last night. Almost got everything out in the last car load. Only things that are left are the cleaning supplies that J is going to use tonight to clean up. YAY!!! No more stairs!!!! YAY!!!!

To update on The Boy.

He is not doing well with the backup of the backup of the failed backup. He has actually stayed with Sirage before but that was when we wasn't even a year old yet. He doesn't remember her at all and channels Satan when we pull in the driveway until we pry his little fingers off of us and hand him to Sirage. Then he is carried into the main room while we are leaving and he is reaching for us over her shoulder, screaming as if someone is breaking his legs. I cried to work the first two days....until I phoned after I got to work and found out he is playing with the other kids, laughing and having a good time. Today I tossed him to her and waved as we shut the door in his face, but I know he is fine. Thank GOD Sam is back next week!

Anyway, will write something out at home over the weekend and post on Monday.

Buh Bye! :)

Monday, August 29, 2005

Bell phone home....

So it’s time for me to update the blog. I would have done it sooner but we have been without a telephone line/internet since Thursday of last week. Will see if we have a dial tone when we get home tonight.


Will cover everything in point form just to shorten then telling:

Tom P., our electrician, came to the house and got the heater in the Mater Bedroom installed. Also, found out that the nice ceiling fan in the Master Bedroom was badly done and took it out.

Phone was cut on Thursday morning

Bell Expressview guys show up on time and are GREAT! We now have tv.

Carpet was due to arrive at 10 am, no show, nothing, nadda. Am told at 4:30pm that they had had truck troubles. Fuck you very much.

No phone as of Thursday evening.

Carpet sales guy drives out the laminate that night so that my dad and uncle can install it tomorrow and says the transition pieces are coming with the carpet tomorrow.

Carpet gets installed Friday morning, different carpet installed in the master bedroom, don’t mind too much because it’s a better one.

Carpet guys didn’t bring the transition pieces for the laminate, cue me driving to Perth to pick them up.

Get them back to the house and they are still the wrong pieces. Sales guy will bring them by sometime early next week.

Dad and uncle install the floor over the course of the day.

J and I start packing stuff into the truck and get two truck loads to the house Friday night.

First night of sleep at the house with the boy, J and I. Still no phone.

7am Insulation guys show up on time and finish within quote. GREAT GUYS! J

Movers are a hour late but are overall wonderful. For 6 hours work and $559 all our furniture is moved in.

Saturday night, still no phone.

Sunday is unpacking and bringing 4 car loads of loose stuff to the house. Big Thanks to Jeff for helping.

Sunday was getting the TV’s and entertainment units put together and working. Most of the kitchen is unpacked as well.

Sunday night, me freaking out at Bell about still not having a phone. They tell me they switched software and that 3000 other people are in the same boat. Ask me if I care, GIVE ME MY PHONE!!!!!

Monday, back to work, Ryan with yet another back up because S couldn’t take him this week. Siraj is great but Ryan has a massive freak out over being left with a stranger. Will not take him there for the rest of the week until Samira is back on Thursday.

Quoter for the Seamless Eaves troughs coming tonight at 5pm.

I want my phone.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Back to work tomorrow...

So the weekend from hell is over. J and I are now two second coats away from having four out of five rooms painted. J stayed last night until 1 am to finish the edging in the office, I had a nightmare so I was up at 5:30am today and at the house by 6:15. I got alot of work done before I headed home at 9:30. Picked up the boy and the husband, went to Home Hardware, got to have some quality time at the house with the boy. I had gone to Walmart yesterday morning and bought the last covered "turtle" sandbox in the store (THE DEALS! Got a $40 sandbox for $25!!!) AND the Lil Tikes adjustable basketball net. Man does he love the net! I took him home for a nap at noon and brought him back at 2. I got the master bedroom's first coat of color on before we had to head home. Laundry called. So now that I have three loads of laundry run through the machine, folded and put away, what do I do? I go back to the house and put the first coat of color on the office. I'm so tired I am not coherent to J so I don't know how coherent I'm being here.

Tomorrow is second coats on the MB and the office. Hopefully J also get's the edges in the kitchen primed. I really want to have all the painting done before my parent's get here on Wednesday night.

Ta for now!


Thursday, August 18, 2005

Night off...

So after today we decided that we need the night off. We have been working almost non-stop for three days and I can see the toll it is taking on Mom and Dad. Not including me, J, Lori, and everyone else that has been coming by to help out. Tonight I got some major snuggle time with the boy in the new recliner in front of "The Backyardagans", very fun show with lots of singing and pretty colors! :P Anyway, I'm going to bed as soon as I get the boy there himself.

Today included two trips to Home Hardware (they are saying, "Great to see you again" when they see Dad and I coming now), one trip to the dump where the old dishwasher found it's final resting place, raking the yard of all debris and garbage, weeding, hanging laundry on my clothes line and folding it later to bring it in the house, finishing the painting in my hobby room, watching my baby run through his yard like a maniac, and finding out our babysitter's Dad is an electrician who is willing to come out the house and fix all our nagging electrical issues. Tomorrow is one more trip to the dump, priming the living room, kitchen and master bedroom. Mom is going to come with me to my Weigh-In meeting at lunch and then Mom and Dad are off to the cottage for a rest for the weekend. They will be back up here for Wednesday night of next week.

It's ten after eight, time to do Night Night with the boy.

Blog ya later!


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

God my feet smell! :(

Sorry for the grossness. I just started typing and the stench hit me. I've been in my sandals all day in and out of dirt and God-knows-what so I'm guessing I'm taking a shower before bed.


So the dishwasher is still there. Yes, we are pissed. No, there is nothing we can do about it except bend over and take it without the K-Y. They also used us as their personal dump. There was a ton of shit stuffed between the shed and the fence that I dug out, the crappy old wooden patio table, about 50 cans of paint got left in the storage area, random crap still in the shelving all over the house, not including the dishwasher, ironing board, rusted snow shovel, and de-humidifyer that they left at the bottom of the driveway to be "picked up" by "some guy" that never came. All this will be taken to the dump. Dad and I made the first of many trips today and got rid of all the carpets that were ripped out. The funny thing is there were twice as many because instead of ripping out the old contruction grade stuff from the 70's, they just lay the new stuff down over top and used the old stuff as the underpad. Very stinky, very dirty, and as my Dad and I can attest, VERY annoying to rip out. Ripping out the carpets, unscrewing all the hardware, chipping out the "Nail Boards" that held the new carpet down, taking a putty knife and shaving all the old black foam from the old carpet off the floor, ripping out the underpading in the living room, finding all the staples that had been used to secure it and pinching out the bits of foam with needle nose pliars then hammering them into the floor, filling all the holes in the walls with dry wall composite, and washing all the walls down took the first day. Not to mention my Mom sanitizing the main bathroom. Why is it that your parents know how to find all the dirt that you didn't know existed? Anway, THANK GOD our friend K.Ch. was there, as well as one of my bridesmaids, and my Aunt and Uncle stopped by for the evening. This got the bulk of the nasty work done in the first day. Today was Dad and I going to the dump first thing in the morning, Lori and I priming two bedrooms, Dad and I patching the crappy hole that the pig/dogs that lived in the house before us put in the wall for their air conditioner, K.Ch. came again tonight to help with priming the living room, and J, Lori, and I completed the Boy's room. It is a lovely shade of sage green. There was also a total of 5 trips to Home Hardware.

PHEW! I'm cooked. I hurt in so many places. Everything is in such chaos. I'm so so so tired.

Anyway, that was my self pity line. On the positive side we have our new Hemnes bed from IKEA built and in the bedroom with our new mattress. We are sleeping great! Most of the nasty work is done, now we are just doing punch out work like painting, installing new garbage holders in the cupboards, fixing the leaking sink, etc. I'm just so happy that we can see the light at the end of the tunnel with this. A week from tomorrow the carpet and laminate is being installed and all the Bell stuff is going to transfer over to the house. The moving company is going to come on next Saturday and take all the big stuff for us like couches and the treadmill.

It feels so much like fall right now. Some of the trees on my way into work have started to turn, there was no humidity today and had a really stiff breeze so it was nice and cool. Mom cooked a turkey in the oven at the house...I don't know. The smells, the sounds, it all makes me feel so at home in this new place. I met one of my neighbours, Lynda, today. She seemed very friendly...considering my parents dog scared her cat into running away. The dog did this through a fence. Anyway, she seemed very nice. Also, the city sent an entire crew into our neighborhood and are installing curbs across the street from our house. I'm assuming they are going to come over to our side at some point.

Must go shower. Must go take Advil. Must go bed.


Monday, August 15, 2005

Got the KEY!!!!

So we have the key. Got it from Bill at around noon. Preceding this I had gone in with the bank draft and taken the paperwork over to the other lawyer. We waited for my parents to come so that was another hour. 1pm comes along and we are driving over to the house. I'm excited as hell. Practically running beside the car. And that's when we get there.

The people are still there.

Their crap is all over the driveway. The dishwasher is still at the bottom of the driveway. They are still there.

I'm not impressed. I pull in and the woman comes right out and we start talking. Apparently she was told that she had until 5pm. Bullshit, but what can we do. Their stuff is all there. We give them until 5:30 and leave. Dad and I, mostly Dad, build our new bed, Mom and I go get Ryan 2 hours early, and we are going to have dinner before we do Take Two on the ceremonial opening of the front door.

If they are still there we are just going to start bringing in our stuff anyway. Screw'em.

Ciao for now,


Waiting, waiting, waiting....

So it's 8:45 on Monday morning and I'm at work. Am technically on vacation but I have to wait for my branch of HSBC to open so I can ge the draft of my mortgage to take to my lawyer. Did a little work, got breakfast....SIGH!!!! I WANT MY HOUSE NOW!!!!

Didn't sleep much last night. Helped J with a report he has to do every month.

Anyway, will update once we are in the house.

Buh Bye!

Friday, August 12, 2005




Will blog later! :)


Thursday, August 11, 2005

Real Conversation MSN style Vol. III

J says:
K says:
Okay what?
K says:
I had closed the window....
K says:
Speaking of windows, close the bedroom window.
J says:
J says:
You told me something, I said ok...
J says:
You put money on the credit card. Me: ok
K says:
K says:
J says:

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Another Weekend Gone...

So it's Sunday night. We got a ton of stuff done on Saturday. My favourite was us popping into the Sears appliance/furniture store with Grisa. J and I ended up picking out a recliner/rocker for the family room in a moment of impulse! It was a floor model sale so it was half off. LOVE the deals! Speaking of deals, J went to Canadian Tire and bought out half the tool department because everything was on mega sale. Don't ask me to name all he got. It's massive the amount of saws, levels, laser-this, laser-that he got.

The boy made me want to pull out my teeth tonight. I don't know what got into him. J went for his walk and the boy started crying and wouldn't stop for about a half an hour. I chipped him some ice and gave him some "purple", (Motrin), and that seemed to calm him down. I kept asking him where the owie was but he wasn't showing me anything. SIGH! Sometimes I feel like I know what I'm doing with this whole parenting thing, but then a night like this comes along and makes me feel like a newbie again! :(


Peace out, yo mamma, and all that jazz.

Kay :)

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Happy! Happy! Happy!

I don't know what I did but I am feeling GREAT today! I'm wearing my new Eddie Bauer tank top that I got for 60% off, so not only am I looking good I got the deal! I woke up after a great nights sleep, got my little boy to go potty (By the way, we are making real progress with that! He goes first thing in the morning most mornings. The only problem is we have having difficulties on the mornings when his little soldier is at attention. Then he becomes a fountain! :) ), before breakfast I went out to exercise so I don't have to worry about doing it tonight.

J and I have our regular babysitter booked for 1pm and we are going out, just him and me! WOOT! I love the couple time! We don't know where we are going yet. We might go visit our friend's Grisa and pick up some boxes, or we are thinking of going shopping in the Chinese grocery stores on Sumerset. Not sure, we'll see.

House update: Nothing new, just doing packing.

Weight watchers update: Weigh-in on Friday equals me losing 2.5 lbs last week! Have offically lost 33.5 with only 18.5 to go! DOUBLE WOOT!!!

Must go. Am cleaning house and doing laundry while we wait for the babysitter to come.

Blog ya later! :)


Thursday, August 04, 2005


OH MY GOD! This is insane! The ass-clown actually Express Posted it so we have our down payment! WOOT! We are now officially ready to buy the house!

I’ve booked a babysitter for the next couple weekends so that J and I get stuff done. Also she is going to be there all day during the 27th so that we don’t have to worry about Ryan when the moving company is working.

I’ve gotten the names of some local contractors for eaves troughs. I’m very curious about how much it’s going to cost….

Anyway, other then that we are going to start packing in earnest now! We have only 10 days until we close and we are going to be working that whole week leading up to the move. Movies and CDs are going to be easy to pack up. I’m thinking that a lot of the kitchen stuff that is little used can be packed as well. I’m getting J to pick me up some big, black, garbage bags so that I can clean out the linen closet tonight or tomorrow.

Hmmm…what else….

We have to buy the primer for painting

Have to buy CLR to clean out the washer, it’s just covered in build up. I’m hoping that we can replace it within a year.

All of my gadgets and paraphernalia from my curio cabinet can be packed away.

*Note to self: Must label EVERYTHING*

I know there is a ton of random stuff in the top of the linen closet that is going to have to be packed.

At least there are two things that I know of that aren’t going to have to be moved to the new house. Ryan had two diaper leaks in the same day. Nix on one of his rugs and my computer chair coming. They are both in the trash. :(

Anyway, must go and get some more lists together. Blog ya later.


Ps – You know that blogging has become my personal scratch pad? I have gone back to that original blog about stuff I have to do about four times to make sure I haven’t forgotten anything! J

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Yay! Something went right! Our line of credit just came online, about a week early! This relieves a lot of pressure off my mind. No we just have to wait for the incompetent ass-clown who has J's money to get it too us from New Brunswick and we're flying! :)

Anyway, only 11 more days! YEHAAAAAAA!!!!



Tuesday, August 02, 2005


I got a pinched nerve in my neck this morning lifting the Boy out of the car. I couldn’t turn my head, couldn’t lift my arms above my head, it sucks. I think to myself, “Hey, at least it’s massage therapy day at work. I’ll get a rub from Fujio and I’ll be all good.”. Doesn’t he call me to tell me he has to cancel all appointments today because his massage chair got stolen out of his car last night! :(

Anyway, 13 days and counting! The following has been completed:

Carpeting/Laminate ordered and booked for installation

Bought a weed wacker, the “Grass Hog” is it’s name!

Bought our new bed, it went on sale for $70 off so we couldn’t wait.

Got all the Bell stuff set for the move.

Got all my books packed.

J and I both went through all our stuff and did a massive “purge”.

Am going to be starting to pack all the extra sheets and towels in the next couple of days.

Anyway, lots going on. Blog ya later!


Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Happy B-day to MEEEEEEEEE!!!

So I'm hitting 27 today. Not to shabby! :)

Only three weeks until we close on the house....

Only three days until the long weekend and fun in Cobourg with the parents...

Only three years until thirty....*sob*

Life is a bowl of bran flakes...


Kay :)

Sunday, July 24, 2005

New Bedding...


I had a blast this morning! I was going to Sears at the Carlingwood mall to look at shower curtains and ended up getting an entire bedset!

Got there way too early, the parking lot was half empty and I thought to myself I was going to be waiting a while to get into any stores. On my way in I saw this HUGE lineup for Sears. Turns out not only was it Super Sat/Sunday sales but for the first three hundred people through the doors, you got a $20 off coupon! I ended up getting the Aegean Comforter Set , the link is to a different catalogue then Sears but it is the same one. (The whole reason I'm getting brand new bedding is our current bed is going in the basement guest room so our old comforter set is going down there as well. We are getting this bed for the master bedroom.) I got the queen size comforter, the sheet set with pillow cases, and the decorative shams that look like they have the envelope flap. I also replaced all four pillows and got a mattress cover for the guest bed. Now here is the best part, THE DEAL!!!! So in total it came to about $470. If I hadn't gone in today I would have missed the sale and the coupon. If I hadn't gotten the savings it would have come to a grand total of $709 with taxes. CAN YOU IMAGINE!!! My mother somewhere is feeling proud of me and she doesn't know why! :) I'm going to be painting the walls the colour of lavender from the comforter. SO excited about my new bedroom! I think I have a bathroom set with shower curtain pinned down, but I'm still not sure if it is too girly for's got butterflies all over it...hmmm....

Anyway, for other house stuff, J gets to go visit the house AGAIN tomorrow to measure the space for the dishwasher. I'm soooo jealous! I've only been in our house twice! :(

Much love to everyone,


Saturday, July 23, 2005

Galaxy 90's...

I so love this channel on my Expressview! Currently listening to Prince's "Cream".

So for a house update.

ALL PAPERS ARE SIGNED!!! WOOT! We are now in count down stage. August 15th seems just around the corner but is still a million years away. So for the current checklist of things to do:

Get quotes on carpet installation (Was at the Sears flooring place in Carleton Place this morning. Tons of sales so the price shouldn't make us want to slit our wrists...too much.)

Get quotes on eaves-trough installation

Pick out new dishwasher 'cause the one that's there is dead

Get quote on installation/cost of a water softener

Get lawnmower/whipper-snipper

Now playing Britney Spears "Oops I Did It Again"...

Get quote on insullation installation/attic upgrade

Buy new bed and mattress for master bedroom (Ours is going in the guest room in the basement.)

Start the process on getting the utilities turned on for August 15th but not completely switched over until the 27th when weare completely move in.

Get Bell to install new dish for expressview at the new place.

Buy HUGE loads of Mr. Clean and CLR because the people before us did not like soap and water as a combination.

PHEEEW!!!! Well, at least we already have out paint colors picked out. Mom and Dad are going to be so awesome! Dad is totally construction-y and will install our laminate in the front office for J's while I'm painting and Mom is cleaning. It is going to be 2 weeks of HELL, yet satisfying because we're making positive changes to my family's new home. I can't wait for the day when The Boy asks to go outside and I can just let him out the door!

Now playing Chumbawumba "Tubthumpping"

Bye for now!

ps - Happy Anniversary Rae & Jim!!! :)

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Blerg about MSN...

Okay, so if anyone has tried to talk to me for the past two days on MSN I have not been here. Sorry about this. One of J's computers has been automatically logging me in when it is turned on and I didn't know about it. I came upstairs and was turning off the machines for J last night when I saw about four conversations that people has tried to start with me and it looked like I ignored them. SORRY, wasn't here, didn't know I was logged on, would have replied if I had known. :(

Anyway, quick update. My parents are coming up today because the house inspection is tomorrow. Not only would I have wanted my Dad to be here for it we had a daycare conflict. The boy is home with us all next week because our new provider already had a vacation week booked. I didn't want to put the boy into a back up of our back up for one week and screw up his already tenuous routine. Mom will babysit while Daddy and Poppa go see the new house.

Have I mentioned that we are very excited about this? HOLY COW ARE WE EXCITED!!!! We were at Home Depot, or as we call it Home Despot(the home store run by Hitler), twice this weekend. Picked out the possible flooring for the office, got some paint chips and picked the colors for most of the rooms. J is in kitchen heaven going through appliance reviews and picking out what he is going to have in his kitchen! Also, BIG news for me! Instead of getting a cheap new bed for the guest room downstairs, we are going to buy the matching bed frame of our current furniture and a new mattress for us! WOOT and DOUBLE WOOT!!!! I'm not going to be sleeping in a hole anymore! The guests get to!!! :)

Anyway, must go. Got all the vacuuming and tidying done but I still have to mop before the 'rents get here.

Buh bye! :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Signing your life away...

So It's now 10pm and the agent has left. All papers have been screwed up once on behalf of J and I, re-copied, and then correctly signed. (At the exact same moment we both put our initials on the "seller" section of a page. Oh well, nobody's perfect.)

This is a very good reason why I missed M&G, right? Please Teddy/Raevyn, fill me in on the dirt! :)

Anyway, both J and I are doing phoning for lawyers/mortgage/insurance/inspectors tomorrow. Overall, we are looking at moving on Labor Day weekend! YAY LONG WEEKEND!!!!

It's been a great run here at the apartment. I was pregnant here, was proposed to here, brought my baby boy home to his first night here...anyway, there are tons of good memories that include friends and family alike. I can't wait to start making new ones across town.



ps - The boy has new daycare, she is fine, the boy is doing well, everything a-okay on that front.


So we broke and emailed the listing agent that we would go up another $2000. Just to see if they would bite. They did! Anyway, they ended up coming down $1900 themselves. We are EXCITED!

Okay, I'm more then a little bit speechless right now. Just know that we are happy and we are going to be moving before September.

DOH! An-ger-ah, this means that KG is cancelled for me. Wanna use my tent? It's enough for one with space for a VERY good friend. Would be more then willing to lend it to you. Let us know!

Love you all and thanks for all the advice along the way,


Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Smeh on them...

So we didn't get the house. Rather then come down they took the friggin' place off the market. Can you believe it!?! The agent alluded to they are feuding and that they are not sure what they are going to do with the house. Anyway, at least we are preapproved for a mortgage and can now look at our own pace. Blerg.


Saturday, July 09, 2005

Tick tock tick tock...

So we put an offer on the was turned down. The people came down all of $400 dollars from their asking price. NOT acceptable considering they didn't take good care of the place and we are going to have to replace/rip out and put down hardwood before we can move in. We are going to let them stew for a week before coming back with our last offer. They really don't have much choice, they have had the place on the market for a month and a half and we are the first offer. She took a new job in Deep River and is already there! He is only there on the weekends to keep it "warm" so to speak. Anyway, we want this place. It's perfect for our needs, and it's spacious enough that we won't feel hemmed in. Anyway, will update when we have more news...


Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Okay, J and I have now been officially pre-approved for our mortgage.


When Mom and Dad and us go through the house tomorrow we can make a conditional offer on the house.

Once again, HOLY SHIT!

By for now!


DUM DUM DUUUUUUUM *evil music*

So I have a real update to do. To start off, my baby.

Ryan is at home right now mostly because he has the croup. He woke me up at 4am barking like a seal so I got up and turned the humidifier on and shut his door so he would be in his own personal rain forest. Of course I couldn’t get back to sleep because of all the stress that has been going on for the past two days.

Part ONE

Ryan’s new daycare provider sucks. I have taken him there a total of twice and both mornings the basement door is closed, the kids are downstairs and chickie is upstairs with the tv on. I don’t know if she is just waiting for the other kids to show, or if her husband is sleeping because he works late and she wants to keep the noise down or what. All I know is I don’t like it. I called Wee Watch yesterday and told the boss about what I had seen for the past two days and the first and only word out of her mouth was “Unacceptable!”. They are sending the monthly inspector by today, but I am not sending my baby back there. I can’t knowingly consign him to basement living. He will be home for the rest of the week sick anyway but even if he had been well I would have only let him stay one more day just so that he would have been there for the inspector. Will blog more later about interviewing new people.

Part TWO

My office mate nearly lost her house on Monday. Let me give you the scoop about these people: one part crazy, three parts stupid. They moved into their house back in December, in fact, I helped to move them in. At the time J and I were basically taking bets on when they would get themselves into trouble financially. They bought the place with 0% down, got a line of credit to pay off ANOTHER line of credit with another bank from the last time they consolidated all their debt after they sold their last house to move in with their in-laws because they couldn’t afford to keep it because….Oh Fuck. ANYWAY. They kept saying, “Oh yeah, we are going to be so on the edge, but we can do it. We can cut back and not spend money.”. So they did things like, buy a third car for the parts, sink four grand into the other car that is only on the road during the summer, there was even a day when she got her friggin’ hair cut with money from the line of credit because they were short on cash. Not to mention they put one of their two sons into hockey for the bargain price of $300. The credit line is now maxed, all $12,000 of it. What a shock. So she gets a call from her bank on Monday, it turns out that they have been only paying the interest on this thing since they got it. That’s the way the lady at the bank explained it to them, that it's okay to just put the interest on it. But now the bank is saying that she didn’t know what she was talking about and now they need 3% plus interest. So the payment is from $80 to $380 or something like that. For the rest of the day all I can hear is her hyperventilating in the corner about how they can’t afford that and they are going to lose the house. The next day a solution has presented itself, her husband can basically do as much overtime as he wants so it he does four hours, four times a week they can make the new payment. Of course, they don’t want to punish their son for their mistakes so he is still going into hockey this winter.....*sigh*


J said yes to looking at a house. … … I KNOW!!! HE SAID YES!!! We went last night and looked at it.

We love it far more then we thought we would. Dad and Mom are coming up Thursday night to look at it. If they give us the high sign we are going to put an offer in. Of course we now have to go get pre-approved for a mortgage, find a lawyer, get the down payment out of the locked investment…

Will do more info about this later when I know more about what is going on.

Anyway, all of this combined in two days let me go to sleep after midnight, the boy had me up at 4am, I found J on the couch upstairs sleeping so I woke him and led him back downstairs and put him to bed, and I couldn’t get back to sleep. I got to work at friggin’ 6am. Slightly crunchy eyed but I would have been anyway if I had stayed in bed killing time listening to J snore.

I will be back again sometime before the end of the week.

Hugs to all!


Monday, July 04, 2005

Damn, Damn, Damn...

I am so not happy right now. I'll fill you in on the back story.

Sam, our daycare provider, has left us for the summer. Her father is ill in Venezuela so she has taken all 6 of her kids and gone there for the summer. No problem, I of all people know about family emergencies. Well and good, but this means Ryan is with someone new for the summer. We started with Ham today. I walk up to the door with Ryan and all his stuff and ring the bell. She is sitting in her living room watching daytime television. Okay, I think to myself that, the other kids must not be there yet. Oh no, they are all downstairs...with the basement door she opens the door and Ryan toddles down there to play with the toys. Am I freaking for no reason? Am I the only one who is wondering how much supervision is going on there?

So I cry my way to work and get myself under control enough to get inside and start the wait. Is she going to call? is he going to be freaking out? I don't know. All I know is she is not Sam and I am not happy! :(

I call at 9:30 and she said that the Boy had a little cry and asked for me, but after she told him that I was at work and would come at the end of the day he calmed down. He was having a snack of cheese and crackers when I was on the phone with her. Anyway, if I'm not more comfortable by the end of the week I'm calling Wee Watch and saying WTF!


Thursday, June 30, 2005

Noo Nee Noo Nee Noo Nee

So I have been a monstrous butthead and have not updated here in days and days. I know! How cruel of me to deny you insight into my warped take on life! How dare I take away your only form of entertainment! Oh well, if I can get over myself, you can get over my ignoring you. :D

Anyway, to start off, Holy F&*K it is hot out! We have two air conditioner, two ceiling fans, and two stand alone fans and is it cool in my house? NOPE! For crying out loud, it’s been like this for a week! We are going to my parents place in hopes of staying cool over the long weekend. Can’t wait to see my mom and dad, I don’t see them enough and I know they miss the boy more then they miss me. I’m okay with this because I know how great my little guy is!

Speaking of the little guy, he has been home with J for a week now because he broke out in what we suspect was Chicken Pox. Still not sure if it was, because he is happier the a pig in poop. Pelting around the house, destroying this and that, spottier then normal though.

I’ve decided to give pottery a break for now. I just seem so busy at home, I’m cleaning more, and J is hooked on Age of Mythology again so we are on the computer more together. Oh well, I still have a pile of clay to get through so I know I’ll be back in the fall or winter.

Weight watchers is going okay. Am up to 29 pounds lost and counting. J is doing great with it as well with 10 pounds gone.

Anyway, must go home as start packing for the trip to Mom and Dad’s.

Happy Canada Day!


Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Vol. 3 - Real Conversations Between Real Married People - MSN version

K says:
Which looks more professional/sexy:
My "martha" dress that's red orange and white back ground
Orange top and green skirt?

J says:
just a second. professional/sexy? Isn't that two different things?

K says:
Nope, it's like wanting to do your secretary...

K says:
I don't want to look like a whore, just a little slutty, but respectable.

J says:
I guess it's time to subscribe to Respectable Slut magazine and check the fashion tips

K says:
Okay, let's try this, which one do you like better?

J says:
the orange and green, I guess

K says:
Thank you

J says:
If we're done, I'm going to go do my secretary now.

Monday, June 20, 2005

tick tock tick tock

Yes I know I have been very delinquent in updating here. Just so much to do.

Had people over on Saturday night, went out with the family to another place on Sunday, got the house mostly cleaned, yes J I plan to mop the kitchen tonight, and finished balling friggin' socks for 2 boys and myself at 11:15 last night. Laundry! THY PAIN IS NEVER ENDING!!!! :(


Anyway, am on lunch, might do an update later.

The Wife

Monday, June 13, 2005

Double Blurg Soaked in Cat Pee

Oh holy hell my eyes are crunchy. Here goes, am going to bullet this just to get it out there and I may or may not flesh this out later depending on mood/time.

- Weekend was awesome, parents are fantastic, the boy was great, and I love my husband

- Didn't mention on Friday that I had booked the car in to be fixed because of "noisy" steering. Turns out I had to get a new "Rack and Pinion". What ever the hell that is, it is costing my family $1200. I embrace the debt as Jodel says. So after not sleeping all night last night in anticipation of getting up early and getting on the road, I have myself up at 5:15am and the rest of the family up, packed and driving by 6:25am. Damn I hurt. So we get into the 'Mont at about 9:30am, drop the husband off, take the boy to day care and drive in to Capital Dodge. All good, they take Barney and drop me off at Bayshore. I piss away the entire friggin' day (Even though I asked if this was going to go pat 4pm, and could I get my rental now?) at the friggin' mall. I get back to the dealership at 3:30pm and the car is not close to being ready. So they set me up with the rental for the night. I would like to take this time to say driving home a brand new Dodge Dakota, Quad cab, V8 truck makes you feel like a MAN! Even though I have boobies. I love it and it was the only good thing to happen today.

- Now having lost the day to sit on my ass at the Mall, I now have to go and start on all the chores I had planned to do during today.

Will blog when I'm in a better mood.



HEY! I almost forgot! One of the reasons I love my husband is he is a fantastic chef! HE MADE ME VEGETARIAN CURRY FOR DINNER!!! So perked me up, love you sweetie!

The Wife

ps - Yes, my husband deals with my violent mood swings rather well! :)

Friday, June 10, 2005

A week in review...

So it is Friday! YIPPEE!!! This week has been hugely busy...which is my excuse that I’m sticking to for not blogging sooner. Let’s see, where to start….

Saturday: Went shopping with my good buddy K. The both of us needed some new summer clothes so off we went to Bayshore. Much laughter was had when the woman in Eddie Bauer offered to let us share the change room. We politely thanked her but said we were friends but not that kind of friends. Bought another skirt...hmmm...I guess it's true, I am a girl! :)

Sunday: Went to Raevyn’s for dinner and had a ball. My Monster was a good boy running around after her kids. Who by the way are exceptional little people! Great manners, took care of The Boy like he was one of them, fantastic respect for the parents, AWESOME KIDS! Dinner was great except for The Boy not wanting to eat with us because he had filled up on crackers. Otherwise, great fun and am looking forward to seeing them all again! No Raevyn we aren't mentioning getting lost driving to the 'Prior! :(

Monday: A) Skipped out on Pottery because it was too damn hot. Also, am needing a break from it. It has become work instead of fun. I’m not open to learning new things right now. I just want to make my soccer balls, crank out a few dozen mugs and not have to deal with anyone. Oh well, will go back to just being a studio potter for a while and if I feel like it will get lessons again over the winter.

B) Went for my jog and was in a bit of pain. My knee was killing me so I only did one little stretch of running and did not feel better for doing it. Uh oh.

Tuesday: After work went straight to the doctor. My knee was completely fooked. It would not take weight going down stairs, overall a feeling of swollen numbness. Turns out I have micro tears in my meniscus. I know! I didn’t know I had one of those either! Also, I have two of them! Translation: In my knee cartilage. So after I got the word that I wouldn’t be jogging for the next four days I immediately went to Motion Wear at the Hazeldean mall and bought myself new running shoes. My Asics Cumulus were getting worn down and they were a couple of years old. So I got my assessment done on my stride, the wear pattern on the bottom of my shoes, and it turns out my feet are perfect! They don’t pronate, souponate (I have no idea of the spelling of these terms. It means my ankles don’t lean out in either direction.) and my arches are beautiful. SO, I ended up getting a brand new pair of the exact same shoe that I already owned! Asics Cumulus IV! Love them! Have yet to use them but I’m sure it will be an improvement.

Wednesday: Had to drive back into town after work again to get more diapers at Walmart, go to Bell World to get the car charger for my cell phone, and then head down to the pavilion to the Pagan M&G. Got all my errands done and was driving down Carling on my way to the M&G when I get stopped at the light across from the hospital. Out of the corner of my eye I can see some woman strutting her stuff across the intersection and I turn my head to see who is putting on the moves…IT’S MEL!!! My martini partner from previous posts! She hops in the car and we chat up to Prince of Wales Drive where I drop her off to catch the 85 bus and I head to pavilion. Overall, it was a good night. I got to see Ted, Tanya, Morris, and met someone new who seems like an awesome person, Marie. I have decided to take all of my forays into paganism as an educational experience. MyFriendAnge tm is pagan and I don’t want to sound like an ignorant twit so I want to learn. I have figured out that religion as a whole does not appeal to me. I’m very willing to learn but am not eager to be practicing. Anyway, ‘nuff said on that subject.

Thursday: Hung around the house and did some laundry. The boy didn't want to go to sleep until after 10:40. Poor boy was so tired this morning! After we got him dressed he climbed back into bed with his Bunny. He did go to day care but was very quiet and droopy.

Friday: Tonight the family and I leave for Cobourg. Should be a great weekend with the family. I’m going to be seeing both of my girl friends from high school so it will be a ball!

Anyway, much love to you, my readers.

Peace out, yo muthuh, buh bye and all that good stuff!